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    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from life_eclectic in New here   
    Welcome Allie! This is a great place to be, the TDN Forums has a diverse group of members from all different backgrounds and this is where I grow and learn. Since you like fashion, you should try our Runway contest (http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/47386-enter-the-runway-22/#entry816558 ) #22 going on now. The game guides on TDN really are helpful, there are plot guides and if JS could put something together, maybe we'll have something more to chat about that (*hint to no one in particular*). :shiftyeyes_anim:  Anyway, your interests seem to be a nice reflection of you and I think you'll find other members here that share your interests, so I'm glad you joined!  :woot:
    I also sent you a Welcome package based on your pets which included some battledome equipment, if you are into that (if not, just sell those items). TDN has an excellent Battledome Guide and really experienced players with great advice. 
    Welcome, again! Happy Gaming!  :rock:
  2. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from Nielo in Better Than You? Is there something I missed...?   
    This week's Better Than You (starting from Wed., 9/7/16) is beating Isca's score of 110,000 at Whirlpool ( http://www.neopets.com/games/game.phtml?game_id=927). If you use TDN's Game Guide (http://thedailyneopets.com/neopets-games/whirlpool ) in another tab and go Level by Level, reading the guide & using the screenies, you can win 3,000 np & get an Arkmite (Maraquan petpet) and a 3rd place trophy. I got 119,392 on it by following the guide, and I am a slow gamer! 
    Good Luck everyone! Happy Gaming!  :rock:
  3. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Nielo in Neopets Account Help   
    In addition to what Mouseykins said, you can also just use the Soup Faerie to feed your pets (it's what I've been doing, works just fine for me, since there are no (well, hardly any) NP on my side accounts).
    Also both TDN and JellyNeo have really useful articles on what you can/can't do with side accounts. :)
  4. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Mouseykins in Neopets Account Help   
    You actually can use the trading post to shuffle items and neopoints to your sides. Openly declaring your side account won't do any good. TNT does not look at that when they decide to freeze or warn. As long as you follow the rules of not earning any neopoints or items on your side account you are safe. Additionally you cannot participate in events either, with the exception of the NC Mall stuff. I hope this answers your questions. :)
  5. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from Musical_Shoyru in Giving Away Items   
    Is it too late to be added in? I like free stuff too! You are so generous Musical_Shoyru, thank you for another fun event to look forward to (even if I'm too late to be included)! TDN Forum IS the place to be! ;)
    8/4/16 Hey alexinwonderland, I sent you a Pet Package to try to make up for having 'missed' the Christmas in July event we had on the Forum. Keep or sell the pet related items, whatever helps you and if you had your heart set on something to help your collection/gallery/goal to getting accomplished, either message me, post it, or nm on NP and I will do my best to fulfill what I can!  :santa:
  6. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to hrtbrk in Daily puzzle   
    It appears that Country Queen has gone back to school so we are unsure if she is updating in her limited free time or if Neopets has hired a new person to take her place and they haven't gotten used to all the updating yet.
  7. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Lainey in ★ New here! ★   
    Hi, I'm Lainey.
    I'm also known as "Laineybot" and wife of YouTuber "Onision." We have a beautiful little baby boy, his name is Troy. I'm also new to reports, I'm new in two different sites haha! Feel free and ask questions? I'm usually dotting around my Twitter, Facebook, here, and on neopets. Oh! I'm also saving up, again. I'm saving up for a transparent Aisha. Requires getting a transparent paint brush heehee. I also have a baby Aisha -- I love aishas!
  8. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to deboratibi in Announcing The Runway #21 Winners!   
    And the winners of The Runway's twenty-first round are...
    1st Place

    Space Grundo

    Animation link: https://impress.open...outfits/1225082

    Green Grundo

    Animation link: https://impress.open...outfits/1227971
    2nd Place

    This Way to Adventure!

    Animation link: https://impress.open...outfits/1226852
    "Life is either a great adventure, or nothing."
    3rd Place

    Hecks Yeah, Grundos are Glorious!

