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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. I remember about 2 years I found a site that had all the episodes and was marathoning through them. Eventually I stopped around the time Sailor Saturn appeared because college, work, etc. Idk if I should remember where I left off or wait for this xD


    I say, marathon the rest of the series and then jump into the newest one when it arrives! :D

  2. Wrath of the Snowager, Mutant Graveyard of Doom II, Crisis Courier, Shenkuu Tangram, Mop 'n' Bop, and Snow Roller each net me 3000 NP a day. SunnyNeo also has a helpful list of game ratios.


    I totally didn't see this post earlier, but that is a really helpful list of games! :O I'm very appreciative that they give some tips on the page, and that they say things like when you should reach the goal. It totally saves time. :D Thanks!


    I also had a glitch when playing Shoutout Showdown where the ball would just disappear. Straight up disappear from the screen after I scored a goal.

  3. you have to be quick though and gauge your ability at MSN with how many you can get in before the customers are too heavily piled up. I started at about 3 and 3, then 4 and 3, but some days i go i found i can get up to 8 so i shoot for 8 per game of SS. once i hit 285+, end game -> send score. i actually kinda like SS BECAUSE you can take a second to rest or do something else real quick at the beginning waiting for customers to come up; i can check a social media update or message or something and even when there's nothing to check, it's a bit like a zen experience; once you're in that groove and blazing through those slushies......i think it's because the nature of the game allows your mind to "rest" or wander so that you're not so hyper-focused on bashing out MSN, speeding through 1 goal SOSDs or padding your stats (and dealing with Darigan Yooyus!!!!) in YYB.


    anyway, that was way more thought than SS really needs, but that's just my headspace with the game. :P


    I feel the same, and it's exactly why SS is actually my favourite AC game. The others are really fast-paced because you have to do things in a rather frantic way. But Slushie Slinger is kind of like a zen experience compared to all those games, you're right. It takes longer, but my mind definitely needs the break after frantically going after goals. :P

  4. That's awesome! :) South Korea's such a cool place to be.


    I'm not an ESL teacher, but I have friends who are. They mostly use Skype to talk to their students though, so they haven't told me any cool stories about going to different places.

  5. Omg if there were a NeoPets cartoon I'd be all over that. IMAGINE IF ALL THE OLD PLOTS WERE CARTOONS!!


    Omg I want a cartoon of the Maraqua plot so badly. Isca and Caylis are some of my favourite plot characters.


    Some other questions, carried over from the AC boards:

    - Just how do Peophins walk on land?

    - How do Kikos walk?

  6. My friend and I have been debating about Sailor Moon, because he believes that it's all about the pretty sparkly things with no substance. To that I say, Sailor Moon features smart girls, fierce girls, loyal and brave girls, and girls with flaws. All of them have really pretty senshi designs, yeah. But doesn't that just say that you can have all the sparkly pretty things AND be completely awesome on the battlefield as well! (That being pretty doesn't equal being helpless.)


    One of the Sailor Moon story arcs I remember was one where the villains were looking for something, and they would attack people and use a mirror to look into the person's soul? I honestly can't remember which Sailor Moon series that was though. :P

  7. Yeah, I can't stand Peophins because every time I look at one, I'm just like, "How is that poor thing supposed to move?" On land, it would just drag its hindquarters around. In the sea, it would try to change direction, but its poor horsy legs would just kick uselessly. Poor things.


    Exactly! I like the Peophin design, but it just seems to be... Off to me when I think about it walking around on land.


    Maybe the Kikos are allowed to be thrown around by their teammates. They seem to be aerodynamic enough for it. :P

  8. Thanks so much!! I submitted a few things to issue 650...rejections all around haha..oh well! I'm half way to the NT star avie so that's just as good to me :) although I hate to miss the 650th opportunity..such a long time until the 700th lol


    Halfway to it too! :) I'm really hoping we both get in the 650th issue. I just want to churn out the last few submissions and be done with the Neopian Times! :P

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