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Posts posted by Viridian

  1. TNT freezes up old, unused accounts for protection (the same thing happened with me). You should try another browser for the my support page if it isn't loading for you.


    I wish TNT was being less of a [curseword here] when it came to freezing. Taking out bots and people who obviously cheat at flash games, fine... But freezing accounts for their own protection without warning? One of my sides was actually stolen once, and TNT never froze that one. Turned out someone somehow got into my account and sold it to another person. This other person did not know it was once my account and immediately returned it to me. All TNT did was give me a warning for asking for her MSN information so that we could talk things over instead of via neomail. Sometimes it's really frustrating to see that many things in that company are so stupidly automatic, like freezing stuff and silencing.

  2. Does anyone know if the you can still get the Valentine site theme? I have a Mysterious Valentines Card and didn't know about this effect til today, darn it.

    No, it's just on valentines day. You can definitely get it next year, though :)

  3. Definitely see a doctor. A friend of mine woke up with a black spot in his vision once and it turned out to be a pretty harsh disease. He's blind now (the spot grew). So long the spot stays the same size, you'll be alright. Make sure to take care.


    PS: Please don't be frightened by this post. You may as well have something entirely different.

  4. Sorry for not replying here earlier, I had a bus to catch and only got to read your PM now.


    As for the being frozen part, the best thing you can do (and have done) is send in a ticket explaining the situation. I've never been frozen because of my username before, even though my last username was my full name (and so apparently against their rules). I got frozen later on for 'scamming' someone, which I never did. I don't think your username is inappropriate at all and hpefully TNT returns your account to you swiftly.

  5. Well TNT is known to retire certain avatars. Lets say FQD gets retired. The avatar will too.

    Not really, since there are still enough FQD in existence and you just have to play with them, not buy 'm. You can also still get the other avatar with queen fiora by just buying any item :)


    Although I do hope avatars like the altador cup one will be used again in future events, since I don't have them on this account :/


    And as for the Richest avatar... I've only got the 'rich' one, even though I could afford richest, I just don't think it's worth it (yet).

  6. great..logged into my 9 year old main to find that it was frozen for being inactive. I hate my life and I feel like quitting T___T


    edit: I think i'm gonna cry ohgod. I don't have any unsilenced sides T_T why is neopet's security tighter than a bloody bank???


    I know that feeling, I lost two of my sides due to inactivity (I left a year ago for being frozen incorrectly)... They then asked me for the original emailaddress the accounts were on: little problem! These accounts had been created 7 years ago, when 'adsihdiuhwj2e93' was still accepted for an emailaddress... Whatever combination I made as a kid, I surely couldn't remember it. Dumbest rule ever, if you ask me.


    It's sad though that TNT is banning/silencing so many people again. They've really made their rules so strict, I personally don't enjoy playing as much anymore. There's always the fear of 'my account could be gone again tomorrow'.


    My personal advice, get a new account and start all over. It may seem hard now, but it's easier to start with a clean sheet, especially since you're permasilenced :(

  7. I can send that exact text via Neomail, so it doesn't seem to use their 'normal' filter. Are you sure there's no other part that may contain inappropriate wording? Otherwise I recommend removing that last sentence for now, and try editing your adventure later (assuming that's possible)... Just to see whether that sentence is conflicting, or something else.

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