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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. Hm, well that's certainly something I never noticed before...


    For colours like Maraquan or Faerie, where the petpet's appearance changes dramatically, I can understand the change in size. The artist needs to either make it bigger or smaller for all the newer details (ie: the tail, the wings, etc).

  2. I think it can be solved by right-clicking your desired food and selecting "Open in a new tab" or something similar (I use Firefox). Repeat for all the other menus and all of them should turn up in the "Eat" page. :)

  3. that happened on thursday and friday.and uh,BTW,my little sister posted that,her classes were suspended,not mine.:D

    and uh,I need to go to school now to make up for yesterday's class.{typhoon, my classes suspended too.}

    also,today's a saturday.>.<


    Yes, my original post was made around Thursday/Friday. :)

  4. *runs to the window* BLAAACCKKKKKKK JAAAAGUUUUUAAAAR! Did you hear me then? :laughingsmiley:


    Oh yeah! El Hazard and Vandread were two that I became interested in for a little while. But stopped when I couldn't catch them anymore. Groove Adventure RAVE held my interest for much longer.


    But I never did find out how they ended. Once I get a free vacation, I'll try to catch up. With 51 eps of RAVE and 26 eps of El Hazard, that's gonna take up a lot of time. :P

  5. Since I too am from the Philippines, I can understand Filipino. :D For some reason, dubbed anime just sounds funnier in Filipino than English. ^_^


    I remember when they still showed anime on AXN! Back when there was no Animax! :O I remember Fushigi Yuugi. I KNOW there were other titles but I just can't place my finger on it. -_-

  6. Don't get me started on them dubbing Flame of Recca. Seeing one of my old favourites butchered with bad pronunciation made me want to throw things at my TV set. And in Card Captor Sakura when they pronounced "Yue" as "yoo" instead of "Yoo-eh," I got irritated.


    At least the other anime channel here, Hero, even though they dub it in another language, I can still appreciate it more than Animax's english dubs.

  7. I know they approached the concept of Ed and Al's mum differently. I just forgot how different it was. o.o


    I haven't seen the newest OP yet. I did like the one by YUI, I found it different from her usual music. :D At least Animax also shows it and they show it in the original Japanese.


    No offense to Animax but sometimes... Their dubbers annoy the heck out of me. -_-

  8. Yes, the part when she was

    screaming "Daddy!" and the panel was just the long shot of the cemetary. And when Roy and Riza were talking afterwards.



    I'm confused. In the manga,

    Was the fuhrer's secretary really a Homunculi that looked like Ed and Al's mother?

    Or was that just an anime thing?


    Why yes, I have missed a lot. :laughingsmiley:

  9. I think it's going to be a lot darker since it will follow the manga now. Although...

    Huuuuuuuughess... *cries* His death

    is something I don't want to watch again.


    Arakawa's humour shows in the manga a lot. So glad they carry it over to the anime as well. :D


    When I first heard the OP, I didn't realize that it was YUI singing it.

  10. Part of me wants to, but another part says no. Yuu Watase is a good manga-ka but after Fushigi... Eeehhh... Miaka was useless for me. -_- Now, the heroine in Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden, SHE was useful! She kicked butt! :O


    With the pretty colours and cute characters, some people think all shoujo is good for kids. But... *cough* Some of it isn't. On the other end of the spectrum, FMA may push the limits what with all the backstory involving the Ishbal war and whatnot.

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