leverhelven Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 So, in today's Editorial, a user asked about the usage of the bracket system, to which TNT answered as such: "Hi, TNT. I was wondering why you are still using the bracket system in the Altador Cup. Winning and losing doesn't matter and the points seem to carry over between rounds, which doesn't leave much room for improvement unless you get a lucky bracket. Everyone I talk to wants the Round Robins back as well, so why use the bracket system? ~chipperjones10810 We understand that the bracket system is the in thing to hate on, but we got just as many complains about the Round Robin system, which is why it was changed in the first place. We plan to revisit AC when the time comes next year and either redo the format if we can find a good format that addresses your concerns (Round Robin doesn't solve some of the bigger issues we've heard from you guys, either) or say goodbye and do something else." I was surprised to read the "say goodbye and do something else" part. What do you guys think TNT meant by that? Did they simply mean they're gonna try a different score system for the AC? Or do you think they just might let go of the AC once and for all? I consider this a valid possibility as they've already stated we're not gonna have the Daily Dare this year, so I wonder if we're about to see some big changes in yearly events such as the AC? ...Or did I just overreact? :P ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
siniri Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 I interpreted it the same way, but I'm sure it's 90% wishful thinking on my part. I haven't seen any sign that TNT's new anti-cheating measures are actually work (though maybe it's not late enough?), and I think if the cheaters win again, they'll either have to do something really drastic to rein it in or cancel it altogether. ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
.Brianna. Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 I took it to mean they're trying to revamp it but if they can't find something that improves the situation then it's the end of the AC... so I read it how you did I think? ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
Angeló Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 i believe they meant get rid of the AC all together. ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
leverhelven Posted June 14, 2014 Author Posted June 14, 2014 You guys interpreted it the same way as I did, then! Getting rid of it altogether, though drastic, does seem like the best option to me, frankly. It's getting more and more pathetic. Most of the players just stay on the backseat watching everything happen regardless of their actions. It is indeed frustrating. It's a show for the birds in my opinion... ~Ğǿǿmy~ and .Brianna. 2 Quote
Novelista Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 I thought new score system and then I, too, thought they might be dumping it. Soo...mysteries! ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
chocolatea Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 It sounds like they would just get rid of the AC altogether. Also, does anyone know anything about the anti-cheating measures they supposedly implemented? Because lowering the caps makes it harder to tell who's cheating, in my opinion. ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
Novelista Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 I can't see any other measures other than lowering the caps. ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
Lia Seeya Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 It's either a complete overhaul of the scoring system, or something completely different from the bracket system and double round robin. I'm not sure what further anti-cheating methods they would want to implement though. Then again, they could just go the extreme route and get rid of the AC altogether. For at least a while until the work out the bugs in the system? Maybe? ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
Shelley Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 so they're either going to redo the format or say goodbye and do something else?...hmmm well I guess I'm thankful I actually participated this time for once ;) I guess expect changes in the future? I'll be interested to see what's in store :) ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
leverhelven Posted June 14, 2014 Author Posted June 14, 2014 Also, I know this is prooobably just me, but I think I noticed some bitterness in TNT's response. As in "you guys are never satisfied with our improvements, and still manage to ruin the game for yourselves". But then again, I'm probably just projecting my own bitterness. Oh well. Clumsy rockyroad1 and ~Ğǿǿmy~ 2 Quote
Azeruth Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 Honestly, I was more surprised they answered it at all. It does sound like they would consider getting rid of the Cup altogether though. We'll just have to wait and see. ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
Lia Seeya Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 Also, I know this is prooobably just me, but I think I noticed some bitterness in TNT's response. As in "you guys are never satisfied with our improvements, and still manage to ruin the game for yourselves". But then again, I'm probably just projecting my own bitterness. Oh well. They're probably trying to come off as accommodating as possible, but given that they seem to be having so much trouble with it, they're probably are a bit bitter. Maybe they have an office tally of every time someone submits a ticket complaining about something in the AC. :P ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
AgJu Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 NOOOO! as aggravating and life-sucking as the AC can be, i don't want to see it go. i look forward to seeing the competition play out and i really want TM to win a year before they get rid of the AC. :( ~Ğǿǿmy~ 1 Quote
~Ğǿǿmy~ Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 DANG TNT IS SALTYYY. Literally they are so passive aggressive in this answer with the syntax, like attacking their fans when they can. Oh you guys complained about this and now we gave you this and you still don't like it. Do i think the AC will be completely removed from Neopets forever? No. The AC is one of the main things that brings new people to the site via advertisements on tv or the internet. Do I think TNT will try something new with the cup, not being DRR and the god-awful Bracket system? Yes, notice how they seem like they are leaning to the former as giving a more in-depth review on what they plan to do, while the latter just says "Oh yeah we might not do it and do something else" Will the AC be on and off from years? Possibly, by the way this is written, in the passive-aggressive voice with a negative tone, anything is possible with TNT. leverhelven and nousha 2 Quote
KaylaTheHedgehog Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 I actually wouldn't mind it if it we only got an AC every four years or so. It pretty much seems to be the Neopian equivalent to the World Cup, so why not adopt the same schedule? It would give them more time to plan, plus all the players will have had more than a year to recover from the previous AC and be chomping at the bit to get started again. I know, personally, that I'm started to dread next year's AC and this one's not even over yet! siniri, Lady Lyuba and Oganagey 3 Quote
