Popular Post Emily Posted December 10, 2012 Popular Post Posted December 10, 2012 Hi Everyone!As Neopets continues to grow and add more exciting things, we all want to play more, whether it's on our phones, at home, at school at work, in Narnia, on vacation, at Grandma's, and anywhere else we tend to hang out. With TNT also spoiling us with fun content, many of us also have side accounts to hold all our extra stuff.However, TNT also has some strict rules about what is ok and what is not ok regarding accessing accounts and what is allowable/ not allowed on side accounts. Hopefully this thread will help out those who aren't sure what is allowed regarding Neopets accounts.Accessing Your AccountsAccessing Your Account from Different Computers/Locations People often question if TNT would find it suspicious if they access their account from a different location than they usually do. For example, say you normally play at home in Randomville, Kansas, but your family is going on a week-long trip to Funland, New Hampshire. While you're gone, you'd like to check in with your pets every couple days and say hi to your neofriends. You are perfectly allowed to login via a different computer/tablet/phone/robot while you're away without it being suspicious. You don't even need to go far. If you're home on a laptop, and someone else needs the computer, you are more than welcome to log in on another device. Logging into a new device will log you out of the other device, as an account cannot be logged in simultaneously from multiple locations.What WILL be suspicious however, is when an account is logged into from a location hundreds or thousands of miles away within a couple minutes/hours of the last login. If you log in from California, for example, then 30 minutes later, your account is accessed from Japan, it will raise some flags and TNT might even freeze your account, if only for protection until they can figure out it actually was you accessing your account (and maybe to interrogate you on your methods of teleportation). Similarly, if your account is being accessed from more than one place at a time, this could also be seen as suspicious, since you obviously can't be in two places at once. Again, freezing may happen, just until TNT can ascertain it was you accessing the account.For normal users who login from different places, this is not an issue. TNT can see the times and locations where the account was accessed and determine, yes, you had time to walk six blocks to school and login in the last 2 hours since your last login. How to avoid problems: If you're done playing and are leaving, knowing you may login later at another location, logging off/exiting your window is a good idea. Even if you never login from any other locations, logging out once in awhile is good because it resets your cookies, giving possible hackers even less of a chance of gaining access to your account. Additionally, as always, make sure you are the only person with access to your account. NEVER give out your account information to ANYONE. This alone greatly reduces the risk of someone getting access to your account. Multiple People play Neopets on the Same Computer This is another question people have frequently. If TNT is seeing multiple accounts being accessed from the same IP address, how do they know they belong to different people, even if they have separate emails?In addition to IPs and emails, if looking into possible cheaters, TNT will often look at playing habits. This means things like what activity is common on the accounts to determine a playing pattern. What areas of the site account activity usually comes from, your gifting/restocking/trading habits, game plays, scores, etc are all things TNT could look into if they believe a person is using multiple accounts illegally. The chances of being frozen for simply using the same computer as someone else who plays Neopets are almost non-existent. Sharing/Giving Away Accounts This is a huge, big, bad no-no. Firstly, you are never to give out your account information to ANYONE, so that right there should eliminate you from having to worry about this.However, some people still do attempt to share accounts for whatever reason. Only YOU should have access to your account. This goes for creating AND using accounts. No one should ever use an account you've created, and you should never use an account someone else has created. The only exception here is young children who may need parental help/permission for some of the registration process/remembering their account information. Additionally, some people think it's ok to "give" someone their account that they no longer plan on using. Why let all those trophies and avatars go to waste, right? Wrong. Even if you plan to NEVER use the account again, and the person changes all the contact information and passwords, it is still NOT okay to give someone else your account. If you are planning on leaving, it is ok to give away your pets, items and neopoints, but it must be you sending the items from your account yourself. We'd also say, while this is generous, you may want to think hard about giving away all your neo-possessions, as you may decide (as many people do) to start playing again in the future. It's always nice to not have to start completely from scratch again!How to avoid problems: DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD! It's that simple. Just don't do it. Side Accounts Quick List of Activity on Multiple AccountsWhat is a Side Account? A side account is another neopets account that belongs to the same user and is usually used for storage. In addition to your "Main" account (where you do any restocking, play games, do dailies, etc), users are allowed to have up to 4 "Side" accounts. Typical reasons for side accounts include having more room for pets, having more galleries, having extra SDB space to organize your gazillions of items. What is Allowed on Side Accounts You may create/adopt pets on sides, have a gallery, collection (stamps/cards), use the Lab Rays, buy and spend NC from the NC Mall, enter spotlight competitions (as they only award trophies), chat on the boards, visit the soup kitchen (it feeds your pets, but does not give you the actual food), have a neohome, put pets in the neolodge, etc. Basically, any activity that does not award NP or NP items is a-ok to do on your side account. The one exception is visiting the Healing Springs. Even though it can give out items, TNT mentioned in Editorial 560 that it is okay for users to visit on their sides to keep their pets healthy. You ARE allowed to have a bank account on your side (handy if you don't feel like transferring NP from your main all the time), but you MAY NOT collect interest in any bank account on a side. It is for storage only.Additionally, you CAN buy things on your side (clothes, toys, food for your pet, etc), but any money for this needs to come from your main account. The easiest way to transfer Neopoints to a side is to set up a trade from your side and bid on it from your main with a random item and the Neopoints you want to transfer. However, restocking is NOT allowed on sides. If you're going to buy anything, it should be to use or keep, as you aren't allowed to have shops on sides. You can also send items from your main to your side. Things for the gallery, food, toys, clothes, etc.One last exception is items/NP granted from random events. TNT has said on numerous occasions that, if you happen to receive an item or Neopoints from a random event, it is perfectly fine for you to either keep them, or send them to your main to sell, as you have no control over getting a random event. Additionally, if you happen to get a Faerie Quest as a Random event on a side, you are allowed to complete it, just make sure the funding is coming from your main. What is NOT allowed on Side Accounts The rule is generally if you get NP/items from it, it's not ok to do on your side. Playing games (including Habitarium, Keyquest and multiplayer games), having a shop, excessive trading (it's better to buy things from your main and send them to your side), doing dailies, participating in events where NP/items are awarded, etc are not allowed on sides. The exceptions are the Healing Springs, as mentioned above, and NC Events/shopping. Something like the Stocking Stufftacular, for example, is fine to do on your side because you only receive NC items. Free gift bags from the NC Mall are also fine to collect on your sides.Events where a mix of NP/NC items are awarded are a little trickier. The general rule is, if NP items are involved, you can't do it on your side. However, TNT has been known to make exceptions, such as when people were allowed to sign up for the 2012 Altador Cup on sides in order to get the NC reward, as long as they discarded the NP reward that came with it. However, it's always better to double check in cases like these. Make sure to read the FAQs for events and feel free to ask here if you still have any questions. Account Age Perks/Benefits/LimitationsTo find out which specific perks you qualify for, visit our calculator and input your account creation date. You can find this date on your userlookup where it says "Started Playing."Some general account age limitations for accounts up to 5 months old are as follows: 24 hours: If your account is less than a day old, you won't be able to post on neoboards or visit many dailies. Coltzan's Shrine and Test Your Strength are not available until your account is a full 48 hours (2 days) old. 3 days: Until your account is 3 days old (72 hours), you will not be able to have a score in any High Score Table.4 days: You have to wait 4 days (96 hours) before being able to collect any advent calendar prizes (if it's December)1 week: Until your account is a week old, you cannot vote in the Beauty contest9 days: You can only see items in Neopian shops (non-user shops) that are rarity 79 and under10 days: You can see rarities 84 and under16 days: You can see rarities 89 and under1 month: You can see rarities 94 and under3 months: You can see all items in all shops.0-4 months: You can only adopt/ accept transfers of these petsYou get 1 Neopet transfer in and 1 Neopet transfer out per month5 months+: You can adopt/transfer ANY pet Additional Perks: These are perks that are granted once your account reaches a certain age and are often referred to as "Loyalty Perks" 13 months: Up to 15 favourite games (extra 3)24 months: 2 pet transfers in and out per month (one extra)33 months: Up to 18 favourite games36 months: You can have up to 15 trade lots up at once (an extra 5)You can access the Almost Abandoned Attic in Neovia10 Extra Neomail spots in inbox (110 total)*48 months: 3 pet transfers in and out per month **49 months: You can view the Elite Boutique of the NC MallBooks have a small chance of NOT disappearing when read to your pet60 months: On the third Wednesday of every month, you get a 3% discount on all Hidden Tower items61 months:Up to 21 favourite games84 months: Up to 24 favourite games109+ months: Up to 27 favourite games*Every 2 months after, you receive an additional 10 slots**Every 2 years (24 months), you get one additional in and one additional out transfer. Other InformationFor more in-depth information concerning account security issues and how to prevent them, feel free to visit this petpage. (Thanks to Zephyr for sending it our way!)If you have questions that aren't answered above, feel free to ask them below and the answers will be added to this post.This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Neomysterion).This topic is regarded as of high importance by site staff.Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.Per the reason above, this topic has been PINNED. beruichi, hpb63094, Atta and 11 others 14 Quote
