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I am curious to see if my fellow neopians have been stocking up for the potential next charity corner, and if so, when did you start stocking up? For myself, I started back when the last CC ended 😆. If you are hoarder like me, how many items do you currently have saved up in your SDB? I currently have 10,995 items. 🤪


Olá Amanda boa noite amiga, é o Luciano você acabou de aceitar minha solicitação de amizade lá no Neopets e eu acabei de conhecer esse fórum/site aqui e me registrei agora mesmo kkkk, tem como usar pelo celular tbm? Preciso providenciar foto no perfil pra ficar certinho e preciso tbm completar o perfil pra ficar mais seguro :)


That's so awesome! Is there a particular item that you stock up on? I've just been stocking up on the 2 pointers and cheap items under 10 nps. 

On 6/13/2021 at 1:07 AM, Amanduh1021 said:

I am curious to see if my fellow neopians have been stocking up for the potential next charity corner, and if so, when did you start stocking up?

*feels hunted* :ph34r:

On 6/13/2021 at 1:07 AM, Amanduh1021 said:

For myself, I started back when the last CC ended 😆.

Ah! No worries, this is someone who understands! :D

Items: 2,671 | Qty: 15,326

I've had much more previous years. D:< I wish you could sort your SDB by quantity, I'd love to know what I've got those large quantities of!

Anyway, every item I attain gets a CC-potential assessment. x'D I set myself rules though!

  • Initial CC phase - Started out not allowing myself to spend a single NP towards it; only using what I'd accumulated since the last one.
  • Second phase - Started stalking the Money Tree for r80+ items. I went as far as creating lists of the stuff that showed up on the reg, so I could learn them all. :upsidedown: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/jellysundae/
  • third phase - Prior to the last CC, I started allowing myself to buy Stickies from the Healing Springs; they're only 25 NP, that hardly counts as buying for it, right?? :ph34r: I also fully expecting them to end up disallowed, but justified the risk as the monetary lose would be very insignificant by Neopian stardards. So them just getting nerfed was actually a bonus, lol.
  • fourth phase - where we are now; triggered by 6NP Money Tree douchebaggery - actually caving and buying stuff. 😮 2-pointers at no more than 5 NP, 4-pointers at 50, and 6-pointers at 100. Those prices lasted all of about 5 minutes, mostly because @Secrewas buying up everything in sight at the time. :laugh: I actually really enjoyed buying, there's something so fundamentally satisfying about stock-piling! and if you manage to snap up some r90+ items for 25 NP?... :lmaosmiley:

The 6 NP people have finally stopped being such jerks though, so the MT's pretty much back to normal, and I'd forgotten about buying.

But,,, seeing as it's a bye day... and I'm thinking about it now... to the SSW I go!

Oh, I also still visit Hagan daily, despite no longer needing to, just to try and get those nice 6-point books out of him!

Posted (edited)

It's an ongoing thing for me so yes, for sure. I have spreadsheets and keep track of it. 

Items: 9,088 | Qty: 93,076

I have this number of r90s

BOOKS 6252
TOYS 4346
BD 17463
FOOD 5056
GIFT 216
Edited by jaydeed
added missing info

Items: 2,514 | Qty: 9,356 

I save most things I get, but I'm not willing to donate everything i have stored. For example, the neohome and neogarden items from my classic neohome (RIP) are waiting on a future neohome version. That may take awhile, I know. Category: Neogarden | Items: 154 | Qty: 337  Category: Neohome | Items: 306 | Qty: 628


I feed my neopets only portions of multi use foods (omelets, jellies, and loveberries for example) or retired foods. But I'm not buying lots of things in bulk yet. 


I've been low-key stocking up for Charity Corner as well, that is if there will be one this year. Here's my current SDB count: Items: 8,205 | Qty: 24,111 (and counting)

I'm not focusing on a single item in particular, but I have a mixture of dailies, wheels and Battledome spoils ready to donate for CC. I have around 8,500 points worth of goodies for CC and counting (unless if any item value nerfs happen towards items with certain keywords in their name regardless of how easy or hard it is to acquire such items).


