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Posts posted by Duma

  1. On 4/13/2022 at 5:39 AM, Granny63020 said:

    Is there anyone that is charge of fixing Error Message 404 pages? Is there anyone that can send me or post the NC Negg Guide? Is there anyone that can tell me what the prizes for the Pastel & Dark NC Negg are? I was able to purchase all the Negg Kits at the NC Mall and I randomly chose to open the Bright Negg, I was fortunate that all the gifts were great.  Is there anyone that has answers for any of the above questions? Please and thank you.

    The other page is still displaying and showing the message 404. I'm guessing this is the NC page. Any idea when it will be fixed?


    I'm already having problems. I have been to the Legendary Petpets several times since this message about the Festival posted and I am unable to get anything. I also tried to go to the Dip & Dye Neggs page and it's coming up 404 Page Not Found.

    I do this every year. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just remembered about seeing Kari 1st before negg hunting. I should be ok from here. The other page is still displaying 404 though.


    If I click on the Dip & Bob Apples button I get this message: "andebart Biggsby has something special in store! You might be wondering what Apple Bobbing and the Festival of Neggs have to do with each other, but you'll find out soon! Check back a bit later to participate!"

    So my guess is it isn't live yet and the NC Negg Guide page with the 404 error will be fixed as it gets live and we actually have some information to share. I myself never participate in the NC part of events so other than this I don't have any more information for you.

  2. My current car is a used car, thing is, I bought it from the garage and it came with 1 year warranty. Buying just from random people can be a risk for sure, but if you buy a used car from a garage or dealer, they will check al the important things. Depending on the age of the car and the company you're buying it from, it might have warranty. Here, in The Netherlands, they even have branch organizations, so if a company has this sign you know they need to meet certain standards. I have my second hand car for 11 months now and haven't had any problems at all. A friend of mine, who bought a second hand car from a random person she didn't know has had nothing but problems with the car which was bought later than mine.

    My advice: go to a respected company that sells second hand cars, look at the age of the car and the millage, check the car yourself and ask for warranty and a test drive.

  3. Mutant Walein has a difficulty of 93 on easy. You might win but ONLY if you bring really good weapons and defense items! His HP will be 93 where as yours is only 40, plus he'll be using abilities over and over where as you only have the beginning abilities if you've even learned them to your pet. (Try to get to level 50 for Lens Flare at least!)

    Here's some information about the Mutant walein so you'll know what to bring as defense: https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/challenger-giant-spectral-mutant-walein

    And here's some general battle dome information: https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/introduction-to-the-battledome

    Plus a guide for what weapons to pick, depending on the amount of NP you are willing to spend: https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/basic-battledome-weapon-sets

    My stats are this for my battle pet, you don't need them to be this high (I can 1 hit KO him) but you'll certainly need to increase your stats more, get abilities like the above mentioned Lens flare, and get yourself some decent weapons and shields!


  4. On 3/14/2022 at 11:29 AM, Musical_Shoyru said:

    Mine isn't fixed, I know I didn't miss yesterday and when I got the notification to spin today around 3a EST my time it never let me spin, still isn't letting me spin at 6:28a my time and it seems my streak reset even though I hadn't missed a day.

    Nobody's fixed YET but it will be, there were posts in an old topic so it seemed that some people had theirs fixed already but those posts were from a year ago. It won't be possible to spin Trudy's on the DST day but, normally, our timers won't reset and we will be able to spin again on March 15th with the timer where it was after spinning it on March 13th.

  5. Not sure if it works for other browsers too but in Firefox I can take a screenshot, like you would with Snipping Tool (So of a part of the page) and copy it. All I need to do then is just past it here. Another option would be to paste/upload it somewhere else first (Like in a private discord channel or TinyPic) and then paste the url here.

  6. 1 hour ago, Angeló said:

    I don't dare think about the price of UC conversion .. even though I have the Morphing Potion and Paint Brush ready for the pet I have in mind ...

    Same here! My ultimate dream is an UC Faerie draik. I had given up hope to ever get one but now that it might actually happen in the future I've bought an egg and a pb and tucked them in my sdb. I did save all of my NC on my main (a little over 1k) and I'm hoping prices will be reasonable. But I am willing to buy some extra NC if needed. If prices ARE reasonable, I'm willing to unconvert 4 of my pets, if it's too expensive it will just be the faerie draik.

  7. 14 hours ago, discobiscuit said:

    Clearly I'm not the demographic for this because the first thing I thought of was "OMG, how do you feed 15 pets all the time?"  I find 4 stressful enough.

    All you need to do is put them in the motel. It will cost you 140 NP per pet per 28 days, after that they're not hungry right away, so basically, for 10 pets all it takes is 1400 NP per month. That's easy enough to earn. You could also put some of them in a motel and keep some to feed yourself. Plenty of options.

  8. I know it's possible, I've had several robot zaps over the years! But it is rare, very rare! If you have premium you can change your pet's color yearly I believe but as I never have had premium I don't really know the details. Other than that, there is the Holiday giveaway but there are so many that apply each year that the chances of you getting the pet/color that you asked for are very slim. But it's worth it to participate, you never know!

  9. If you contact them saying the account might be hacked as you never had an email starting with a b, then you need to provide them with enough information to proof the account belongs to you. This needs to be information you can not find out by just looking at the user lookup.

    things as: neofriends, NC purchases (If you have these, it will really help!), rare items codes you've claimed, neopets you created and as what species/color, equipment they might own/have equiped, battledome abilities, closet items, books, avatars you won, login locations (IP address), favorite games to play, etc

    Basically anything you can think of that only the owner knows.

    I've gotten my account back that way, fairly quickly too I must say. I did have a habit of making lists of almost everything so I knew a lot about my account, and like I said, having purchased NC in the past helped a lot too as I could provide proof of my visa.

    Don't give up, it's worth a try!

  10. 5 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    Have you seen a fox yet!? I stand and watch them sleep, like some total creepy stalker. xDDD But they're so flippin' adorable!!!

    I haven't yet! I'm gathering materials and making a little base first on this peninsula that I spawned on. Plains biome with a village right at spawn and a ravine right in the middle of the village. I did find a spider spawner nearby to help me get some strings for a fishing rod and a bow. Once I have some decent supplies and armor, I'll try and find myself a horse saddle, tame a horse and get to exploring all this new content. I want to find panda's and foxes for sure! (I have tamed a cat already though).

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