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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. Am I supposed to find Wraiths funny? Because this one makes me giggle. :P


    At first, I found it more devious. Then I imagined its eyebrows wiggling up and down, as if it just made some lame joke. :P

  2. That was really good, Patty! I adore Mirsha Grelinek, so seeing her in this article made me so happy. :) I also love the personality you gave her, it fits in with my headcanon of Mirsha.


    I particularly liked Derlyn commenting on how the media talks to female athletes vs male athletes. It happens to other groups too! In the real world, there's that one press conference for The Avengers where Robert Downey Jr. is asked about playing a character like Tony Stark, then ScarJo being asked about her figure/diet for playing Black Widow. -_-


    Definitely thought-provoking, and a great article. :D Congratulations once again!

  3. Yay, pictures of Kitten Sydney! :D So cuuuuute! I'm glad she's playing your doctor, she seems qualified in the field of Hugs and Cuddleology.


    Keep your ankle elevated when you're resting, that helped me back when I sprained it ages ago. Really, take it easy and keep off your worse-faring leg. Rooting for your recovery! <3

  4. Seeing pictures of Sydney always makes me smile because she is such a cutie!


    Oh gosh, that knee situation sounds horrible. :( Do you think a trip to the doctor would help? Remember to keep off your legs if you can! *hugs again*

  5. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, my dear. :( It does sound like a nasty fall, and I hope your brother gets home soon so you two can head to the doctor's. Please get lots of rest, drink lots of water, and do things to make you feel better.


    *hugs* Keep the pressure off your ankle, keep it elevated, and put some ice on it if possible (but only for a max of 20 minutes at a time).

  6. The last time we had a BGC for lend, someone ended up feeding it to their pet by mistake. We want to avoid this situation to happen again.


    Excuse me while I recover from the brief moment of freakout I had there. Oh, the trouble with Grarrls and Skeiths!

  7. Like Shelley said, they usually have those filters that come up when you hit post/search/submit with a word that they banned. Since you didn't submit it, it never went through, so you should be fine. :)


    This is just me, but I think they're more strict about that stuff on the boards rather than on the shop wiz?

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