I feel a CC could crop up at any time this year, theoretically; as they didn't have the perks for the last one, so there isn't the time frame of a-year-and-a-bit needed for those to expire. 🤔


I think the question is, what are your goals? If you want to just donate, then it depends on the prizes how far you go and it's easy enough to get a trophy with stockpiled dailies or 1 pt prize shop items. If you want to donate and sell, you need all those nice r90s. I think of it as my main np earner. I buy at 500np or less, sell at 1200np. So even ten mins a day scouring shops can be a potential goldmine.


I pick a few common, cheap r90s from the main categories to focus on (books, BD, toys, food) and make sure I have some in all of the categories in case they revert to asking for specific categories.

But the fun went out of it with the new system for me and last year's was diabolically awful.


I think I'm at close to 50,000 items. I was caught short last year and don't plan to do that again!

@jellysundae Sorry! I buy at 10np for 1 point, 20np for 2 point, 200np for 4 point and 300np for 6 point... so I get eeeeverything! I am completely preoccupied by the cup at the moment though... so now is a good time!

1 hour ago, Secre said:

I am completely preoccupied by the cup at the moment though... so now is a good time!

But so am I, so no it isn't. :laugh:


So my question after reading all of these replies, why would you want to buy the r90+ items, when you could just stock up on lower valued items for fewer neopoints that would eventually add up to the r90 and upper value items? I have figured that it would save me nps in the long run, and I have acquired more items doing it this way.  Unless, you are buying the rare items for when the time comes, just to be able to sell in your shop to make a profit? 

On 6/16/2021 at 2:56 AM, Amanduh1021 said:

So my question after reading all of these replies, why would you want to buy the r90+ items, when you could just stock up on lower valued items for fewer neopoints that would eventually add up to the r90 and upper value items? I have figured that it would save me nps in the long run, and I have acquired more items doing it this way.  Unless, you are buying the rare items for when the time comes, just to be able to sell in your shop to make a profit? 

It depends if you value speed over np in honesty. I've got mostly 1-6 point items because I'm cheap. A lot of people want to go the quickest way possible, which is r90+ items all the way!


Late reply, but for me, it's for the profit. I clear easily 70m on CC most years (where does it all GO? No, wait, I know. Stamps). I only donate r90s if it's near the end and I'm bored. Priced at 1200 np, they fly out of my shop. If I sell even 50k of them for that (and it's usually more) that's 60m and I will have paid maybe 20m for them, if that (because lots are free from dailies). Plus, it's so spread out, i don't notice buying them, but I sure notice the profits in my shop during the event, lol.


Oh no xD I have completely forgotten to start doing that. @_@

Thanks for the lil reminder! :3 I'm going to start stocking up.

On 6/21/2021 at 3:41 AM, Secre said:

It depends if you value speed over np in honesty. I've got mostly 1-6 point items because I'm cheap. A lot of people want to go the quickest way possible, which is r90+ items all the way!

Ahh, I see. Yes, I've only been stocking up on the 1-6 as well. Mainly just 1-4 though. If I'm online, I try to stock up on at least 100 items a day. Some days it's more though. 

1 hour ago, Amanduh1021 said:

Ahh, I see. Yes, I've only been stocking up on the 1-6 as well. Mainly just 1-4 though. If I'm online, I try to stock up on at least 100 items a day. Some days it's more though. 

On days when I'm on a roll, I can purchase 500-700 items easily.

I've been completely lax since the AC started though!

14 hours ago, Secre said:

On days when I'm on a roll, I can purchase 500-700 items easily.

I've been completely lax since the AC started though!

Goodness, that takes some real dedication girl! I  could never d/t me being picky with spending my np's because I like to save them up for my gallery. It already costs me 59K to upgrade it only to add five more items. 😅 I should have definitely thought about starting up a plushie gallery before I came dedicated to it, but I'm stuck now and I love it so much! It's came a long ways since I've dabbled in css. 

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