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Posts posted by Viridian

  1. That's a very difficult task. If you know part of his name that might already work better than nothing at all.


    What I recommend doing is searching for the following on google:


    "the camouflage kiko" site:https://www.neopets.com/

    (or whatever pet/color combination you're looking for)

    But sadly enough Neopets is indexed poorly in Google and it may give outdated information. Your pet may have been adopted or may have been lost for so long that it has been deleted. I'd say that the chances of finding your pet are relatively small.

  2. I have the same issue. I usually ask an American friend if he can get a card for me and pass me the code. I trust actual friends more than random websites. Next to that, most websites charge $12 for a $10 card -.-...


    We could possibly make a topic with people who are able to buy cash cards and have paypal, then people outside of America are able to get them as well...

  3. I'm in a relationship, my 3rd serious one... Although I often prefer to claim it's just my second. The first boy I was with for 1.5 years is such a massive jerk. He happened to have threatened to kill me after we broke up and started stalking me everywhere online. I'm still afraid to run into him to date, even though it's been 5 years since we broke up.


    My second relationship was great. Some of you may remember I was in a relationship with a Canadian. An internet relationship that worked great for 3 full years. We met for the first time after being in love for about a year, and it was absolutely amazing. I broke up with him in 2011 after not having seen him for about 10 months. It was getting too difficult for me to sit out my time waiting for him. Maybe that was the wrong decision, and I miss talking to him, but I'm happy in my current relationship anyway.


    My current relationship started in may 2011 and has been awesome. We're living together right now and planning on getting married/getting children as soon as we're out of college. I've known my boyfriend since 2005 and we have always been great friends... A kiss was the trigger to convert our friendship to a relationship. I don't see any reason for this relationship to end anytime in the near future.

  4. Okay, so most of you will most likely be grossed out by this, but I'll say it anyway.


    I have never used perfume/deodorant. I don't need them, most artificial scents make me nauseous.

    I shower roughly once a week and brush my teeth daily.


    However, I've never gotten a complaint from anyone telling me I smell bad (though I ask often, just in case they're afraid to tell). I've had a friend who really smelt sour, but that was just puberty. I've seen her quite often of lately and never noticed anything like that. I felt bad for her since she had to try so hard every day by showering, putting on deodorant etc.


    I feel like most people are way too 'clean' these days. Masking every natural scent on their body, showering more than once a day... It just makes your body instable and more sensitive to illnesses. Please don't think that people who smell bad don't shower/bathe/use deodorant, they probably smell it too and try absolutely everything to fix it. Also don't try to assume anyone who smells good is showering once a day. That's like trying to guess someone's age when they're wearing a mask.


    That's all I wanted to say here, since I felt slightly offended by some posts here (don't worry, I don't take things personal ;)). Hope to have given you some food for thought.

  5. Is anyone else having A LOT of trouble with neo today? I've been trying to refresh my inventory for the I taunt the pant devil avatar but every other time I click anywhere on the site, it goes to a bank screen (no error) and refreshing it doesn't help. It only started doing this today and it's getting very annoying. >.<


    Yeah! I was doing my dailies and I had to refresh half of them due to white pages. Must be some kind of server/coding error which will fix itself in a short time.

  6. Reinstalling (and formatting) your computer can speed up everything a lot. Think about starting with a clean sheet all over again. You will however need to back up your important files.


    However, I'd personally recommend getting a new computer. I used to have a computer with that amount of RAM and I'll be honest with you... I loved getting an upgrade! It was wonderful to see how fast pages loaded, how much better customizing my pets went (without lag!) and that I could play some newer computer games.


    Anyway, it's all up to you :)


    Or get yourself a Mac & never to worry about virus.


    This is incorrect. People saying macs never get viruses are really outdated. People who owned macs did not use to get many viruses, since it was only 2% of the people online. There was not a big enough a market for virus creators to make them for macs. They rather focused on those PC users. That has changed now, with everyone owning an ipad and wanting macbooks. People are creating viruses for macs now, and thus the apple products are no longer 'invunerable'.

  7. But - this program showed up on my computer all of a sudden you see. It was never there before and I haven't added anything new to my computer. I do always check before I uninstall something on my computer. I checked it out and saw reports of others experiencing the same thing. Saying there computer had been infected so I figured it wasn't good. I'm not as computer savvy as most, so I was unsure of exactly what it was and the website was hard for me to understand. When I ran my malwarebytes it showed the NVIDIA program.


    The pop up's did not belong to the website I visited. I know that for sure. I never ever get pop up's and I wasn't even on a website. All I did was click firefox and then it brought me to lots of pop ups. >.< That's never happened to me before.


    Idk, I'm just confused... but I won't touch it again. lol. It's still installed. It re-installed itself? I think. Thanks guys!


    It's very likely the program was automatically updated. As usual when you install a program they show up in your start menu as newly installed programs ;)


    Are you still bothered by the pop-ups? Or did they stop after the malware was removed?

  8. A driver is a piece of software your computer needs to understand what's inside the computer. Each computer has different components (hardware) that need to be installed by so-called drivers.


    Compare it to installing a webcam or a printer, usually they add a CD which installs drivers + other software. The drivers are only necessary for your computer to recognise these devices and make them work. NVIDIA is a Graphic card producer (and a good one, at that). If you are coping with a virus, which I'm not sure of (seeing that your virusscanner doesn't show one) it's definitely not this program.


    I recommend you boot up your start menu, type in 'msconfig' and press enter. Go to the 4th tab (booting up or something like that) and make a printscreen or a list of items that are on there. I can tell you which ones to untick to make your computer faster.

  9. Aww. I'm really sad that the Frost Gloves aren't wearable.


    Edit: Noooooo! I removed the wings from my closet, I didn't know they'd just disappear! :sad02:


    They disappear? Definitely send in a ticket to TNT. Mine gave an error "This is not a Neocash item" when I tried putting it in my gallery (accident, meant to click closet). Something is definitely wrong with those...

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