    Animation link: https://impress.open...outfits/1225600
    Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who participated!
  9. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to .Brianna. in What's your Achievement today?   
    Thanks! I bought it. I'm not one for restocking or anything like that haha
    And thanks to today's random trophy script time I managed to add 2 new bronze trophies (Dice of Destiny + Chemistry for Beginners) to my collection!
  10. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to CylonPirate in What's your Achievement today?   
    Today's early script earned me silver in both tyranu evavu and tunnel tumble
  11. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to S_A in New Game Released: AAAs Revenge   
    YAY!!!! I am only one game away from getting the games avatar! They need to make just one more game!!!
    Never mind that, thanks to TDN's handy games check off guide, I found that I had not sent a score in for the Lab Jelly game. I am now a top gamer!!! WOOT! :happydance:
  12. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to coley in The Runway Votes #21   
    We do need to show Grundos more love, but all of the submissions this week are excellent! I'm having a hard time choosing which to vote for.  :thumbsup: It's a good problem.
  13. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Finn the Human in Better Than You? Is there something I missed...?   
    The highest scores were around 17000 at the time the contest was started. Today is reset day so not too many people will have scores that high.
  14. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from Nielo in The Backstage: Alternative Entries!   
    Here is my Orange Grundo, Paprika_love, fighting off her adoring fans : http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1228688
        I would dress her up for a night out on the town like this: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1228689

