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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. Oh my goodness, this remake has me all excited and giddy inside! :D I remember watching Sailor Moon when I was a little kid so this is bringing back so much nostalgia for me.


    I haven't watched any new anime lately so here's hoping this one will stick. :)

  2. And I'd like to see Shenkuu updated and Lutari Island come back. Among some other things that I'm sure people will suggest and I'll agree with. ^_^


    Yes and yes! I really want to see more new things added to Shenkuu. I left for a while and come back to still the same things? Not cool, TNT. :| I didn't even know Lutari Island was gone. :( Lutaris are such cool-looking pets.


    (Also I would really love it if they fixed KQ glitches .-_-)

  3. I like the Chocolate one! But the Eventide one seems a bit... off. Those clouds (?) on his chin look weird to me :mellow:


    Totally agree, the clouds seem to take away some of the coolness.


    But those clothes though! He looks like a friendly ranger. :D

  4. I'd suggest you contact your ISP as they would be the best people to advise you.


    I second this suggestion. If you've restarted the router, and it's acting up, maybe the problem is on the ISP's end rather than yours.


    Good luck, and I hope your internet gets fixed soon! :)

  5. Been catching up on korean dramas while I play ;) Although that's mostly only on MSN where I can just bang away on the keyboard until I reach 3000+


    Oh goodness, I really should start watching more KDramas again.


    I've been listening mostly to CGP Grey's channel. It makes me feel like I'm learning something, maybe. Hopefully. Even if it's just background noise for me. :P

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