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Everything posted by midnight_spell360

  1. Wouldn't it be funny if the Creeper DID shoot your Pet with a miniature laser beam bc that Creepy Kookith is part of the Revenge of the Pounded Pets plot and your Pet became a petpet version of itself?
  2. A Desert Vandagyre?! That IS Beautiful! Ms. Peppa needs Desert clothes! @Angeló Thank you SO MUCH!!! Ms_Peppa LVES her Queenly clothes! and 16B will be coming back as a Pirate Eyrie to try for Desert clothes for an Eyrie!
  3. Today makes up for my stolen property- Neopets 21st Birthday Goodie Bag!!! I love that Grundo Plushie, & maybe some day...I'll get the Avatar.
  4. REALLY? Are we starting this routine up again!!! It's an Ever-Losing-Battle! You know, I submitted a Caption to the Caption Contest for this month about these THIEVES! Unaccepted Caption for Current Caption Contest Tuskaninny: Aaahh! Since when did Mystery Island get a Log Flume Ride? ARE WE GOING OVER A HUGE WATERFALL?! Kiko: So, according to the Kiko Lake Donation Guidebook , would you like to donate a 200 Dubloon Coin for a parachute to land safely or a One Dubloon Coin for water wings & hope for the best?
  5. Welcome, @natvv I hope you are finding your experience returning to Neopets enjoyable and joining TDN Forums to be helpful. @jellysundae Add that red Gelert to the Pack of Revenge of the Pounded Pets! Look out, jelly, this one is holding a grudge!
  6. Yeah, I agree. I looked at that armour and thought, "Oh, my Tuareg relatives dress like this!" I love how JS/TNT appropriates culture without a care!
  7. This sounds troubling, like the stuff of nightmares! Perhaps this will be the next Plot: Revenge of the Pounded Pets?
  8. @Angeló a RED Vandagyre you say? Looks like a Red Tide at the Secret Laboratory this week!
  9. I would like to recommend a documentary (TDN doesn't ban this word, right?) movie found on Hulu that is based on a book by the same title: Far From the Tree. A man who found himself to be what society and his family deemed to be "not normal" and he wanted to look at other families with a child with different challenges (which also causes society/families to label these differences as "not normal") and it was very eye-opening for me to be able to see these different ppl and see their life experiences and I hope that I learned to accept ppl as they are, to respect them as they are and not try to hold them to society's standards to feel that these "differences" should be changed to make these ppl "fit in" or be "normal". I admired that the man who wrote this book and made this movie did not only focus on his "difference" but looked at many different families with a child not seen by society (and some times their families) as "normal". 

  10. I didn't know where to post this and while we are no longer being "locked down"-we still are NOT back to "normal" (and I guess there really will never be a way to "go back" and we must move forward to create our "new normal"). I would like to recommend a documentary (TDN doesn't ban this word, right?) movie found on Hulu that is based on a book by the same title: Far From the Tree. A man who found himself to be what society and his family deemed to be "not normal" and he wanted to look at other families with a child with different challenges (which also causes society/families to label these differences as "not normal") and it was very eye-opening for me to be able to see these different ppl and see their life experiences and I hope that I learned to accept ppl as they are, to respect them as they are and not try to hold them to society's standards to feel that these "differences" should be changed to make these ppl "fit in" or be "normal". I admired that the man who wrote this book and made this movie did not only focus on his "difference" but looked at many different families with a child not seen by society (and some times their families) as "normal". Anyway, if this is the wrong place - please move this to the right thread! Thanks!
  11. @jellysundae So ruojk is a How Now Red Kau? Well, at least you can get a milkshake out of this Zap!
  12. @Granny63020 OK, dear lady-you SWAYED me to your Faction!
  13. It's Ok, thanks for doing this for us! I'm just glad that this let's me know that you are still around. Hmm... what to pick? What to pick? The Sway... where wealth and power reigns supreme . Awakened...where supernatural eeriness reigns supreme. Or The Order of Red where arrogance reigns supreme . Can you tell that I'm having a hard time choosing?
  14. I agree with Granny, if you are choosing to change the Pastel Peophin vs. the Water Peophin- I agree to change the Pastel Peophin bc I really love the water Peophin & hope it stays Water. It's just my opinion, but I think it makes the most sense. Good Luck, Big bro! Go for the Toy of your Dreams!
  15. Sorry, but that thought made me very sad! Which, again, I know is silly bc our Pets are virtual and all their actions and emotions are not "real" but it still gripped me as "that is so sad!"
  16. Thank you, Kokariia LVES it! She really is a Pirate KI Fan Girl!
  17. @enitul Thank you for your generosity & kindness! If the Krawk Island Team Foam Finger is still available, I would like to have it. Would you like a Dyeworks Pink: Boba Tea Cup or Dyeworks Green: Boba Tea Cup or Sitting Ona Birthday Cake NC trade for it? (I have multiples of these but limited gift boxes) My username is the same here: midnight_spell360 Thank you again!
  18. @Angeló Now this is what should be called a darkinvention !
  19. You just described my mom's entire family, including an Aunt who is a nurse! Especially now with the Delta variant-the ppl who are being hospitalized & dying in the US are the unvaccinated! My mom's family had a "reunion" that they expected her (and her children) to attend -a 30+ ppl event being held in a park but no one vaccinated & everyone refusing to wear masks! When my mom was first invited, she asked if any of her siblings who work in the hospital and schools were vaccinated and got blasted on their GroupMe chat like nobody's business. Then, she apologized for offending their rights to remain unvaccinated and asked if the CDC guidelines about wearing masks would be followed-especially for my Nana who is 79 yr.s old and not vaccinated (her other daughters told her that vaccines were bad) and poor mom got blasted again. So my mom gave up trying to get them to understand that this was an unsafe gathering and just deleted all the "conversation" and any "notifications" until my youngest Aunt called my mom to blast her one more time about how horrible a daughter she was for not coming to see Nana (her mom). Bc my mom was just listening to my Aunt screaming at her on the phone, (we could hear my Aunt's disgusting taunts & shaming), my older sister walked over to my mom, took it out of her hand, & told my aunt "You don't get to yell at my mother like this. I'm hanging up now and don't call back!" It is so crazy that they are this way and are so ready to fight us about the vaccine but won't even take simple precautions to keep my Nana from getting this disease. Why are they so toxic? *shrug* I guess I'll never understand it but it really does tear up a family.
  20. While playing Scarab 21, the Techo Master shows up (I know he misses his best pupil, my Kokariia, who trains at the Ninja School bc she can no longer train at Island Training School, she GRADUATED! ) and... WHAT codestones, Dude? What are you talking about? I will need Good Luck with your Invisible Codestones! Of course the codestones are Zeds, they just happen to be invisible. You don't believe me? But you gave them to me, remember?
  21. Usually it's maybe 1,000 , so seeing 2,393 NP? Are you really bad at your job? This seems like really bad accounting going on! I picture the paper to be my NP this guy isn't keeping track of. See, I know I should be happy to get this big NP boost , but my anxiety kicks in with, "Why was there so much NP missing in the first place!"
  22. Double Dunces! That should be an Avatar for sure!
  23. Just compare this to this , my sibling's Lupe has it with her. Anyway, playing against Kiko Lake is like playing with a field of possessed yooyuballs!! ! I guess that guy DOES need a hug!
  24. @Angeló I honestly thought that this was a Darigan Citadel Yooyuball at first!
  25. Wow, @Granny63020That is quite a collection-almost like a box of chocolates! Or trick-or-treat candy ! But you must have the biggest heart to try to make so many ppl happy! You are AWESOME! Thank You!
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