hrtbrk Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 I also wonder if they'll try one more thing next year and then retire it. It would be nice to go out after the 10th anniversary and then hang up the cleats. Novelista, Lady Lyuba and Mouseykins 3 Quote
AgJu Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 i keep wondering why they don't just try SRR or DRR Brackets. Put the teams into brackets, let them duke it out in their brackets once or twice, then rank the teams and award points based on overall record, rather than some algorithm that goes on margins or whatever. The problem with this bracket thing is that it's so unyielding. I keep thinking about last year when Terror Mountain had such a spectacular run for a while, but because we finished poorly for much of the first portion, we were relegated to also-ran status til like right near the end. Then, we finish tied for 7th with KD and get no tiebreaker. also, the only thing i remember people really griping about in the past with the DRR is the length, with the tournament going almost into mid-July, usually. Then there's the neglect....there is zero character growth, the announcers never say anything new from year-to-year, there're no real updates to character bios, etc... The darigan yooyus are needlessly evil....no one likes the way they are currently what with there being zero rhyme or reason with how they fire, bringing matches to a screeching, frustrating halt. I swear, the darigan yooyu should either be fixed to fire in the opposite direction or removed for another yooyu entirely because the game becomes more about luck than skill. Also evil is the way your teammates move and act...they never seem to do anything but run around in circles or go to the exact opposite of where you need them to be. Plus, the constant switching can really muck up your progress when you're trying to guide a character to the ball or a power-up around which other members of your team are standing. Maybe the teammates shouldn't just be randomly running around anyway; maybe they move when you move them, when they have the ball say, and then stay where you left them so that if you need to make a pass to shake off incoming opponents, you actually have somewhere and someone to throw to. If you want to reset their positions, well, YYB already has that option and their positions get reset anyway when either team scores a goal. i think the caps need to be brought down even further...maybe like 50 for YYB, 75 for SS, and 500 each for MSN and SoSD. Players don't want to feel like they have to max out everything for their efforts to count, but they still want to play for their team. Also, while maxing out/playing YYB, SOSD, and SS aren't that big a deal, going for MSN is painful so maybe make it such that, you fill the Techo Fanatic's meter by pressing a key on your keyboard as shown on the screen (like if the screen shows an "A", you type A and his meter increases a bit); when it fills up, you win! You could even keep the 30 second time limit and give bonuses based on how quickly the person finished and the accuracy of their button presses. Maybe there could be difficulty settings, like maybe have a Hard Mode where you have to type words. I think that'd be much easier to take than quickly slamming on buttons for half a minute, dozens or hundreds of times a day. SS could be given some variety by making the different customers be worth different points and YYB could be given variety by giving each team their own special field; for example, Terror Mountain could have ice while Moltara could have flaming rocks and such. When you play the team, you get to play on their field as a change of scenery so that you're not looking at the same screen dozens of times a day everyday. And while I don't agree to an "every four years" schedule, i could see "every other year" happening (though i'd keep getting antsy about wanting to play for Terror Mountain :P ). But i guess the biggest problem is doing something about the cheaters, though i have no idea how they'd be able to definitively handle that. I don't mind roving All Star Groups if they actually put in the work. It influences things, yes, but what can you do about it? voteforpedro333, nousha, Lady Lyuba and 1 other 4 Quote
Lady Lyuba Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 More than likely they meant trying out a new system. I'd be surprised if they'd actually retire the Cup, especially knowing there are still a lot of players out there who look forward to it. :P I'd personally hate to see it end without seeing each team win at least once first, but it'd be a relief to not have to play the mind-numbing games all day anymore. Especially when it puts you behind on other things you'd rather do. Quote
deliciouswaffles Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 The "either/or" phrasing - "either redo the format (...) or say goodbye" - sounds like they mean canceling it. Personally, if they aren't going to completely overhaul the actual game play so that it's not so repetitive and boring, I'm cool with seeing the event go. The cheating bothers me, but what ultimately keeps me from looking forward to this event every year is that playing the same games thousands of times over a month isn't fun. Quote
Nimphal Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 I interpreted as we're gonna try, but if we can't figure out something better, we're just gonna go do something more productive with our lives and leave it as is. They could also retire it, though. Quote
slavecrown Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 It sounds like they're going to try to reformat it next year and if they aren't happy with it, they'll retire it. Personally, I can't say that I would miss it too much - I'm just hoping they don't also permanently retire Daily Dare. Maybe the absence of the AC would give them more time to fix things around the site and arrange new plots. Quote
leverhelven Posted June 14, 2014 Author Posted June 14, 2014 DANG TNT IS SALTYYY. Literally they are so passive aggressive in this answer with the syntax, like attacking their fans when they can. Oh you guys complained about this and now we gave you this and you still don't like it. YEAH, RIGHT?! I've been having that same feeling for quite some time now. Every Editorial there's at least one answer with that kind of tone. Sheesh. I also agree with the "every other year" thing. It would definitely give us more time to rest and make us anxious for more. But I totally agree with hrtbrk in that maybe after their 10th edition, the AC could retire for a good while. Quote
jrtalon Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 I was surprised to read the "say goodbye and do something else" part. What do you guys think TNT meant by that? Did they simply mean they're gonna try a different score system for the AC? Or do you think they just might let go of the AC once and for all? I consider this a valid possibility as they've already stated we're not gonna have the Daily Dare this year, so I wonder if we're about to see some big changes in yearly events such as the AC? ...Or did I just overreact? :P I read it a bit differently....not that they would cancel or get rid of AC but that if you don't like the way it's done don't play anymore...ie: say goodbye. That was my interpretation. Basically, if you don't like it stop complaining and do something else then. Quote
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