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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. Hi, Azura! (If I may call you that, or perhaps Blue? Az? I'm not sure what to call you.)


    I'm happy to see you back! :) Everyone makes little slips every now and again, so don't worry too much over it. TDN is a great place to be, and the people here are very fun to talk to.

  2. My main pets are pretty badly named because I named then back in the day when this VWN/VN/BN thing wasn't even on my radar. One is named after a friend (with a too-long name), one is named after a character in a movie. Both have underscores and numbers, so they'd be considered BN. Their names make me cringe sometimes. :P


    But I've gotten a pet from a lovely TDN member before with a good name, and made a mutant Aisha with a sciencey type name. Then I name pets now, I try to figure out a theme for their name (science for Positronia, or Aztec gods for Xiu), then see what possible terms/words for that theme are available on Neo.

  3. Thanks to Shelley, I got my avatar. Now there's only one question that's still bugging me. If I am Rank 1 at the end of this year's Altador Cup, does that rank roll over to next year's AC, or do I have to start all over again?


    You'll probably have to start all over again. Everyone ends up starting off at Beginner again, as far as I've seen from everyone posting about their rank. :)

  4. The spikes make me think that it will be hard to hold on to, if they did implement this into the AC. Maybe a ball that you can't hold on to for very long, like the Fire Yooyu, but much quicker? I don't really know.


    It is really nice to see everyone's guesses on how/if this Yooyu will be used in the AC. :D

  5. I don't know what else I can say that hasn't been said by the lovely posters above me, but please know that I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts and sending my love from far away. That is a lot to have gone through, especially in such a short period of time. I hope everything goes well in the 30th! *hugs*

  6. Last I checked, the top notice was a scene from King of the Hill. :P


    I'm not sure if the notice board itself is actually worth it, unless you're part of some kind of mall or something (I don't even have a clear idea how those work). I think more effective advertising is through the Shop Ads board on Neopets. Personally, I don't really even check the Notice Boards that often.

  7. Hmmm is it a Sculpting or crafting game? I wonder... From the trophies and the name, could be a play on Picasso..... Don't mind me, Just speculating. lol I WISH TNT would make a game that involved peophin(s) (Other than Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger I mean) lol


    It looks like it! Those glasswares in the image might clue us in. The trophies do not look happy to see us though! :P


    I wish they'd have a game for Peophins too. Something water-related, if one could wish.

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