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Everything posted by midnight_spell360

  1. The ray is fired at Rubyredgarnet1... ... and she gains 3 movement points!!!! I am SO Lucky to have this Halloween Aisha's clothes! I even FORGOT that there were Halloween Aisha clothes-Black Collar with the Yellow A, and the Red Halloween Aisha Suit & Hat! So cool, and yet...I worry that the Pounded Pets will definitely come after me for Revenge. 09/30/2021 The ray is fired at Rubyredgarnet1... Ray was generous, my Halloween Aisha turned Mutant! Another cool collar! Yay! 10/04/2021 The ray is fired at Rubyredgarnet1... ... and she changes colour to Relic!! And another one bites the dust, or in this case STONE!
  2. @Angeló The EnablerYou swayed me to the Sway! I'm such a push-over!
  3. @lianakosI was worried about you too & missed you! I echo jellysundae's hope that things are better for you now!
  4. Still not a fan of Kar(r)en, I see! At least I got 10 more points than yesterday's F- ! I'll take the Castle Tutor, since there is NO School in Neopia for Book Smarts-thank you very much!
  5. In the spirit of the approaching holiday... I got my F- and the "Wise-King-Why-Me" Pose! Make me an AVATAR for "If I could go lower than F-, I would!"
  6. We can Log In Now!!! Go make your Food Club Bets before that Maintenance Pteri comes back!!!
  7. Does this mean that I can finally get Down For Maintenance Pteri ?!!
  8. I think @hrtbrk is right, this Techo looks like the Leaf Tailed Gecko I just think s/he better avoid Leaf Blowers or Windy Days! Image taken from JellyNeo bc NEOPETS is still down!
  9. I can't believe I won 41,440 NP!!! I haven't won a paint brush yet but the NP was cool!
  10. @DumaThank you for explaining this and giving me the link to the Classic inventory. I appreciate that you guys helped me and I feel bad that I didn't know that Auto Refresh was never supposed to be used. 09/15/2021 It finally attached! Now our guild can get the Mootix Avatar and hopefully the Snicklebeast Avatar around Nov. 9th, 2021! Thanks for your help @Duma and @Angeló The Enabler
  11. 09/12/2021 Welcome New Lab Rat! The ray is fired at lucas_eloisa_e_ruben ... and she doesn't change at all Well, we knew Ray wasn't just give us that coveted Steampunk Zap right off the bat, little lady! So much tears! At the Petpet Lab w/ the Creepy KookithBut... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. Look at your Petpet, Eloisa!Thelma is not crying ! 09/15/2021 Thelma went from to this a Royal Seti! Time to step up your game, Eloisa!!! 09/17/2021 Why is this baby crying (again)? ... and she changes gender!!!! It's a man's world, buddy. Just embrace it and keep on swimming, my guy! Let's turn that frown upside down!
  12. OMG! I never knew the restriction of No Auto Refresher! Stopped it immediately. What is a Classic Inventory? Now that we moved into Beta-I don't know how to get "Classic"? Thanks for your help.
  13. I am having the worse luck right now, trying to attach a Mootix to a painted petpet! I tried for 6 hours yesterday and started at 7:30 am CMT US today (5:30 am NST) on another computer and it is 2:08 pm NST and still hasn't attached! Do P3s not attach to painted petpets? Or are we not allowed to use Auto Refresher and must click manually ourselves? Yesterday wren I tried, I had just given MidnightVooDoo a Snicklebeast that I had it paint Pirate, Patches_the_1st_Mate and thought maybe the petpet being 0 hours old couldn't have it yet? But then how old does a petpet have to be? Bc today it was 16 hours old when I started, Any advice is appreciated, thanks!
  14. Is this so she can hide and camouflage in the water to be the Aquatic Assassins Division of the Revenge of the Pounded Pets?
  15. Aboard The Coincidence Before you is Dr Landelbrot, a brilliant scientist. He's standing between you and all of the shiny buttons. It's like he wants you to focus on the task at hand instead of going wild flipping toggles and pressing keys. This is a spaceship, though! Who is he kidding? Eh, maybe you should be listening to what he's saying. I may be overworked and running on 19 Achyfis, but I can still count! If you want the Random Events machine to work again, I still need: Box of Wheat Flakes x1 Waterfish x3 Semolina x1 Something Has Happened! : The Ghost Lupe appears, looks around, and growls, 'This is not Mystery Island!' THAT'S IT? No petpetpet? Aaarrrgh! The Semolina was 8.7k np, Dr, Swindlelots! This must be why you guys opt out with NOPE!
  16. @aleu1986I just love your comment, heading into October/Halloween- I guess "a cute plushie toy" look kills that "creepy" vibe most ppl look forward to having for the season. You have made detailed observations that explain why I looked at the Burlap Draik and thought, "Hmmm, not getting that Number 9 feeling"
  17. I may be overworked and running on 19 Achyfis, but I can still count! If you want the Random Events machine to work again, I still need: Yellow Growth x1 Stagnant Puddle of Water x2 Lesser Spotted Fish x3 Temperature drop? This is a thing in Outer Space (Kreludor)? Climate Change has hit Neopia! ng
  18. If you are looking for an active guild, I am part of The Kindness Project (Link: www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?id=4176228 ) . You can read reviews about it on reddit. Remember if you join and find that it isn't for you, you can Leave a guild at any time. So I hope you give us a try, some TDN members have joined our guild as well. We have members who are "Zappers", ppl who zap Pets to be someone's Dream Pet. Good luck and I hope you are enjoying playing Neopets. You can even add me as a NeoFriend, if you want. My username is : midnight_spell360 .
  19. Hey-where's my F- you sensitive Royal pain in every Neopets' butt? vs
  20. The Wise King seems to agree that there isn't anything special about Kar(r)en-just don't tell her that!
  21. Well THAT makes more sense-switch to the Labby or you might be unhappy!
  22. I may be overworked and running on 19 Achyfis, but I can still count! If you want the Random Events machine to work again, I still need: Rotten Omelette x1 Cheops Plant x1 Landfish x2 An electric current starts to fill the room, but quickly leads to smoke. When everything has settled, you see that there is something different about Kokariia. Oh, no... It looks like their hit points have gone down by 2! So BAD things happen too? Oh BOO!
  23. My screenshot is , but for the "Karren" comment-I got Keeping The Peace & 98 NP. That's more than what a real Karen would give me, right?
  24. The ray is fired at grantriunfador ... and she gains 5 maximum hit points!!!! This poor, sad baby! At least you will be a strong baby. 08/31/2021 ... and she gains 2 movement points!!!!Still the saddest virtual Pet in Neopia 09/09/2021 The ray is fired at grantriunfador... and he changes into a Yellow Chomby!! Don't think this guy will be Mellow!
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