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Spooky Food Eating Contest: The Perilous Catacombs!

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Yay! I finally got all the prizes! Got the stamp, a moink and a beekadoodle today. Those were the last ones I needed!


Barrel Roll is driving me crazy today.. I can't handle it! Arghhhh!


Also - has anyone else noticed they can scroll down way past the catacomb "box" on the page? I have a lot of grey underneath it sometimes. I look at it now and it's fixed.. I don't even know what causes that! Could be chrome.


Ahhh I think I used my curse of cleansing too early. I used it on a 8 hour curse and then got immediately hit with a 15 hour curse in the next room. Maybe I should have waited the 8 hours and then used it on a 15 hour curse.. curses!


I guess I'll just bumble my way through the rest of 71 now.. and hope to get another curse of cleansing but this is probably it for me today!


Stopped at Floor 59 with a 1 hr 45 min curse. Still have a Curse of Foresight and Apathy to use.


Went up 15 levels today between studying and just now got my first long fatigue, 6 hours, and I should be heading to bed. Still, I had a lot of luck today and I am honestly relieved to put it to rest until tomorrow. If I wasn't locked out I would probably obsessively work at it, plots just suck me in.


I am wating now for 14 hours to get onto floor 69 so thats all for today, which is just as well as haedder said above if it wasnt for these enforced breaks a lot of people would keep going and not take a break, me included probably


I really like this plot piece, a lot more than I liked the flower tones thing. The item (especially BOOKS!) part of it is what makes me happy. Is there a limit to how deep you can go? I'm up to level 20ish now.


The fact that you guys are already on level 69 is so discouraging! I'm only on 49 now, and I feel like we've been doing this forever. Prizes are pretty much junk now. Not even worth selling.


I'm ready to see what's at the end.


Ahh I'm now just trying to get out of each level as fast as I can. I cant be bothered anymore! 65 levels now have a 7 hour fatigue curse. This HAS to end soon. It's just gotta! :sad02:


Grinding is getting really boring. Come on TNT... Don't tell me there are 666 levels to this :(


Why is that nearly every single event need grinding...




Why is that nearly every single event need grinding...

Because the same people that produced the last event that needed grinding, are those that are producing this event. Oh foolish one, do you expect a leopard to change it spots? Do you expect the viper not to strike when clasped to you shirt?

Insanity, is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results and/or a new way to ruin a mini plot.


To cleanse a curse, you click on the one you want to clear and a pop-up should appear, asking if you want to use it on that curse.


That's the same browser and version I'm using.


Are you trying to use it after you've gone through all the doors but before you try to exit?


I've tried several different guides, but I can't figure out hot to use my curse of cleansing. Anybody manage to get it to work? I want this 14hr fatigue gone.

You had to have not gone through the exit to claim your prizes BEFORE using the curse. If you claim your prizes and then proceed there is no way to cleanse it. I found that out the hard way by having to wait the 16 hours like you. For me, exit doors are ALWAYS in the corners, and they're always one square, so you learn to predict what is an exit door. Additionally, every answer is right for an exit door... So, yeah. Just keep your cleanse for the next long curse and don't go through the door completely by claiming prizes.

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