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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. Hello there, Magus! Or Jan. I'm actually not sure what to call you. Welcome to the forums!


    Don't worry about asking questions, it really helps out. :) The people here are really great at answering questions, and you never know if your asking might help out a user with the same question. We were all new at some point, so we know what it feels like.

  2. Angel, I'm not sure what else I can say after everyone has said some great things, but I'll try. All those things you've told us is proof that you are not useless in any way, shape or form. Having to deal with all that, and taking all that responsibility on your shoulders, that's not easy. A "useless" person wouldn't have done all those things, especially for the sake of another person. You're still fighting back against things in life that would have brought other people down, and you're still managing to provide for your brother. I'm hoping that he'll realise what you're doing for him, and come to appreciate it.


    Never ever think you're useless, because you're not. You're strong, you're still living life and pressing onwards, and I think you're a great person. :) *hugs* Please take care, and if you ever need to talk or anything, just drop me a line, okay? <3

  3. Hello there, Kittie! Welcome to TDN Forums. :D


    It's too bad you lost your first main. :( You never know what kind of gems you have buried in your account until you log in again after years of being away. Best wishes with your university degrees!

  4. Lia, before I as actually keeping track of the number of items discarded in an excel sheet XD I don't know how many items I discarded but it was a few months ago. I think I only got to 500 or something. But wouldn't that be awesome if there WAS somewhere on neo that would keep track of that?? awesome idea


    I just have a piece of paper where I'm writing down how many I'm discarding. It would be so cool to have a page with all your Neopets statistics, like how many hours you've played, how much NP you've earned and spent, etc etc.


    I would probably also post on the Shop Ads boards on Neopets that you're buying 1NP items for the avatar, some people usually have their 1NP sales going on.

  5. Both are fine, and alternatively I go by Taha as well; short form of Tahalika and all that. Usually I go more by Taha/Tahalika online though, since I find it more casual than my actual name.


    Very well, I shall call you Taha! :) I'm Lia.


    The forums are a great place to be. Everyone's so helpful, and there's always some new and useful information on the boards. :D

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