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Posts posted by Duma

  1. Not spending any money is the best way to make them feel it for sure! But there are many players (like me) that don't have premium, so the best way for them is to not log on at all.

  2. It's actually mostly milk and sugar.

    Here's the recipe:

    500ml milk
    3 medium sized eggs (or 4 smaller ones)
    250g sugar
    3 packages of vanilla sugar (each package is about 7 gram here)
    150g of self-raising flour

    Separate the egg yolk from the whites. Mix all the dry ingredients first and then add the wet ingredients to it except for the egg whites (for now).
    Beat the egg whites to snow until you can hold the container upside down without them pouring out. Then stir it gently with the rest.
    Butter your tin and sprinkle it with some self-raising flour. Make sure to pick a tin that won't leak! The batter is very liquid at this stage.
    Add the batter to the tin and bake for 40 minutes at 200掳C.

    After baking, you can place the pie (gently) upside down on a roster to cool down. Make sure it's well baked before flipping it or you'll have a messy kitchen 馃き

    The upside down is to make sure that some moisture still in the cake at the bottom will distribute to the top, making the whole cake moist again. The roster will leave it's figure in the top.

    After cooling down, you can sprinkle it with some powdered sugar or add whipped cream.

    It's not really hard to make but if you mess up you can easily get a messy kitchen at 3 stages:

    1. If your egg whites aren't beaten enough and you hold them upside down to check
    2. If your tin isn't leak proof your batter will just go everywhere. Maybe you can test it with water before hand? If water can stay in for at least an hour without leaking it should be okay I guess? I used a flexible pie tin instead of a metal one.
    3. If your cake isn't baked long enough or warm enough and you didn't check before flipping your pie to cool (Check it by using a fork, if it comes out clean it should be okay, if it comes out wet bake it some more.)

    2 out of those 3 has happened to me when I first tried to make this pie. Luckily it hasn't happened this time! (I've never messed up with the egg whites).

  3. I doubt there's anything he can do differently. It says to be as specific as possible as the well could grant you your wish with items that have your words in it's name. In your case he did but unfortunately the other armour items have those words in their name too. My guess is it works similar to the shop wizard "Containing my phrase" search. He'll just have to keep on trying until the well grants him the armour.

  4. 9 hours ago, Angel贸 The Enabler said:

    I did that 馃槥

    yes , it is https ... please refer back to my screenshot ... also they have been working fine until this morning !

    I thought it was red because it wasn't https and your browser wanted it to be https. My bad. And then I have no clue anymore either. 馃槥

  5. 9 hours ago, Angel贸 The Enabler said:

    Whenever I manage to open a site it gives me this warning

    What does certificate invalid mean ?


    That is just because the address typed isn't a https address, so it's not very secure. Most sites nowadays have converted their address to an https adress. In the past http was more common. The dailyneopets is using a https address though, so if you fill in the address as @TryVegan4TheAnimals typed it, it should work without any warnings.

  6. I'm on Firefox and not having any problems (but I haven't installed the latest update yet, both FF and my windows were telling me to restart for updates and I tend to snooze the restart messages for a few weeks). Now I might hold off on the update a little longer to be sure.

  7. It wasn't too bad this morning or when I rode back home but it's been raining on and off all day. Having a lazy day with my cats watching Netflix is cool too for a week off from work. Now I'm just hoping to get a dry spot in a few hours when I need to ride my bicycle to training.

  8. I tend to forget as I'm sometimes really busy and think "I'll reply later today" Then later that day I just hit the "unread Content" button and this post isn't there so I end up completely forgetting until it pops up again.

  9. The auto refresh is never allowed because being active on the site (like with refreshes) can give you RE's. So, even though RE's can either be good or bad, it is against Neopets rules to auto refresh. Everything done automatically is against the rules. YOU need to play, not your computer/phone.

    To go to the Classic inventory you can use this: http://www.neopets.com/inventory.phtml/x

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