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Posts posted by Duma

  1. You select a member by clicking on them (like you did, so you see their information) and then you click on the button "Add to my team" or something like that. One of the question marks will then be replaced by that player. Add two forwards, two defenders and one goalie and you're all set! Pick a Star player after picking your team and that's it.

    It's also possible that you are too late to pick a team for this round. I just went to the page and I can't change my own team anymore right now. I'm not sure how long it's possible to pick a team for each round. They are "playing" now. So if it really doesn't work, try again after the first round ended.

  2. Oops, I missed it this post! I just posted it too but I'll remove mine. Thank you for posting @Aquamentis12.

    I didn't had time to make the post because of a sick kitty at home. Had to go to the vet with him but it seems he will be fine, got some medicine to give him and at least it's nothing serious. Just a very upset tummy for a too long time.

    I voted for the Order but it will be a difficult round for sure!

  3. Which faction are you joining for this round?

    So, vote!

    Good luck!

    You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons.

    Oxbridge Prediction:

    Obelisk Team                             Prediction
    Brute Squad                                  37%
    Awakened                                     14%
    Thieves Guild                                 12%

  4. Also, After picking your team you can select one of your players as a star player. Just click on "Pick Star Player" and select someone from the popup. At the end of the week the star player will be announced along with the results. The category is always different and unknown to us until the end. It could be best performing newbie or anything else they come up with. It's basically just a gamble and you can only pick from your chosen team while they could have picked someone that wasn't even on your team (even players with terrible scores are star players at times).

  5. 9 hours ago, Aquamentis12 said:

    How long before you know the level of success with your vision correction? Or is 20/20 or better guaranteed with this procedure?


    Cool! Seekers do look like the hands-down favorites! Which is great because I like their boons compared to the other factions this round. 😉

    Friday I get my first checkup on that. Usually the vision is about 50% from what I've heard. My next checkup will be in a month. Full visual recovery typically takes about three months and from all the people that I've heard that did it, their vision is at like 120%. In my brochure it said that there will be one last checkup 1 year from now, mostly to see that it didn't decline again.

    Now, Let us go Seek and Destroy XD!

  6. 10 hours ago, Aquamentis12 said:

    GREAT!!! I'm so happy for you Duma! For me, the childhood fear would be seeing the knife or whatever coming at my eye. I've never had anything done to my eyes, but that is kind of a nightmare scenario that has stuck with me since I was little. LOL I hope you didn't see anything with the procedure you had done! I mean DURING of course! lol I am ecstatic that things seem like they went well! So awesome you didn't even need to touch your painkiller meds! ^__^

    There wasn't any knife needed with the TransPRK technique. They put a bunch of drops in your eyes (Which would already be horrible for you), One of which was a anesthetic drop, then they walked with you to the chair for you to lay down in. After taping your eyes so you can't blink, all that's left is stare into a laser light for about 45 seconds per eye, some more drops and a protective contact lens gets put in and it's done! The amount of drops after, now that was something. It didn't hurt but it was just so many of them, some every 2 hours, other drops every 3 hours,  2 other kinds of drops 2 times a day...

    I'm now down to 3 kinds, 1 only once a day before bedtime, another 3 times a day and the last one at least 6 times but is allowed more often as they are only fake tears. I have more problems with shower water (without soap) in my eyes than I have with the drops so it's all good!


    As for the vote: I am voting for the Seekers! It seems that one has the majority vote anyway.

  7. It was completely painless! I never touched the painkillers they gave me. I did suffer from blurry vision at some days, other days my sight was perfect. The wound healed a bit slower then expected so the bandage lens came off Sunday evening instead of Friday. But, that's okay, since it was still painless. I did made sure to stay indoors as much as possible and to keep my medication schedule. Also I never went outside without my sunglasses AND my hat. Yesterday was a bad day for my vision (blurry all the time) but today seems like a good day so it will be my first day back at work.  Thanks for asking!

    I haven't figured out what to vote for, I'll vote as soon as I have.

  8. Which faction are you joining for this round?

    So, vote!

    Good luck!

    You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons.

    Oxbridge Prediction:

    Obelisk Team        Last Win                Win %     Prediction
    Awakened             2 rounds ago           32%         22%
    Seekers                 7 rounds ago           30%         59%
    Thieves Guild        5 rounds ago           23%         19%

  9. Make sure that cookies are allowed and if that doesn't work you could try contacting their help desk by submitting a ticket.

    Please be aware that there is nothing we can do other than give you tips as we are not part of TNT, we are just a fanbased community.

  10. I joined The Sway too! Let's hope they win even if I won't be able to enjoy the boons much 😂

    Also, I'm not worried, because of the shape of my eye and the fact that I practice martial arts they decided on a "laser only" surgery. Your eyes get clamps so you can't blink and you get a pain killer and something to keep you calm. Then all you need to do is stare to a laser light for about a minute for each eye and it's done. I will need a lot of eye drops and yes that will be horrible because I can't stand water in my eyes either even though I never had something bad in my eye. But I'll just make sure I keep the after-op en pre-op schedule and I'm sure it will be fine! I can't wait to actually be able to see in practice and without glasses

  11. 8 hours ago, Aquamentis12 said:

    Hey Duma! How'd things go with the eyes? Thanks for posting the poll! Was just coming here in case I needed to do it instead. 😉

    Hmmm.... I'm leaning toward The Sway since I like their boons the best, but I'll wait a little, see how others vote.

    My eye surgery will be next week Tuesday, so it will be during a boons week it seems 🙂

    I'm leaning towards Sway myself, I'll see either tonight or tomorrow morning who has the majority of votes and then decide who I'll join.

  12. Which faction are you joining for the 233rd round?

    So, vote!

    Good luck!

    You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons.


    Oxbridge Prediction:

          Obelisk Team     Last Win               Win %      Prediction
    Brute Squad         9 rounds ago         25%         37%
    The Sway             5 rounds ago          56%         50%
    Thieves Guild       4 rounds ago          23%         13%
  13. If the Skirmish guild went with Seekers, and another major team found that out, they might have done everything they could to make sure the Seekers didn't win. There are a few major battle groups and for some strange reason they don't like cooperating with each other.

  14. Food club is great once your account is older, and the battledome is another great way to make NP fast once your pet reaches level 50 and you're able to defeat the Koi warrior. Of course getting their will cost money first in training and weapons...

    Trudy's still is easiest as long as you spin it each day as the amounts increase the more consecutive days you spin it (until the bonus of 100k, when it resets).

  15. (I know we're going a little off topic here) BUT I know those floaters and everyone has them from time to time I think. If I recall correctly I believe they had something to do with protein cells from your eyes that got broken down or somehow came into your eye liquid, as they float around in there and get broken down, they might come in front of your "field of vision".

    Thanks in advance for offering to take care of the poll if it happens to be that week!

  16. Yeah, I haven't been doing much of my dailies lately so I haven't battled in ages. That's how it got passed me that this topic wasn't being posted anymore until Granny63020 asked for it. That's why, as soon as I had time, I checked the obelisk battle and noticed it was on a voting round, so I went ahead and made a topic. I'll try to keep posting it, but I will have eye surgery in a few weeks so I won't be able to come online during the recovery time. Let's hope it's during a cooling off period and no new topic is needed.

    I joined Seekers this round too btw!

  17. Hi and welcome back to Neopia! Too bad you couldn't remember your login information, but if it's been 11 years it might be possible that your account got purged too. I'm not sure when the last purge was (it was a long time ago) but 11 years surely is a very long time. A lot has changed as well so if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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