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Posts posted by Viridian

  1. What is it with TNT freezing your accounts? Did you kick someone's dog or something? It's getting ridiculous. So sorry that your sides are getting messed with now, Iris. Hopefully it gets sorted out soon :(

    I really don't know. Technically all my accounts were made on a different IP, we switched internet provider about 2 years ago as well. They didn't freeze me then, then why would they now ? :P


    Oh well, just waiting for the weekend to be over and hopefully get a reply... Thanks for your support, everyone :*


    Edit: They froze up my boyfriend's accounts too. I guess they decided there were too many inactive logins from one IP at the same time. :/

  2. yes I moved out, started college in another city. The weirdest thing was that i couldnt even select this option in the help section, they didnt have it as a freezable event... Still, I'm using thesame accounts as before, so it's awkward they find it suspicious. I'd find it more suspicious if someone logs in from a different location one day after they logged in from another place.. anyway, we'll see.

  3. This account has been FROZEN for the following reason:



    This (possibly previously inactive) account was being accessed by someone other than the original creator due to its easily guessable password.


    If you think the above reason was applied to you by mistake, please contact our support staff by

    clicking here. Don't forget to include your USERNAME and explain why you think your account should not have been frozen. If you DID break the rules, please do not contact us again. Your account will NOT be unfrozen and you will not get your Neopet or items returned. But, you are welcome to create a new account, as long as you follow the rules.


    Remember to read our

    Terms of Use thoroughly.






    Yay! So I got back into Neopets just recently, and guess what TNT does. It freezes up two of my side accounts for being inactive for a long time. Just waiting for my other side account and main to be frozen, after all, they have all been inactive for over a year.



    However, they have always been my accounts :( I'm very disappointed in Neopets right now. Easily guessable password, are you kidding me? I've had those passwords for over a year now and none of them were easily guessable.



    All I can do now is hope that I get my accounts back. Otherwise I've lost 2 great battledome pets, my halloween chomby, my pirate krawk and lots of other things. Thing is, since I haven't played for over a year, I honestly cannot remember things like 'which pet have you created', 'which neofriends were on your list' and 'what items were in your closet'...




    Thanks for ruining my weekend, TNT. Love you. :sad01_anim:

  4. It's a good sign that we agree on this :P

    Haha, it was quite unfortunate we posted at roughly the same time... You ninja'd me! :O


    But yes, exactly. Fill in any of the combinations they give you and figure out which colour/figure combination you're still missing. Sometimes you might end up with doubles, in that case you may have to rotate one of the clues. It's pretty easy to do once you figure it out. :)

  5. I remember that feeling, but with real money. It was one of those NC Mall events, I decided to buy some NC so that I could try and get one of those limited edition items from a game. Then it turned out everyone got a ticket one week later, so my 'special' items weren't special anymore :( It happens, and you feeled tricked on... Just the way it goes on Neo.

  6. I've been in there once. http://www.neopets.c...497289&week=455


    I think it got submitted relatively shortly after I published it (2 weeks or so). I was pretty happy about getting in and I also think they chose a suitable picture to go along with the article.


    Reason I submitted a short article is since I'm more used to writing articles (here for TDN) and usually can't write a conclusion to short stories.


    I do want to get in there with my new account again, mainly for the avatars.

  7. Hi you guys! :)


    Since I got back into the game I decided not to buy any NC unless I really wanted to... Then Xepha notified me of the fact that playing Monkeyquest can earn you free NC. That's the main reason for me to check it out!


    After playing for a day I decided to make a new monkey and created a lets play. I uploaded the letsplays to my Youtube account. If you want to follow me playing Monkeyquest, check it out:



    PS: The first video hasn't got the best sound quality, but the other videos are better :)

  8. Whew, thanks, that worked. As it turns out my pw is too long. Wasn't aware there is a 20 character limit ^^;


    What got me worried was when I asked them to send me my pw via the bad password/ birthday verification page, it said my email didn't match their records. But luckily the forgot your pw link worked :)


    No problem :) When you do get back into your account just create a shorter password, see if your email is still the same and put a pin on 'change email' (and everything else, just to be safe!). Glad it worked out.

  9. When we write articles, there's a big chance we link to a forum topic to explain something in more detail. An example could be the Altador plot, many people click the link to our forum to see if anyone else had the same problem as they did. When they find a solution, they're happy and leave the forum again to play Neopets.


    There are also enough people who are unsure to join a forum, either since they don't know how to act on a forum, or since they are not allowed to (by their parents for example), or whatever personal reason. So those will just lurk around to see how things are done here before they decide to join up.


    Last you've got the bots. I don't mean spambots, I mean bots from search engines (like Google, Yahoo, Bing). They look through all the pages of the forum and update the content on their websites constantly. Assume that between 20 and 50 of those guests aren't human.

  10. Hi, guys! I've been a long time Neo player, but this is the first time I'm selling an UB that will need to go to the Auction House (because it's over 800K NP). I've noticed that some people still place their items in trades (I guess so they can get Neomailed offers?). If someone offers, what's the safest way to get it to the auction for the person without risking someone else snatching it up?

    The safest way to proceed is to make that person your neofriend and put the auction on NF only :) You can always unfriend each other afterwards if you wish to keep your friendlist for actual friends only.

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