Naamah D. Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 I know you can't adopted limited edtion pets on accounts under 4 months old, but can you morph and create pets on accounts that are under for months? Example, I morphed a Moehog into a Koi and am getting ready to morph a Scorchio into a Poogle. I also plan on creating a Tonu. Quote
karmacow Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 I imagine that would be possible. Give it a try and if it's not possible, you can always sell the morphing potion or save it until your account is old enough. Quote
yoleiandcrystalmon Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 Anyone know what happened to the premium referral program? unable to refer a friend :(. Quote
karmacow Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 Anyone know what happened to the premium referral program? unable to refer a friend :(. As far as I know, it doesn't exist anymore, now that people can freely sign up for premium. Quote
Naamah D. Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 I accidently entered the password for one of my old accounts into my new accounts. Can that get me frozen? I just don't want to get frozen because I started some new accounts. Quote
Emily Posted February 11, 2013 Author Posted February 11, 2013 Entering the wrong password can't get you frozen.... Entering the wrong one TOO MANY times can get you locked out for a little while , but that's the worst that can happen. It will let you login again after a stated number of hours. can you morph and create pets on accounts that are under for months? Yup! brushes and potions of any species/colour can be used no matter how old your account is. The lab ray will also work normally, regardless of account age. You just won't be able to move the pet (transfer in or out) until your account is four months old. Quote
Naamah D. Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 I saw another member talking about a score being reviewed. Can a low score like 90 or below be reviewed and does your score being reviewed mean you stand a chance of getting frozen? Quote
karmacow Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 I've had my scores reviewed numerous times, and not once has there been a problem. But I always get a little nervous when that happens, because it means that they are going to look at my score to determine whether there has been foul play. I don't think you have anything to fear if you've achieved the score without using exploits/cheating software. Quote
Naamah D. Posted February 23, 2013 Posted February 23, 2013 I went to feed my Lupe the other day and Neopets has been very slow for me so I fed her something and it wouldn't speed up so I kept clicking it. Now she's satiated. What did I do wrong? Is that cheating? Quote
karmacow Posted February 23, 2013 Posted February 23, 2013 I wouldn't think it would be possible to feed an item to a pet multiple times. Maybe it was an extra filling food item? I actually don't know if there are foods that are more filling than others, but it's a possibility. Either way, it was an accident and as long as it doesn't happen too often, I think you'll be fine :) Quote
Naamah D. Posted March 20, 2013 Posted March 20, 2013 I'm confused about the buying things on your side accounts thing. Do you have to buy from Neopian Shops like the ones in Neopia Central or can you only buy from user shops? This whole constantly sending items I buy on my main to my sides is a bit tiring. Also, I have NP on my sides from when I started up my sides (the 2k you get from starting up an account), can I use that at user shops? Quote
Rune Valentine Posted March 21, 2013 Posted March 21, 2013 I'm confused about the buying things on your side accounts thing. Do you have to buy from Neopian Shops like the ones in Neopia Central or can you only buy from user shops? This whole constantly sending items I buy on my main to my sides is a bit tiring. Also, I have NP on my sides from when I started up my sides (the 2k you get from starting up an account), can I use that at user shops? Yes. TNT has stated this many times. It's yours to spend however much you like, besides it's only 2k stater money. With regards to buying stuff on your sides, you're allowed to buy off User Shops, as long as the NP you spend is sent from your main and not earned on that side account. I'd not buy from Neopian shops as this might look a lot like "Restocking", which is a big no-no on your sides. Quote
Atta Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 In correlation with Random events on side accounts- What about the Negg hunt?If I accidentally complete the Negg hunt while on my side account, But don't collect the prize, Is that okay?I'm actually kind of scared to explore Neopian shops/etc. while on my side account at the moment, because I know it's possible for me to accidentally come across the Neggs from the hunt.Which is... Sort of like participating in an event on my side account, I think? Quote
