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Everything posted by midnight_spell360

  1. OH NO!!! Could it be...Dundundun...the prelude to Revenge of the Pounded Pets that Lab Rats/Pets we Zap (a lot) are "ditching" their petpets in preparation for a Plot/Battle?
  2. I may be overworked and running on 19 Achyfis, but I can still count! If you want the Random Events machine to work again, I still need: Volcanic Rock x2 Toy Sailboat x1 Blandfish x1 Not bad for having all these items in my SDB! Yay!
  3. Exploring Tyrannian Petpets... Horus approx. 2,000 NP + Tyrannian Petpet Paint Brush approx. 160,000 NP = 162,000 NP Slorg approx. 3,000 NP + Tyrannian Petpet Paint Brush approx. 160,000 NP = 163,000 NP Both are very close in "investment" & yet they are both cool petpets to have...Well now I HAVE to have them BOTH, right? Hey, Horus! Do we have the same barber/stylist?
  4. Grandma, what happened to your HAIR? It's not there or anywhere! Don't you care?
  5. @jellysundae Aww! Now I WANT a Tyrannian Horus with those freaky arms!!!Thanks, jelly!
  6. I agree, that is a great customization that at least offers the Grundo something not related to Space, not that all Grundos' outfits are space-related and definitely better than looking like Shrek .
  7. @Angeló The Enabler Well, darkinvention probably forgot he was ElderlyBoy!
  8. WoW! Who knew that Sakmet Solitaire in boredom could be rewarded?! Not this guy!
  9. Now that I think about it, this is how my DAD looks because he wears his kifayah (man's scarf ) around his neck to pull up as his mask!
  10. I didn't know you could get 10,000 NP from this?! Yay!
  11. @Secre I see your point, I guess it could be seen as inclusive, that would be the better way to look at it. It's just that sometimes TNT was using Arabic names that seemed to me in a silly way, as if no thought other than "this sounds cool!" kind of way. An example is Princess Amirah. Amirah is the Arabic word for Princess, so you are saying Princess Princess. It's like when ppl who don't know Arabic and say they don't like Shariah Law. The Arabic word for law is shariah, so you are saying you don't like law law. Don't worry, those laws never apply to ppl who do not share that faith. Muslims have a rich history that demonstrates that other law courts were made available for other ppl to have their own laws applied to them. Anyway, I maybe jumped the gun and perhaps TNT is going to stop stereotyping and is attempting to be inclusive.
  12. @jellysundae That is awesome! They can be the Phantom Pet Owners' Protection Pack to defend us (poor Pet Owners) from the Revenge of the Pounded Pets! Kind of like, Now you see me-then, NOW YOU DON'T!
  13. The mention of polyester reminded me of a prank my mom told us she did in high school (not until we all graduated so that we wouldn't attempt it?) on a substitute teacher who wore a lime green polyester suit to her Calculus class. While he stood outside the classroom chatting with students and any female teacher who walked by, she grabbed the chalkboard eraser and made the green plastic-faking-leather rolling chair completely WHITE with chalk, and sat down in her seat in the back corner of the classroom. Once everyone came in, the substitute wrote his name in big letters on the board, turned around to tell the class his expectations and said he knew that he would be treated to the same respect that they show to all their teachers, and then sat down on the rolling chair and proceeded to call out students names for attendance. Mom kept her cool & only a few students saw her chalk the seat but were her friends-so they stayed quiet until he finished the roll call and then stood up and went to the board to write the page numbers for their problems to do facing the board with his completely chalked butt showing to the whole class. Of course, everyone was laughing loud, so he was getting annoyed and was twisting his head saying, :"What are you all laughing about? What is SO funny?" bc he couldn't see his butt. When the class was just saying, "Your butt, man!", he finally pulled his suitcoat around and then looked at the chair that he sat in, then he got really mad and yelled, "WHO DID THIS?" and someone, not a friend of my mom, pointed at her in the back and said, "She did it!" At that point, seeing how mad this guy was and was seriously scared that this guy might hurt her (she had been knocked unconscious from a 5th grade teacher, so teachers in her day were still 'disciplining' kids) she jumped out the window (first floor-didn't get hurt) and took off to hide out behind the gym until the end of the school day. She got detention and she did her time, and while she didn't mean any real harm to the guy-she feels that her turn-around to be a better substitute that tries to make the school day better for the students she subbed for can help pay off the debt of her not so funny prank (she says it ended up not being funny, but thinking that she actually did something like that-that is funny to me).
