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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. I read The Hunger Games too! :D I was completely obsessed with it during my semester break. I read the first book in a day, and then the next two in six hours. *___* T'was awesome...


    I'm also working on finishing the Millennium Trilogy by Steig Larsson by trying to get a copy of The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. :)

  2. @Viridian/Mumbling: I think I do remember you! Hello there! :D How've you been?


    @Co: I remember you too! XD Nice to meet you too. :)


    @Noog: HI, NOOG! 8D I'm glad for the off time. ^_^


    @Neomysterion: Hello there~ It's nice to meet you! I watch anime during my spare time too. :D (*will go look for anime threads after this is posted*)


    @Eevee: Don't worry, I remember you! Hello again~


    @hrtbrk: Hiya! I'm really sorry I haven't dropped by more often. Life's been VERY busy since I last went on here.


    @Shane: Real life, my friend. That's what got in the way of my being active here and on Neopets. :)

  3. Mmm, all this talk about coffee is making me crave Starbucks! :D


    I usually go for their seasonal drinks such as Peppermint Latte or Praline Mocha, but my REAL favourite there is Dark Cherry Mocha. Unfortunately, they didn't have it last year. ;___; But, oh well~ Life goes on. XD When it's not Christmas season, I go for the mixed drinks like Honey Orange Latte or something like that. I rarely just get pure coffee. ^_^

  4. Hello there, TDN!


    I'm not sure if any of you remember be, as it has been positively AGES since I last came back here. :laughingsmiley: Anyway, I have a few days of vacation and decided to come back and say hello. :) I went back on my account on Neopets and did a few dailies and whatnot.


    Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and to see if any of the people I know from back then are still here. :laughingsmiley: Theo? TJ? Stephanie? Alice? BJ? Anime? You guys still here? :)


    Anyway, that's all from me, Tivsy~ *waves* :D

  5. *dusts off TDN account* Hoo, boy. I hope I'm doing this right since I haven't been on here in a LONG time.


    You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

    and now your pet is a little stronger thanks to Turmaculus!!!


    7AM Neopia Time :D (or 6AM(

  6. From "classic" Disney, I voted Lion King. It's such a beautiful movie with an equally touching message.


    From "new" Disney, I say "WALL-E." A movie that makes a statement about the environment and love with robots and minimal dialogue? Pretty awesome. :)

  7. yea, I was entertained by the let's get physical video


    I actually thought Sue was gonna be angry with Kurt when he told her he put up the video



    Well, after being able to perform with Olivia Newton Jon, I think she was in such a good mood. :) Plus it was that video that got her the gig in the first place.


    Being able to rub it in the faces of all the other staff was an added bonus. XD



    @Weeblin: I don't watch Ellen, so I'm not sure what interview you were referring to. XD

  8. The "Let's Get Physical" video was SO funny. Go, Sue!



    And seeing Emma lay the smackdown on Will was FUN. :3 I know, I know that it might seem to break the image of a sweet Emma. But it had to be said.


    Seeing Sue's soft side with her sister was so adorable too! <3


  9. Anyone seen "Bad Reputation" yet? :D I'm watching it right now. XD


    It seems a lot of people like Sue. Not all that surprised, Sue is a villain but she is has that delicious evil about her. :3

  10. (Sorry if there's already a thread about Glee. ^-^; )


    So, does anyone here watch the show Glee? I kind of got into the hype pretty late, but I managed to finish off Episode 13 (Sectionals) the day before the new episodes started coming out. :)


    Thoughts? Favourite character(s)? Mine are Mercedes, Kurt and Sue (she's deliciously eviiiiil. :evil:)


    Looking forward to seeing if there are any fellow Gleeks around here. ;)

  11. Wow... I didn't realize how many Pokemon games there were. o_O To think I started off playing the original Red, Blue, Green and Yellow on my old pink Gameboy Color. I never really cared for the next generations of Pokemon (with a few exceptions such as Marill and some of the Legendaries.)


    But I'm playing Pokemon Emerald now. Just started, but it's fun so far. :3


    Does anyone remember the movie "Mewtwo Strikes Back"?

  12. Thanks guys!


    @Unstream: You got Kawinly and Mia right. :D Sherlock Holmes (Dratted scanner didn't pick up the pencil shading around her) and Men in Black. :D


    @Blue: Yay! :D


    As for TNK, nope. Not James Bond. If these ever get colour, maybe the parody will be more obvious. ^^;

  13. I haven't drawn something in a while, so after a hard math test, I decided to relax by finally getting this idea out on paper. :) Anyway, it features TURBULENCE as always. And using the "Get TURBULENCE" poster as a starting point, I came up with these four movie poster parodies featuring each of the TURBULENCE crew... (*shakes fist at scanner* It killed the smudgy grey background these were supposed to have!) One day I will CG these things... One day...


    By the way, if you manage to guess which movie each is supposed to be a parody of, you get cookies. :) Or a little something from me. :D Best of luck!



    Mia, with her trusty magnifying glass. Finally, the hat returns. XD



    Stalker in the middle of something, perhaps. Run, man, run!



    TNK, getting all shadowy on us.



    Last, but certainly not least, Kawinly. You do NOT want to be on the wrong end of that gun. Trust me...



    A shot of all four posters, as they appear on this little sheet of paper I have in front of me.


    I look forward to hearing your guesses. :D

  14. :* Thanks very much, you guys~ :D I'm glad you like this! ^^


    @AA: Whee, Chapter 3! <3


    @celticheavens: With my busy school sched, I can only hope to get some down time for drawing. :laughingsmiley:

  15. Wow, I haven't drawn anything Neopets-related in a while! :laughingsmiley: And I missed drawing the crew known as TURBULENCE~ :D It's a sketch, but I'm too wiped to really make it a proper CG for now. XP


    So here they are, in a movie poster parody: Get TURBULENCE.


    (L to R) Mia, sans hat but with trusty magnifying glass. Kawinly with some kind of dangerous blaster. Stalker with... Who knows what kind of gadget this guy has THIS time? TNK with a gun in one hand and some kind of explosive in the other.


    (The movie parodied would be "Get Smart" and the reason their faces are partially obscured because that's how it is in the actual poster~ :D)


    Anyone still remember them? :D

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