Rune Valentine Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 You don't start to participate in the Negg Hunt until you actually go to the Festival of Neggs page and activate it. You wouldn't start the Negg Quest on your side now would you? You can't "accidentally" start it either or "accidentally" collect prizes, so if you did start it, you'd have done so willingly. Just avoid the Festival of Neggs page on your sides and you should be fine. The NC event, I'm not sure if it's activated via the Festival page either, but I think it's fine because it's NC and there aren't any prizes unless you buy the Negg Puncher from the mall. Quote
Naamah D. Posted March 30, 2013 Posted March 30, 2013 Well if this isn't weird. I got a lottery ticket on one of my side accounts. The random event said "Why not click here to play?". What do I do? You can't play games on your side accounts, so do I just ignore it? Quote
Lamppost Posted March 30, 2013 Posted March 30, 2013 Well if this isn't weird. I got a lottery ticket on one of my side accounts. The random event said "Why not click here to play?". What do I do? You can't play games on your side accounts, so do I just ignore it? You'll be playing the lottery whether or not you click on it. The lottery random event gives you a random ticket. (Reference: Editorial 68.) However, I wouldn't be worried. You can't help it if you get a random event on your side. If you happen to win, I'm sure TNT would understand. TNT has said time and again that you are welcome to profit from random events because they can't be controlled. See for example these editorials: 526, 502, 473, 430, 379, 274, and finally 263. Emily 1 Quote
rocklobsta Posted April 9, 2013 Posted April 9, 2013 I forgot my password for my account. I was so accustomed to my computer leaving me logged in. I tried getting a reset email sent to me via email but I made the account years ago and it was attatched to the email that I used when I was a kid and not the one that I use now. That email doesnt exist anymore. I filed a ticket with tnt over a year ago and I've still had no response at all. What else can I do to recover my account? Quote
lucy_goldcat101 Posted April 13, 2013 Posted April 13, 2013 I have a question. My sister and I both have a Neopets account, and since my sister forgot her password to her gmail, I let her use my gmail account. So, technically, me and my sister's Neopets account share the same email. I've read in one of the daily neopets article, the tips to prevent account freezing, or something similar, that side accounts must not play games and other things to earn NP or it may result to freezing. Neopets may think one of the accounts, my sister's or mine, are side accounts, and since we both do things to earn NP and all, they may get suspicious. Is there a chance that my (or my sister's) account may be frozen for that? Quote
karmacow Posted April 13, 2013 Posted April 13, 2013 I have a question. My sister and I both have a Neopets account, and since my sister forgot her password to her gmail, I let her use my gmail account. So, technically, me and my sister's Neopets account share the same email. I've read in one of the daily neopets article, the tips to prevent account freezing, or something similar, that side accounts must not play games and other things to earn NP or it may result to freezing. Neopets may think one of the accounts, my sister's or mine, are side accounts, and since we both do things to earn NP and all, they may get suspicious. Is there a chance that my (or my sister's) account may be frozen for that? I'd be worried. While they probably also look at things like playing habits, I really think your sister should get a new email account to use on neopets. Lamppost 1 Quote
lucy_goldcat101 Posted April 13, 2013 Posted April 13, 2013 Thank you! :) This post has been edited by a member of staff (Rune Valentine) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please keep your posts at 7 words or above. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. Quote
Lamppost Posted April 16, 2013 Posted April 16, 2013 I agree with karmacow. I think one method TNT uses to check if the account is owned by the same person is the e-mail address. Having two mains with the same e-mail address is highly suspicious. I would also recommend your sister get a new e-mail address to use on Neopets. Quote
miameowth Posted May 21, 2013 Posted May 21, 2013 Question - Can I train a pet on a side account if I'm sending the codestones from my main? My side isn't yet 4 months old so I can't transfer my newly created battledome pet to my main just yet but I wanted to go ahead and start training him up. Also, when I initially created my side I opened a shop to get money from my main before I realized - duh - trades. I have nothing in the shop and haven't ever sold anything from it - do you think I could get in trouble? :/ Quote
karmacow Posted May 21, 2013 Posted May 21, 2013 If your shop has never been in use, you're safe. And I don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to train pets on your side as long as you send codestones from your main. You don't gain anything extra from it. But I don't know for a fact if there are any rules against this. miameowth 1 Quote
micheee Posted June 6, 2013 Posted June 6, 2013 HELP!!!!!! I logged out of my account and now it won't let me back in :crying_blow: i've tried about 5 times now... did i get locked out? I just went to see if changing my password would help, so I did, and when I tried to log in it said that I have tried to submit my password too many times so now I have to wait 58 minutes... I dont want to be locked out... this is so sad Quote
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