    Grundos can be glamorous!  :laughingsmiley:  :rock:
  15. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to .Brianna. in What's your Achievement today?   
    Finally completed my first stamp album page! ^_^
  16. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from S_A in The Runway Votes #21   
    I forgot to enter and I have an orange grundo! :sad01_anim: Got a bit busy, high school is a lot of work, even for 9th grade. But I will look again at the entries and choose the one I like. Good Luck to everyone who entered!  :rambo:
    Thanks S_A, I put my Grundo with her online look and then dressed her up on the Backstage Alternatives thread!  :rock:
  17. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Duma in Newish to Battledome - 1 Player Advice   
    And like has been said above too, Koi warrior (and giant mutant walein) give lots of codestones. I have kept track of my winnings and I really did win more codestones at the water dome. I don't have access to the numbers atm but I do remember it being slightly more normal codestones for Walein and slightly more red ones for Koi. I tested each opponent for at least a week. There was a post on this forum about it too. When I have time, I'll search for it and post the url here in this post.
    By winning codestones you win the very thing you need to complete your trainings. (You win dubloons as well) or you can sell what you don't need to buy the ones you need.
  18. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to life_eclectic in Another comic legend has passed. :(   
    When I first read this, I thought it was about someone with comic books, but either way it is of concern to me. Ialso grew up watching films starring Gene, I love Young Frankenstein and of course Willy Wonka, but my favorite is actually his portrayal of the fox in The Little Prince. Not as big or well kown roll, but I always loved the story as a kid and still do. I love every version, however that movie has a special place for me and his portrayal was so heartfelt and beautiful.
    I also think it's true he is with Gilda. I don't think he really ever got over her loss. I think they are soulmates, so now they are together =')
  19. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to S_A in Another comic legend has passed. :(   
    I was gutted when I read that he had passed. Young Frankenstein has always been my favorite Halloween movie...and don't get me started on Blazing Saddles and Willy Wonka. :crying_blow:
    One of my favorite quotes (and it's on the wall o' quotes in my art studio) is from him: "That's all I wanted: for someone to look at me and listen to me, but in some beautiful and artistic way." </3 He will be sorely missed.
  20. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to xd0rkus58 in Another comic legend has passed. :(   
    I'm so sad! I LOVE Gene Wilder! Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is one of my favorite movies. Just last weekend it was on TV and my boyfriend and I were saying how there is no one that could have been a better original Willy Wonka. I just can't believe he passed. I hope he's at peace, and now he's with Gilda. <3 
  21. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Aquamentis12 in Another comic legend has passed. :(   
    I just learned of this.... and it is so sad. :( One of my favorite comics, Gene Wilder, has died. Apparently due to complications from Alzheimer's. :(
    Coincidentally, I just got in from some errands, where I HAPPENED to see a dvd of his movie with Richard Pryor (one of several they did together), See no Evil, Hear no Evil.
    It's sad that he's gone now, but, since he was battling Alzheimer's I can't be too sad... I mean, that stuff is brutal. My late grandfather had dementia, but not Alz, which is worse. So, at least Mr. Wilder isn't suffering anymore, and he's probably got those skies above howling with laughter already. He was such a funny person, and such a great entertainer.
    He will definitely be missed. :(
  22. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from life_eclectic in In a very strange place   
    Thank you Naamah, for being brave to post what you have been through and how you feel. I am sorry that you got bullied and had ppl try to tell you how you should be. Since I've just started high school, I don't have the over-coming, victorious stories to share (...yet) but truly appreciate the advice S_A and enitul gave you bc, like the lurker I am, I benefit by reading others' posts of experiences I can't even imagine. I admire these warrior princesses, S_A and enitul, for overcoming their unfair and harsh treatment and am grateful for the hope that they revealed that there is life after high school and it doesn't have to be a popularity contest with unfair rules that never ends. :sad01_anim:
    My mom, who became a scientist told us that when she was in her 5th grade year she had a male teacher who sent the girls outside to play jump rope while the boys did Science with the teacher, giving the girls "automatic" Bs and the boys "automatic" As. She said she hid by the window sill outside and watched the boys do Science and it annoyed her that she wasn't "allowed" to do Science. Then there was a day when the boys had been given the bones of 3 animals that the teacher didn't tell them what they were and had put them into groups to put those bones together. After a half hour, the boys gave up and my mom went around the corner of the wall as the boys came out with a kickball to play with their teacher. Then she went in and she figured out that they had the skeletons of a chicken, mink, and a frog, looked up a picture of each animal in an encyclopedia, and put all 3 skeletons together alone, before anyone got back to the room. When the teacher and class came back to the room, they saw the completed skeletons and my mom sitting at her desk and got angry that she "ruined" their Science project. Even the teacher was annoyed with her and asked her how did she put the skeletons together. When she told him that she based the skeletons on the pictures of the animals she looked up the teacher said, "Oh, so you cheated!" And the whole class for the rest of the year called her a "cheater" (made absolutely no sense, right?). Skip to that the rest of her school years she made sure she took Science courses and majored in Biological Sciences in college and went on to do Electron Microscopy at Yale University for the head of NIH and worked with a famous doctor (Dr. George Palade who won the Nobel Peace Prize for discovering the golgi body complex of cells in 1974) because she decided that no one has the right to tell you what you can or cannot do or be. Weird, right? Can't even imagine that she had to fight her way to take Science bc girls were told that they couldn't do it in the 1970's here in the US. So, while I am still clueless on most things, I do know that- You have to be you and if the ppl around you don't get that, find other ppl who even if they don't get you, they let you be you. Peace out! :rock:  
  23. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from rntracy1 in In a very strange place   
