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Posts posted by Viridian

  1. Lol yeah, but i have one pair of Warm mittens just waiting ot be used :P maybe you have to click the snowflakes first before getting the daily prizes?

    No, I got a snowball today after retrieving my prizes. I also received a snowball yesterday... :P

  2. I'm assuming since Faerie abilities and equipping are all going to be conducted through the battledome itself, instead of your inventory like previously, so they probably haven't managed either of those options yet.


    Yeah you guys are probably right. Oh well, happy enough I could get my Shoyru-Tough avatar now, might try for some others later when the BD is fully released.

  3. I haven't really done any other GMCs so I don't know... but is it really any different from any other year? (aside from the millions of glitches)The DD is the one where you just have one game to get a score in each day- the GMC is supposed to be a challenge, isn't it?

    Not saying I enjoyed it either, but I am proud that I'll be getting a gold trophy- I worked my butt off to get it.


    No, it's actually not much different from previous years, including the glitches :P Especially the last day is crazy. I personally advice everyone to play as many games as they can on a free day, sending minimal scores. That way you'll already have one (standard) challenge ticked of.

  4. I used to have 5, but now I have 4. I have to say I'm a real lab addict. Personally I tend to look in the pound for a good name, no matter what the species or color. Then I proceed on zapping that pet until I get something that I like. Eventually I might get sick of a certain pet, in that case I'll just pound them again.


    Haven't had anything good for quite some time now though...

  5. Easy yes, but it'd be nice if the scores sent in. I've been trying for the past half hour to get my bonus challenges to complete but they wont. And yes all my scores sent in were above 55pts.


    Any one else having the same problem?


    Everyone is having this issue. Look into the pirate discussion topic to see a solution.


    Also, if you would complete the last bonus challenge tomorrow, that would not affect your score in any way :)

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