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Posts posted by Duma

  1. Hi Alily! Welcome to the forums! I hope you'll have lots of fun again after your latest hiatus. Lots of things have changed and are still changing. 12.5 years account is still pretty old! Enjoy our forums and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

  2. I think they love it because it's so rare now. No way to get a UC pet except from someone who didn't convert their per back in the day or has traded one (and paid a LOT of NP for it). It's a sign of status now for a lot of them. Some just have the pet because they love the art but a lot of them don't care about that all that much. I think it's fair that if you pay real money for it the paid part stays at your account (so non-tradable). Just my opinion. I'm mostly interested in one kind and I've never traded any of my pets, not even the ones with the awful names from 21 years back when I first created my account.

    Sometimes events give out free NC and if you play Expellibox every day you can get free NC as well, even if it's rare it happens and eventually you'll have a free UC pet. It might take years but it's not only obtainable by paying real money.

  3. They phrased it a bit weird, but basically they just ask you how much you would be willing to pay for it, and how much you think other people should have to pay to get one since they were of "high value". There were plenty of ppl who had an UC pet that considered themselves as better, higher value account. They basically were "ego pets" and by doing this it won't be that special anymore, they'll have less to boast about.

  4. Thanks for the survey link!

    I would love to see this actually happening! I just hope they won't change too much in the artwork of the already existing UC pets. I really want my dream pet to come true (Faerie Draik). I've always wanted one of those but didn't think I'd actually get one at some point. Now the slight sliver of hope aka "the dream" seems like it might come true at one point!

  5. I too only use my desktop to play neopets and don't have any 2FA app on my phone. Everything that (administrative and medical apps) needs that has it's own program or sends a code to my e-mail. I realize it's highly recommended and do recommend it seeing that I've been hacked in the past as well, just like many others, but my phone is old and barely has any room on it to install new things. I even need to move all my pictures to my desktop from time to time to make room to actually do things. But as long is memory is the only problem (which I can solve easily by moving pictures) I'm not buying a new phone. I don't play any games on it. I only use it for messaging/banking/fb/browsing as a notebook for like groceries and duolingo basically.

    If I do need a new phone I'll probably turn it on myself as well, just to be safe.

  6. 7 hours ago, Aquamentis12 said:

    Watching the anime, Dr. Stone, just finished season 1. I REALLY wish that Season 2 had run longer than 11 episodes, but it did finish a story arc, so it makes sense as a stopping point. Oh well. Gifting a copy to my nephew for his bday coming up in  a couple of weeks, I hope he'll enjoy it as much as I do! :D

    It's an amazing anime for sure! I loved watching Dr. Stone!

    I'm currently rewatching all of the Harry Potter movies. I've purchased the box set too. my philosophy basically is, if I like a movie enough to rewatch it several times, I might as well just buy it. Plus, the HP movies weren't on Netflix or Disney+ and I can't afford to get a subscription on every streaming service out there.

  7. Sometimes it's not so much the country but the city too. I am very happy in the country and town I live in now (my town is about 8.2km2 and population about 1500) but I used to live in Amsterdam and for a person that hates crowded places and noises, that was horrible. As for countries I wouldn't consider, I have no idea since I haven't traveled enough to know but as for a general area, I would avoid any (big) cities and would only consider small towns and countrysides.

  8. Sending a ticket is the best option. E-mails are hidden for other members for security reasons so if you don't know it, there is no way to find out. If they don't reply to the ticket, contacting them through social media seems to help so I've heard (I never needed to contact them that way).

  9. Once you fill out your username it will sent a reset link to your e-mail (The one connected to your account/username). I didn't get any message after login out of my main and login in to my side. So I changed my pw for my sides through the normal Preferences page.

  10. I've spent my bday alone a lot and what I do is usually don't plan anything and just do whatever I feel like doing. Usually I did buy some cake and other foods that I like in advance so I have a multitude of things to choose from. If I feel like going out for a walk I'll do that, but if I feel like watching tv or gaming I'll just do that. If you have problems coming up with things to do in the moment, you could just make a list of things that you like to do and like to eat (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!).

    That way you could just pick from your list if you don't know what to do.

    Happy bday in advance I hope you get to enjoy your day!

  11. 8 hours ago, Duskitty said:

    Edit: I just remembered that when I was twelve, I hated the colour pink with every fiber of my being... now liking pink is a major aspect of my personality 🥴

    LOL! There is hope for me yet! I still dislike pink although it's not as bad anymore as about a decade ago. I really hated pink as well. Now it depends, I will sometimes consider something pink pretty. So for now it's still in the neutral zone.

    I joined TDNF August 2, 2013 so that's almost a decade for me too. Neopets itself I joined in the year 2000 or early 2001, my current main is from 2001. I have changed a lot last decade though! Bought a house, living independently without anyone telling me what to do or how to do something. I used to just do whatever made someone else happy instead of myself. Now I will still try to make other people happy but not if it makes myself unhappy. I have always been an optimist though!

    Also, about a year ago I've cut and donated my long hair and also started to wear a bit more clothes with colors instead of just black. I still wear a lot of black and I still like gothic things (pictures, music, clothes, style). And I got my eyes lasered a few months back. Guess I made quite a few changes in my appearance this last year.

    I also have cats for four years now! I didn't have my two cuddle bugs that I love so very very much a decade ago!

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