  14. You make good sense out of these "Eternal" Battles- at least the Boons can be "random" to break up the monotony of these "skirmishes without end"!
  15. I gave my sibling (Baby) hexagon_dragon the link to the Coconut Shy & she left it on 1 and she got the Golden Evil Coconut image not working? AND the Avatar! So it IS just me, & maybe Granny but I hope not!
  16. I am already traumatized by the whole "move" into Beta, losing most of my favorite games, having to figure out "pathways" to do some of the daily things I loved, and NOW I can't even go on my own Pet's Page to click on my links to Food Club Bettors' pages?! Can anyone help me with step by step directions to fix this mess? Thank you!
  17. @Granny63020 I think you & I are "cursed" by Neopia's Shaman that no matter what coconut number we pick, staying with it or changing, we are not destined to win a Coconut.
  18. So you have a hand in distributing the outrageous amount of dung all over Neopia with your plot to foil the Pant Devil?
  19. He can start a new trend! If Nigel can get a mobile phone to replace his tin cans, then pizzadeliveryguy can deliver Frozen Pizzas! 08/08/2021 The ray is fired at grantriunfador ... and she changes colour to Skunk!! Talk about a change! Pepe Le Pew step aside! There's a NEW Stinker in town! 08/12/2021 The ray is fired at grantriunfador... ... and she changes colour to Relic!! She turned to STONE! Relic Aisha Collar At least she doesn't smell bad now. 08/16/2021 The ray is fired at grantriunfador ... and she changes into a Red Hissi!! Hey, there's a snake in my boot! Oh wait, it's only a Hissi! 08/17/2021 The ray is fired at grantriunfador ... and she doesn't change at all Aww, she is so sad. Cheer up, Buttercup-there must be a cool color Zap around the corner! 08/20/2021 The ray is fired at grantriunfador ... and she changes colour to Yellow!! Just call her Mellow Yellow! Silly Hissi, Zaps are for Lab Rats! 08/21/2021 The ray is fired at grantriunfador ... and she doesn't change at all Is there anything sadder than a Mellow Yellow Hissi down in the dumps? At least you are the color of butter, Buttercup. 08/24/2021 ... and she changes colour to Cloud!! Is Cloud cool for a Hissi Color? It certainly tames down the Dr. Sloan vibe she had when she was Red or Yellow. Maybe she looks like a B-grade Anime character? Ugh! Why can't you get Steampunk, you punk! *lol* 08/25/2021 The ray is fired at grantriunfador ... and she gains 2 strength points!!!! Look at this sad Cloud Hissi! Cheer up, Cloud Hissi. At least you aren't a little black rain cloud!
  20. @Angeló How are you playing the Coconut Shy game when it hasn't been "converted off of Flash"?
  21. I guess JS/TNT think we MUST have the time and we are ALL sitting home just playing Neopets with nothing else to do...
  22. @Secre Do you have enough transfers to borrow peophim98 the Halloween Ruki from my side account: midmorning_glory and be able to send him back to my side account after one day? I will hang out for a little bit, but Fridays are my Service days, so if you don't get to borrow him now-maybe later in this day? Neomail me: midnight_spell360
  23. OMG! I thought I was losing it with Edna. I was in the middle of getting her 3 ingredients and when I came back with all three just a few minutes later on my 2 hours time limit-she was stirring her cauldron & telling me "No one is home". I was like, "Girl, I see you there stirring your pot, now take what I got!" After trying to get her to take the ingredients a few more times-I gave up, scratching my head bc this had never happened before to me.
  24. @jellysundae Thank you so much! I bookmarked it too! Now I'm happy to see my Pets-except the Lab Rat, didn't change that slot bc it's always changing.
  25. I agree that petpets that we attach & zap should match their pets! Example: My Lab Rat, grantop1st the Maraquan Kougra adopted and Squirt the Water Smiley I hope their new owner enjoys these cuties!
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