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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. 1. What was the name of your first Neopets account? ameia_124 (aka THIS account! :O)

    2. How old is it/when did you make it? 2002, I think. According to my Neo page.

    3. Do you still use it? YEP! :D Isn't that obvious?

    4. What was your biggest achievement(s) on that account? I was able to participate in the old plots. I think that's why it's good to get started early. :laughingsmiley:


    1. What is the name of your first pet? Mia_555

    2. What species and color was it when you made it? She was a Blue Aisha

    3. How old is that pet? Well, her birthday was in January of 2002, so you do the math! :D

    4. Why did you choose this species? I loved cats~

    5. Do you still own him/her? Yep! And she's still on my first account! :O

    6. Is it now a different species and/or color? She is now an Island Aisha. ^_^

    7. Does it have a petpet? Yep, she does! :D

  2. The ray is fired at Rowelynthecute_11...

    ... and he gains 2 strength points!!!!


    Good for the BD~ :D


    The ray produces a giant flash of light, but OMGROFL doesn't look any different. When it can't even climb the Multi-level Scratching Post you bought it, you realize that malfunctioning lab ray actually decreased its level to: 3


    Just your luck.


    Indeed. -_-

  3. I'm here! i'm here!!! Yes, €I've seen onegai sensei too!!:D

    Good BJ. *tosses dried mango at BJ* :laughingsmiley:


    Well, it's a story about a boy who could see microorganism with his naked eye. Since I'm in the medical field, I've heard about some of the microbes that was presented there..:D

    Now that does sound interesting. Poor guy if he was afraid of germs though. :P


    I'm looking forward to seeing more "FMA Brotherhood" m'self. :D

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