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Posts posted by Viridian

  1. Yeah I was just confused mostly because when I went to the neopets' page about keeping your account secure it said no one had ever hacked neopets and that I could only be hacked if I gave my password to someone! I guess it was naive of me to be reassured by that...


    I think they are right when they say nobody has ever hacked neopets, but people still find ways to sneak into your account.


    No need to be all paranoid now though! It can happen to anyone, but if you secure your account well it probably won't harm your account.

  2. That's okay. There are many ways people may have gotten into your account. A couple of years ago there were cookie trackers (who copied your cookies, your login data pretty much, so they could use it on their own pc and play until you logged out), another thing that may have happened is that someone may have gotten into your emailaddress, if you stopped using that one.


    Then there are people who use programs/lists of data to figure out passwords, that can happen to anyone and has happened to me once.


    Just make sure you make your account as safe as possible, and have fun with the money! :)


    (Also, you're free to stay on TDN if you wish, welcome!)

  3. You do not collect interest when you're away. I recommend you change your email address, password and PIN (and put the pin on everything, immediately) right now. Especially if you really do not remember having that much (and I know I never had that much, so yeah ;P )


    Maybe someone used your account as a storage. Definitely do the things I mentioned just now.


    Another thing, I recommend that you don't post this on many other places. People may try to get into your account because they read that. It's just like you're waving your bills of money in real life, and someone might try to steal your wallet.

  4. Is there a certain score you have to get for each game in order for it to show as "complete"? I was playing Splat-a-Sloth, got 233 and it was still "incomplete" on my list.

    No, any score should count. If you are sure the score has been sent correctly and refreshed the game page at least once after and it still shows as incomplete, I suggest sending in a ticket.

  5. Hey gang...I skimmed the answers but did not seem to find an explanation of the 'World Challenge'?


    Anyone willing to give a detailed explanation (for us slow-minded folks) (ok, maybe I am the only slow-minded one here)?


    I'm also hitting the 3 game limit on Freak Factory...so, hopefully will able to hit the other 2 bonus entries tomorrow morning.




    (Oh, BTW...GO TEAM NINJA!!)

    We have a nifty little guide here.


    But if you don't want to read it... In short you can join the World Challenge for certain games. You can send as many scores as you like within the hour. If you have the highest score that hour of everyone who joined the world challenge for that game, you win something special :)


    I remember doing world challenges for kass basher, since it was mostly luck whether you got 900 or 1100, and sometimes I won some World Challenge map pieces ^^

  6. I'm betting that they're giving us two days (or a day and a half) for the first challenge as they often do. I know I would have missed out on completing the first challenge on challenge day had they started day two today, and I know many others would have as well :)


    Especially for us Europeans. They release the first challenge somewhere around 1-2AM our time and day 2 would start at 9am our time. If you have a busy time with your job/school you might miss the whole day because they can't release stuff on time :P

  7. I can't reach my support either. Rather annoying when you have gotten an answer to one of your two tickets, but they don't mention which one it's about (except for ticket number of course)... I feel for ya. Can you adopt a pet or is that not even a possibility ? I'd say just keep replying to the emails until you get a satisfactory reply.

  8. They should stay, of course, but they shouldn't be so common. Especially the red ones. It's great that their price is going down, as training is getting cheaper - even for those on higher levels, but if I train my pet to crazy high stats I expect some nice rewards from the battles, not some crazily deflated nerkmids or morphing potions.. -.-


    I haven't got any nerkmid or morphing potions for 2 days now, only food items (and I do play on hard mode). They may have taken those prices away for the easy-to-beat characters.

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