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Official Neopets down/having issues board


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For me, with a page load/refresh, it appears I'm logged out, but when I refresh, it shows the page again, but with me logged in.

That's good to know! :) Thanks, Spritzie. I don't have to worry now. ^_^
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Is anyone else getting logged out every 10 minutes or so? I've already changed my password, so I don't think that it has anything to do with any one else being in my account. It is sure making Neoquest annoying to play!


It's happened to me as well, Rebecca, and it seems there's a topic on the Help board on Neopets about it. There's nothing really helpful in it, but at least we aren't alone, I guess.

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Yes Rebecca, that has been happening to me today too. Like Spritzie said as soon as I refresh it shows me as logged in.

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Is anyone else having A LOT of trouble with neo today? I've been trying to refresh my inventory for the I taunt the pant devil avatar but every other time I click anywhere on the site, it goes to a bank screen (no error) and refreshing it doesn't help. It only started doing this today and it's getting very annoying. >.<

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Is anyone else having A LOT of trouble with neo today? I've been trying to refresh my inventory for the I taunt the pant devil avatar but every other time I click anywhere on the site, it goes to a bank screen (no error) and refreshing it doesn't help. It only started doing this today and it's getting very annoying. >.<


Yeah! I was doing my dailies and I had to refresh half of them due to white pages. Must be some kind of server/coding error which will fix itself in a short time.

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I'm having this issue as well. I'm also getting logged out without warning. It happened twice today while I was doing my dailies and then a bunch of times last night while I was refreshing in the Second Hand Shoppe.

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I'm having even more issues today than yesterday. It seemed like every third or fourth new page I either was 'logged out', or had a blank page. -.-

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I'm still getting the "logging" out bug. I was hoping it got fixed before the holidays since the TNT staff are not at work until January.


Me too. :( Actually it only started to get really bad today.

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Every so often, I'm not awarded keys either. Sometimes they show up after refreshing the vault a couple times, sometimes they don't. After playing with a friend, we found that both of us received neither key nor NP. So there's really no advantage or disadvantage, you just lose the time you spent playing, which is kind of annoying.

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Every so often, I'm not awarded keys either. Sometimes they show up after refreshing the vault a couple times, sometimes they don't. After playing with a friend, we found that both of us received neither key nor NP. So there's really no advantage or disadvantage, you just lose the time you spent playing, which is kind of annoying.


Me too. I wish it was only a silver key I lost.

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Am I the only having trouble accessing My Support?


I'm trying to look at a ticket I submitted on my side account regarding not being able to transfer my Lemon Chia, but every time I go to My Support, I get booted back to the Help home page.


I sent an editorial about it, so hopefully they'll realize something's wrong with it.

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