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  1. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in Happy Kyrii Day!   
    It's not a violin, it's a viola!  🤪
    Me being an angsty violist who knows we'll never get anything aside, it's a really cute outfit.  Almost makes me want to change Shiro_Iro's theme from swordskyrii to a musician.  ALMOST.
  2. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from Singledwish123 in Happy Kyrii Day!   
    It's not a violin, it's a viola!  🤪
    Me being an angsty violist who knows we'll never get anything aside, it's a really cute outfit.  Almost makes me want to change Shiro_Iro's theme from swordskyrii to a musician.  ALMOST.
  3. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in Happy Meerca Day!   
    @berriganify  These guys.  They're balls with a motor that is offset enough with the weasel on it that it kinda runs randomly. 
    Hahaha.  It's great that the meercas get one!

  4. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Bodhi in Why do people do it?   
    I wish pets like that would be deleted from the game. lol
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  5. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from LekkerLekker89 in I wouldn't consider moving to ...   
    I absolutely loathe the country I live in.  Mostly for the politics, but also that it's set up to keep people like me (not born rich/disabled-autism and anxiety in my case) down so we can barely (if at all) pay to care for ourselves.  My dream country is the Netherlands, and I'd love to have a small farm there, though of course since I can't even make enough to survive, it seems more a pipe dream than anything else.  I keep trying to find a way to bargain a farm idea I'd had that would grow any plant-based crops in any climate/season to someone just for a little place that'd support me, but so far (and so many years later) no go. 
  6. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Petpet Splurge!   
    Well, it's been a while. I keep getting bored and distracted and wandering off only to come back to dying pets. However, I had a huge splurge today on petpets! Unfortunately due to image sizes, I'll have to post three back to backs as it will only accept one at a time.

  7. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Petpet Splurge!   
    Next up we have Voldermorts! Deliberate misspell as the actual spelling was taken. But poor little Hedwig!

    And ooh! It's letting me paste more than one image this time!! Fuzzbabies nearly ended up with a Plushie, but Turmacs are so cute!

    And finally we have Grandad Eeyore! And I have no idea why it's let me do all the images now, but threw a hissy at more than one image before!
  8. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from hpb63094 in I wouldn't consider moving to ...   
    I absolutely loathe the country I live in.  Mostly for the politics, but also that it's set up to keep people like me (not born rich/disabled-autism and anxiety in my case) down so we can barely (if at all) pay to care for ourselves.  My dream country is the Netherlands, and I'd love to have a small farm there, though of course since I can't even make enough to survive, it seems more a pipe dream than anything else.  I keep trying to find a way to bargain a farm idea I'd had that would grow any plant-based crops in any climate/season to someone just for a little place that'd support me, but so far (and so many years later) no go. 
  9. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in How Does the Upcoming AC Make You Feel?   
    Personally, I have the same sense of low key dread that I got coming into it last year mixed with the excitement of possibly getting another Yooyu for my gallery. The dread is always there because playing the same games hundreds of time is never going to fill me with glee...
    This year though, I don't have the feeling of missing out on neopoints by not playing my usual flash games for 50-100k a day... as there are so very few Flash games.
    However, I also have this growing dread that of the flash games that they have converted, very few of them actually work. And even the ones that do work are glitchy as hell - I'm looking at you, Turmac Roll. So are we going to be met with a game that is all but unplayable creating the kind of chaos that we haven't seen since the year they revamped the game and it was met with outright shock, hatred and serious rage??
  10. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Enter the Runway #122!   
    And I remembered this time round! Although, I admit, my Friday night's aren't exactly a whirlwind of activity even without current events.
  11. Like
    GillyTook reacted to gypsyknees in I've never won anything cool before!   
    I logged in today and saw this!!! 

    I saw this new outfit here on tdn on uni day last week and thought I'd try my luck because it would be a long time until its buyable.

    She's a little mismatched (haven't changed anything except the hair) but I love it!
  12. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Angeló in Happy Chia Day!   
    No Comment on the colour , I think yaa'll described it well ... I do like the hair though ...

