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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. Hi Lia! I have the flower petal foreground, except I can't send it to you since we're not neofriends. :sad01_anim:


    Oh no, I had no idea I had that setting on. Changed it, and sent you a NF request. Thank you so much! <3


    Edit: Thank you also to maypls for the bracelet!


    Edit 2: Thank you, perrin, for the necklace!


    I am way overwhelmed with the kindness of everyone right now. You are all such awesome people. :D

  2. I finally figured out what I would like, mostly wearables for Mia:

    - Flower Petal Foreground (Thank you, decchild!)

    - Intricate Enamel Negg Bracelet (Thank you, maypls!)

    - Silver Dubloon Necklace (Thank you, perrin!)

    - Starry Night in Neopia (Thank you, Sabs & Loop Zoop!)


    Happy Christmas in July, everyone! :D

  3. This is a fun topic, I like it! :D


    Positive: "Congratulations! A drop of the Rainbow Fountain has spilled on [active pet's petpet], turning them [colour]." Random when visiting the Rainbow Faerie.

    Negative: "Jhudora has decided to punish you for not visiting her, taking [5k to 10k] NP as payment." I just got the positive Illusen RE so I wonder if there's a Jhudora equivalent.

    Neutral: "Looking for a vacation? Why not Meridell?" (Happens in Darigan Citadel by someone who is obviously a Meridell citizen.)

  4. My ankle and knee have almost COMPLETELY HEALED! My foot is getting there, but at least I can walk without pain now! YAY!


    Great! :D Remember to take care of your foot as it's still healing, and don't strain your newly-healed ankle and knee too much. :)

  5. I'm so glad there is a apparently a large group of non-preteens here so I don't feel as weird XD. I love the dailies, I even have an app for easy acccess (It's not official but it works pretty well and I got it from the play store). Personally I actually really enjoy flash games but those *^(*$ adds keep making my game freeze, makes me want to throw something at it. I don't remember them being this intrusive, or am I just remembering with nostalgia tinted glasses? What daily is it that makes those valuable?


    May I add you as a neofriend? I won't ask you for things, but I will totally help your habitarium if you have one :3


    Sure! Go on ahead and add me. I'm happy that you asked first, because a random NF request just makes me go "What?".


    I have Adblock on, so the ads aren't really bothering me. I don't remember there being any ads before the revamp. The daily that's made some junk items valuable is called "The Coincidence." In exchange for a few items, the Lutari scientist will let you use the Random Events Machine. The RE can be anything, but the ones I've mostly gotten are pretty useless. -_-

  6. Hi there! :D As a fellow returning player after being on a break for ages, I welcome you back to Neo as well. My tips would probably include TDN's Dailies list and looking up guides/articles on there if there's anything very new to you. I remember the site before Neocash and Customisation too, and I think things have changed quite a bit. Some old junk/gross food is now worth a lot because of a new daily, and there's so much more content now. :D

  7. I thought I had caught it but I caught a giant squid. Maybe it's the same??

    At what level did you get the avatar?


    The avatar is obtained at random when you catch a "Titanic Giant Squid." It looks like this:




    I got the avatar at around level 102.

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