    Thank you Naamah, for being brave to post what you have been through and how you feel. I am sorry that you got bullied and had ppl try to tell you how you should be. Since I've just started high school, I don't have the over-coming, victorious stories to share (...yet) but truly appreciate the advice S_A and enitul gave you bc, like the lurker I am, I benefit by reading others' posts of experiences I can't even imagine. I admire these warrior princesses, S_A and enitul, for overcoming their unfair and harsh treatment and am grateful for the hope that they revealed that there is life after high school and it doesn't have to be a popularity contest with unfair rules that never ends. :sad01_anim:
    My mom, who became a scientist told us that when she was in her 5th grade year she had a male teacher who sent the girls outside to play jump rope while the boys did Science with the teacher, giving the girls "automatic" Bs and the boys "automatic" As. She said she hid by the window sill outside and watched the boys do Science and it annoyed her that she wasn't "allowed" to do Science. Then there was a day when the boys had been given the bones of 3 animals that the teacher didn't tell them what they were and had put them into groups to put those bones together. After a half hour, the boys gave up and my mom went around the corner of the wall as the boys came out with a kickball to play with their teacher. Then she went in and she figured out that they had the skeletons of a chicken, mink, and a frog, looked up a picture of each animal in an encyclopedia, and put all 3 skeletons together alone, before anyone got back to the room. When the teacher and class came back to the room, they saw the completed skeletons and my mom sitting at her desk and got angry that she "ruined" their Science project. Even the teacher was annoyed with her and asked her how did she put the skeletons together. When she told him that she based the skeletons on the pictures of the animals she looked up the teacher said, "Oh, so you cheated!" And the whole class for the rest of the year called her a "cheater" (made absolutely no sense, right?). Skip to that the rest of her school years she made sure she took Science courses and majored in Biological Sciences in college and went on to do Electron Microscopy at Yale University for the head of NIH and worked with a famous doctor (Dr. George Palade who won the Nobel Peace Prize for discovering the golgi body complex of cells in 1974) because she decided that no one has the right to tell you what you can or cannot do or be. Weird, right? Can't even imagine that she had to fight her way to take Science bc girls were told that they couldn't do it in the 1970's here in the US. So, while I am still clueless on most things, I do know that- You have to be you and if the ppl around you don't get that, find other ppl who even if they don't get you, they let you be you. Peace out! :rock:  
  24. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from charelan in In a very strange place   
    Thank you Naamah, for being brave to post what you have been through and how you feel. I am sorry that you got bullied and had ppl try to tell you how you should be. Since I've just started high school, I don't have the over-coming, victorious stories to share (...yet) but truly appreciate the advice S_A and enitul gave you bc, like the lurker I am, I benefit by reading others' posts of experiences I can't even imagine. I admire these warrior princesses, S_A and enitul, for overcoming their unfair and harsh treatment and am grateful for the hope that they revealed that there is life after high school and it doesn't have to be a popularity contest with unfair rules that never ends. :sad01_anim:
    My mom, who became a scientist told us that when she was in her 5th grade year she had a male teacher who sent the girls outside to play jump rope while the boys did Science with the teacher, giving the girls "automatic" Bs and the boys "automatic" As. She said she hid by the window sill outside and watched the boys do Science and it annoyed her that she wasn't "allowed" to do Science. Then there was a day when the boys had been given the bones of 3 animals that the teacher didn't tell them what they were and had put them into groups to put those bones together. After a half hour, the boys gave up and my mom went around the corner of the wall as the boys came out with a kickball to play with their teacher. Then she went in and she figured out that they had the skeletons of a chicken, mink, and a frog, looked up a picture of each animal in an encyclopedia, and put all 3 skeletons together alone, before anyone got back to the room. When the teacher and class came back to the room, they saw the completed skeletons and my mom sitting at her desk and got angry that she "ruined" their Science project. Even the teacher was annoyed with her and asked her how did she put the skeletons together. When she told him that she based the skeletons on the pictures of the animals she looked up the teacher said, "Oh, so you cheated!" And the whole class for the rest of the year called her a "cheater" (made absolutely no sense, right?). Skip to that the rest of her school years she made sure she took Science courses and majored in Biological Sciences in college and went on to do Electron Microscopy at Yale University for the head of NIH and worked with a famous doctor (Dr. George Palade who won the Nobel Peace Prize for discovering the golgi body complex of cells in 1974) because she decided that no one has the right to tell you what you can or cannot do or be. Weird, right? Can't even imagine that she had to fight her way to take Science bc girls were told that they couldn't do it in the 1970's here in the US. So, while I am still clueless on most things, I do know that- You have to be you and if the ppl around you don't get that, find other ppl who even if they don't get you, they let you be you. Peace out! :rock:  
  25. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to suzanoberle in In a very strange place   
    Naamah  You're making the right step by thinking about this.  Hair and clothes  and stuff from Pottery Barn don't make people happy or popular.  Think about who those "other" people are that you think are popular.  I guarantee, they probably feel left out and unpopular a lot of the time too.  No one's life is perfect.  
    Go and get your degree, work on becoming the person you want to be ON THE INSIDE.  Once you learn to like yourself (yes it's hard but it is possible), then you'll be finally happy and be the person you want to be. Life really is the journey, not the destination.   Don't blame your unhappiness on being bullied....nearly everyone feels bullied sometimes.  Don't believe what they said, or you give them even more power over you.  Focus on your future, not your past. You're done with that so let it make you stronger and move on. You can.
     midnight_spell360     Congrats to your mom on her successes--it sounds like she's a wonderful role model.  I'm a scientist (PhD in molecular biology) too, and while I never met Dr. Palade, I have met about half a dozen other Nobel prize winners and famous scientists, including Dr. Crick (Watson and Crick) and Jonas Salk (polio vaccine) before they passed.  Girls really can grow up to do anything they want!  
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