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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. I have a piercing on each earlobe, but I was so young when I got them that I don't remember anything about how painful it was or not. I've always wanted another piercing on my earlobes, but I've never gotten around to getting one.

  2. Omg...it all makes sense now! Just like for Blitzball, it takes training to survive without water and to move around. I find this legit now xD


    Headcanon accepted! :P


    I've always wondered how kikos handle the gaming, since they're just floating ovals with arms. Just fine, last I checked. xD


    They probably have crazy arm strength that they use their arms as legs to propel themselves around. Or, if they're particularly agile, they use their arms as leverage to fling themselves across the court.

  3. Maxing out is sending the maximum amount of scores that you can in a day. 68 for YYB, 762 for SoSD and MSN. I don't know what it is for SS.


    For me, maxing out SoSD is much more reasonable than YYB. SoSD is quick and easy. YYB is ~3 minutes per game, which takes up a lot more time.


    Thanks for the information, Wildbreeze. :) I knew it was some crazy number but I didn't know the exact one.


    I've never maxed out on games. I don't think I've ever really played more than a hundred or so games in total.

  4. I have no idea when I started reading. Some of my earliest memories involve my books and I. As for writing, I think I started writing my own stories early in high school? I loved writing compositions in English class when I was younger, but high school was the time I started writing with my own characters.

  5. I don't have a strategy, myself. I just play the games until I'm bored. Hahaha!


    By the way, what is the max for each game? I don't understand that part.


    And how on earth do you guys get in the thousands for your plays?


    Same here!


    When they mean max, they mean hitting the cap or maximum number of games until Neopets stops counting your score. I can't remember what the max is for each game, but I know it's probably a crazy amount in the hundreds for some of the side games. It's a more reasonable amount for YYB.

  6. Anywho, yes, I do. I have an accordion folder with a bunch of unfinished manuscripts in it and a file on my computer that has some that aren't even in the accordion! My mom told me a long time back that I should stop chucking them out, so I did. At least until it got as bad as it currently is, at which point, I went through the accordion and tossed stuff I didn't think I'd ever write. I did that with the computer folder a few months ago and put the stuff that I liked--but didn't want to get rid of--into a folder entitled "Books That May Not Ever Live". (It's a subfolder of "On Hold".)


    Very well, I shall call you Daya from now on! :) It's so weird when you go back and look at all the ideas that you've forgotten about. I feel like the writing mind can churn out some WEIRD stuff when desparate.


    Ooh, NaNoWriMo! I've heard of it, and I think I might like to join this year, though I have no clue what I'd write about.


    I don't have any books published, and I have no novel-length stories, though I wrote a short story about my Pastel Xweetok here, if anyone is interested.


    I'm really into sci-fi, mostly, and fantasy :D Those are pretty much the only kinds of book I read. I'm a huge sucker for fiction.


    Sci-fi and fantasy are awesome! <3


    (Also hello Hussie, it's good to see you again not killing off all my favourite Homestuck characters.)

  7. Then before you know it, you've got a whole bunch of unfinished manuscripts just sitting around and waiting for you to pay attention to them. I have a few from years ago that are still unfinished.


    If The Proposal has taught me anything, writers have people like Sandra Bullock's character breathing down their necks and making sure they churn out the best they can possibly do.


    Oh my, that's quite a list! Kudos, Novelista!


    (I feel quite bad that you know my handle as "Lia" but I'm not exactly sure what to call you.)

  8. Also, I know this is prooobably just me, but I think I noticed some bitterness in TNT's response. As in "you guys are never satisfied with our improvements, and still manage to ruin the game for yourselves". But then again, I'm probably just projecting my own bitterness. Oh well.


    They're probably trying to come off as accommodating as possible, but given that they seem to be having so much trouble with it, they're probably are a bit bitter. Maybe they have an office tally of every time someone submits a ticket complaining about something in the AC. :P

  9. And I will end up spending those five months yelling about headcanons rather than doing any actual planning. :P


    A book every year? Oooh, that's so awesome! :D About being stuck, maybe some brainstorming will help? Or just opening a Word document and typing whatever comes to mind, removing mental filter and all that, then going back to look for ideas.


    (Oh, addictions to video games. The bane of everyone trying to be productive. Not that I'm complaining much.)

  10. Oh, I am so very tempted to join in this year with something. I used to join NaNoWriMo when I was younger (and had more free time), and I really enjoyed it!


    I have no idea what I'm going to write, as the only story knocking around in my head is something Neopets-related. :P

  11. Sarmenta the Fire Meerca is up for adoption! Please message me if interested.



    - She also has an aged Snowbunny (zapped by the Petpet Lab Ray) so you can get the "Whee!" avatar


    Long story, but she was originally Coco's and I have her for some reason. We don't know why I have her, we can't really remember what our selves from years ago were thinking. :P I asked her, and she suggested asking you lovely TDN people if one of you could give her a new home.

  12. It's either a complete overhaul of the scoring system, or something completely different from the bracket system and double round robin. I'm not sure what further anti-cheating methods they would want to implement though.


    Then again, they could just go the extreme route and get rid of the AC altogether. For at least a while until the work out the bugs in the system? Maybe?

  13. When I was younger, I was like, "Oh, I'll get a cell phone and get to Lutari Island!" and...poof. Out. (And if you want a Lutari, they only come around once a year! No wonder lots of us get more than one. :P )


    Oh, I've got a Lutari on my side account. I had no idea that they can't be transferred though, oops! Also I would love it if they could enable Lutaris being transferred.


    oh and being able to..




    yeah that would be my biggest wish :P although again, I know, not gonna happen because of the system and all. even just being able to change a username. although I would still keep mine :P


    Yes, omg! I look at some of my pets' names that I picked when I was much younger, and I CRINGE. Eeeek. :|

  14. I recently finished Death Note with hunny (We're currently watching Kodomo no Omocha together), and since he's overseas I watch other anime/drama series when he's afk. Started watching the classic Sailor Moon by myself for the fun of it since I saw that promo for Crystal. Sooooooooo many memories, so many times missing the school bus and being late for class xP


    Omg, Death Note! I have so many good memories of that show. Well, good memories watching it with people. Not of the actual crazy killing and death going on in the show.


    Thanks for the info! I've tried Crunchyroll but I don't want to sign up for a subscription.

  15. I like golden retrievers too, but my friend's dog has really gotten me into huskies because Shadow is full blood and white with eyes that are two different colors.


    If I had the money though, I''d get an Alaskan Klee Kai. I want one SOOOO bad!


    Omg, huskies are just GORGEOUS, aren't they? I love them, and Malamutes. The only reason I wouldn't get one would be keeping it cool in the summer and all that fur!


    I have a lot of pets, but the one that would qualify as a best friend is Molly, my dog.


    She's so cute! Look at that gorgeous sweet face! :D

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