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I got the Impossible Avatar today! :) I didn't see a notification for it, but I picked one up at apple bobbing and sure enough, there was a shiny new avatar in my chat preferences.

Awesome, that's one of my favorites XD

"that's no apple" lol


I got that avvie on my old main still have the imposter apple in my safety deposit box LOL


so today I got two avvies (so far):

Something has happened! toothfaerie.gif The tooth faerie arrives for your lost tooth, and gives you an avatar in return!

and I got the wheel of monotony avvie finally after spinning that wheel I don't know how many times. I still need: mediocrity, extravagance, and knowledge and my wheel collection will be complete :D



I've been waiting a year for that Snowbunny I had attached on Nifuel to age for a year to get this one.


That was the worst joke ever! I only give it 266 out of 1000! Leave my kingdom now! *Grrrrrrrr*


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Skarl - Moody' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Yay! One down, one to go :)


OMG I am so happy- I finally got into the first 250 in the Lenny Conumdrum!


I love this avatar- such a cutie!


Something Has Happened! rubbish.gif

You are now eligible to use 'Rubbish' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!




Ahhh well done! I haven't even bothered with this one for fear of discarding thousands of items and still not getting it! Any hints on the trick to it??


Something Has Happened! plasticfir.gif You are now eligible to use 'Plastic Fir' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


After 6 years on this account, I finally got it :D


I recently just got the Fyora - Faerie Queen avvie, something I never thought I'd get for some reason! But I got it on the day the Hidden Tower was having a discount, so I got the HT - Rich avvie too!


Yesterday I got the Plastic Fir avvie on my new main, and today I finally got the Count Von Roo! :D


Something Has Happened! deadlydice.gif You are now eligible to use 'Count von Roo's Deadly Dice' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Something Has Happened! pwned.gif

You are now eligible to use 'Pwned by the Lab' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

It's a shame my Gold Tuskaninny had to change into a Red Mynci to get it, but oh well [: YAY! haha

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