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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. Like the more rocky/angry theme or the sad one? I just finished watching like the first three seasons but I don't remember the names of the songs but I liked all of them. Now I definitely have to youtube them after work!


    I'm not familiar with that song, I will look it up though because of like SNSD's dancing, though I can only listen to their cutsey songs so much. At least there singing is a lot better than some other girl groups though!


    I would call it rock/angry? Maybe? It's this one. :D


    I will admit though, the sheer size of the music groups throws me off a bit. I guess I'm more used to groups that have maybe 5 or 6 members at best, so the dozen or so members of SuJu or GG is unusual to me.

  2. Do you have any favorite Kpop songs? I got into the Pillows and Tamaki Nami through anime themes, and Gackt somewhat, I've never heard of Cool Joke, I'll have to look them up~


    I remember liking "Sorry Sorry" by SuJu, and that one by Girls Generation that's like... "I Got a Boy"? I think that's what it's called, but they pause in the middle of the song and go "Stop, lemme put it down another way" before some really fun dancing happens.


    Cool Joke did one of the FMA themes, but that was ages ago. It was for the first incarnation of the anime, not Brotherhood.

  3. I remember beating some LoZ games, but it took me a while. I don't like sitting down and going through the entire game in a span of a day or even a week. I like to stop and experience the game, like what Aquamentis said. I don't think anyone should EVER go around telling other people "omg you're a wannabe gamer!!" because it's just mean and hurtful. :| It's like going up to a bunch of people playing a sport you love and shouting "Stoooppp! Stop having fun! Only I should be able to have fun!" It sounds ridiculous because it IS ridiculous.


    Enjoy yourself with your gaming! Forget that person who thinks that they have the authority to label one person as a "wannabe gamer," because no one has that authority.


    (Or maybe challenge them to some fighting game and totally kick their butt at it or something. :P)

  4. I used to be really into Jpop, mostly discovering artists through anime themes. I liked L'Arc~En~Ciel and Cool Joke for a time, then Yui. I've heard some Kpop songs, and the artists I know of (but not actually listen to that much) are Big Bang, ShiNEE, Girls Generation, and Super Junior.

  5. I am so jealous you lucky person :whaa:


    Your total score has been updated to 14169!

    You have played 80 game(s), and you have cleared the pyramid 1 time(s).


    i cri


    You can do it, Loop!


    It took me soooo many broken streaks, some that really ticked me off because I had like THREE CARDS LEFT ARGH. But it came through in the end!

  6. Yes, what wolfponies said does help! It keeps the little Kass doll from flapping its wings, making it fly up higher. Then on the way down, release it and the wings start flapping, slowing the descent. It's actually a really neat mechanic they put in the game, because PHYSICS!


    Also, try to hit it just as it comes into range. Usually once it falls down to the batter's head, I hit it. The TDN guide helps a lot. :D

  7. (your pet) is feeling a bit scrambled today...

    Effect: Changes one of your pets to a random color and species.


    Oh man, if that affected my non-active pet, I would go nuts. My active pet is my lab rat, so I don't mind if they change colour/species. But all my other pets? Noooo!

  8. I am now on a quest for the Space Faerie! I've never done one of her quests before, but here we go!


    She's looking for White Chocolate Krawk. Any help would be much appreciated. :D


    EDIT: Got it thanks to Coco!

  9. After some buying, I get a little frustrated when user shops have small fonts that don't contrast with the bg. Or worse, bgs that make my eyes hurt. >_<


    My main argument is this, yes their bodies are shaped differently but a Hissi and wocky are completely different! How does a hissi wear pants?! Come on art team!


    They can draw pants for snake-like pets, and for pets with flippers. But give them a Mutant or Maraquan pet and the art team won't even try. :P

  10. Exactly, why are there so few wearables for Maraquans and Mutants? Baby pets have more than their fair share of wearables, yet there's only a handful for Mutants and a measly few for Maraquans, and most of them are NC and look odd.


    I think it's because they're rather odd body types compared to other PB colours. I mean, trying to dress a Mutant Chomby or Bruce is very different from another colour like pink or something. Don't even get me started on the Mutant Kaus or Lutaris. Sure, there are some Mutant pets that kind of have the same morphology as more "normal" colours, like the Mutant Shoyru or Kacheek, but the Mutant pets usually have a drastically different shape.


    I think it's the same with Maraquan pets. "How do you get a pair of pants to look good on a Neopet with flippers?" is probably what the art/design team was wondering. (Which doesn't make sense because I'm pretty sure they had pants wearables for Flotsams and Tuskannies.)


    Or it could just be because Baby pets are more popular because they have the cute factor.


    Also, more frustrating things about Neopets:


    Sakhmet Solitaire is SO hard to win! :|

  11. Aside from a bunch of pointless events from playing Sakhmet Solitaire:


    Captain Limebeard says, "Arrrgh! Yer not eatin' yer fruits an' vegetables! Ye better take this Magical Carrot Chia Pop b'fore ye get scurvy!"



  12. I watched the replay with some friends after hearing what happened. When the Brazilian team stepped on the field, we said: "You guys have no idea what you're in for."


    When they showed the shots of fans crying though, that broke my heart. :(

  13. This times like a million! I love my mutuant Arbric but I have no idea what to do with her because of the lack of items for her :grrr:


    I can't even get my Mutant Aisha to wear SHOES. :| I had a great mad scientist type of custom for her planned, but nothing remotely like that even fits her.


    Edit: I just noticed that Arbric is a Mutant Aisha just like Positronia! We are definitely in the same boat here.


    I'm also frustrated that we can't take paintbrush clothes out of our closets. Mine is full of Aisha collars and Elephante clothes. -_-

  14. I'm 500k away from my goal of 10 mill, but eh, what am I gonna spend all this money on?


    You have given Starry Night in Neopia to User 'amelia_124'. Click the button below to continue.


    Thank you so much! <3


    I stepped away from Neo for half an hour, and I come back to two kind people giving me the last item on my wishlist. I'm really grateful, this is such a great experience. :)


    Thank you also, Sabs! <3

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