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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. Thanks for the all the compliments, everyone! I'm glad to make people happy. :D


    Another great one Tivsy. You should think about actually writing comics for a living.

    You're very funny and you obviously have the artistic talent to make something unique.

    :* That'd be really cool. I have thought of making my own webcomic before. But because of school and all, I've never gotten past... The first page. :laughingsmiley: Although I don't think being a comic artist is in my future, I'll always keep drawing to de-stress. :D Drawing, writing and all other creative things can do wonders for a harried college student. ^_^

  2. D. Gray Man? A friend of mine adores that. X3


    Onto the sketch, I do like his expression. It's a little devious and fun! As for the colouring, I think Luciana covered it with the colouring tutorial. :D

  3. Alrighty, let's do this... *clears throat*


    I like the setting and the overall feel of the story, just because I love them detective stories! :D Aren't they just awesome? *coughs* Anyway, I think this has a good shot of getting into the NT! :D *cheers*

  4. @Lion: Thank you, thank you. I aim to start peoples' days off with a laugh. :D


    @Super Squirrel: Actually, I have made other strips in the past. Just click my name at the top of the comic (in the NT) and you'll see the ones I've done before. Still looking for inspiration for the next strip though. :laughingsmiley:

  5. This one took surprisingly long to get into the NT. Must be all the backlog of comics ever since they hit their 400th issue or something. But either way, I'm glad it got in. :D Even if I haven't even begun planning the next comic. It's not one of my Aggravated AvaStars though. :laughingsmiley:




    This was supposed to be during the AC finals, but I submitted it a day too late. :P Oh well! Hope you guys enjoy it anyway! ^_^ Here's the NT link. For those who look at the "Comics" page, you'll notice TNT chose my Mia as the thumbnail for the comic. Whee! :D For those who are wondering, the Kougra is my Lightning_Fast98. :)

  6. Ive only watched 8 episodes so far, and from what I've seen you definitly need to watch them in order. :) they are pretty good though ... I'm thinking they're worth the time to catch up ... an added bonus would be that you dont have to wait a week for the next episode!! :)

    Hm, really? Well, if it's recommended...


    *scribbles "LOST" on her never-ending list of "Things to Watch"*

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