    "The Sand People are easily startled, but they will soon be back, and in greater numbers." Obi-Wan Kenobi
  13. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Happy Chia Day!   
    NOPE NOPE NOPE. Colour that Chia orange and it's the Cheeto; it's the hair and the shape of the mouth, it just needs screwed up tantrum eyes goin' on...
    Trying to look at that objectively, it looks far more like stone than water; definite more marble-veining than anything else for me, though that is pretty consistent with a lot of the Water pets. This one in particular it's just random lines going all over the place, the artist hasn't even tried to make it look like fluid.
    This one managed it. See the huge difference? There's a bit on the front foot there that doesn't look too bad...
    That outfit's bizarre. At least, the mask makes it seem so, without that it looks pretty good. I really like the colour palette that's been used. It's a really big shame the mask wasn't drawn separately so the hood could be used independently.
  14. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Happy Chia Day!   
    I personally find Chia's one of the most ugly creatures to grace Neopia... but I like the rushing wave of the hair, even if I am never going to get one. The only ones that are actually cute are the vegetable and fruit ones!!
    II like that outfit and think the face mask is really cool, although it would be better if it were two layered items - the shawl and the mask separately. It's quite creepy though and I love the detail on the mask!
  15. Like
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Happy Kacheek Day!   
    Oil Paint
  16. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Buying 1-10np stuff and...   
    I randomly picked up a Negg-Gazer Charm for 1np. Thought nothing of it and whacked it in my SDB. Came across another one in a shop for 95,000np. Checked the prices. Gaped for a while. I have no idea who I bought it from, but I'm making some solid profit on that little accidental find!!
  17. Like
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Happy Aisha Day!   
    I want to like Steampunk so bad but it's way too flat or not shiny enough? Something about it just... missing. There's no pizazz or it feels incomplete? Can't really put my finger on it. 
    The outfit is drawn nicely but not something that's really wearable imo but I'm sure there are people who love it. 
  18. Like
    GillyTook reacted to mairead123 in How are you adjusting to the beta?   
    I'd like to know how to find SDB and quickstock.
    There's little point in redesigning web pages that don't tell users how to find what they are looking for.  That's basic web design. Also text colours are not always easy to read.  These are beginners's mistakes.
  19. Like
    GillyTook reacted to LekkerLekker89 in How are you adjusting to the beta?   
    I also despise the new site, for a multitude of reasons. I agree with you about the site theme. I worked for mine as well. 😞 I guess the biggest issue for me is the way the pets are now displayed, with no backgrounds, a lot of the items that used to have motion do not any more. It's really very sad. I won't even go into the artwork and total lack of creativity. Yeah, I'll adjust. But it's not going to be pleasant. 
  20. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from LekkerLekker89 in How are you adjusting to the beta?   
    I haaaaate the new site.  It is horrendous.  The bright yellow background makes me feel like someone is stabbing me in the eyes (I had a nice background for a reason.  One I had to work to earn!), it feels way slower, and I JUST spent cash to upgrade my pet's look, yet now I can't see her wherever I am.  I also can't seem to find anything unless I click a link HERE to find it.  I found like one page yesterday that I liked better, yet I can't find it at all today =(  Plus since I use a computer to navigate the site, it makes it even more difficult.
    I've got no tips, but I'll have to try that inventory thing because the refreshing is driving me completely nuts.  I didn't even know there was an option to close and refresh, as I normally just X out of something and click something else before refreshing the page after a few times.  Thank you for that.
  21. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Neopets Now LGBTQIA+ Friendly!   
    A major (and long overdue) update to the Neoboards filters and rules surrounding LGBTQIA+ community was announced earlier today.
  22. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Winter creeps around the Corner...!   
    I have to admit, whilst I love Christmas, I'm not so much a fan of the cold, wet weather and dark mornings! I have however finally amassed enough items to put together some wintery customs. 
    So show me your winter customs!

  23. Like
    GillyTook reacted to ranga_muffin in Lost my Mad Tea Party set; help?   
    Hiya, i'm sorry you lost some of your items!! 
    I'd pursue this with TNT, regardless of if they have 'resolved' the case. If you still have a record of the communication from TNT where they promised to fix the situation, i'd send that through as well as any other details - account names, pet that wore the clothes, rough idea of when you bought it etc. I thought they were generally better about NC issues, but obviously you still have to push them 😐
    If you don't have any luck with them, your best bet would be to go on the NC trading board, and ask if anyone is trading the items. I just checked waka (NC trading value guide), and all of the mad tea party items, except for the teapot are valued at 1-2, so they should be fairly easy to find, possibly some for 2:1 if you're lucky. The teapot will be harder though. Im not sure how much trading stuff you've done, so i'm attaching a simple trading guide from jellyneo:
    I hope that's helpful. I don't have any of the items unfortunately, but i'm sure you'll have some luck on the NC board, and keep pursuing it with TNT!
  24. Like
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway 2020 Now Open!   
    he Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway is back, and once more Neopians have a chance at winning the Neopet of their dreams! All you have to do to enter is select one of your Neopets and your dream species/colour combination. 
    You must enter by 11:59 AM NST on Friday, December 21st.  You can only enter on ONE account. It doesn't have to be your main, but you can't enter on more than one account or you will be disqualified!
  25. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Scoobert_Doo in What's up with flash/neopets?   
    Here is a link to JellyNeo's article on the end of Flash: https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=end_of_flash_support
    It lists some items that have been converted.
    So...yes, that's why Neopets created the "mobile" site version. That's what Neopets will be, after 31 Dec 2020, when browsers stop supporting Flash. I don't believe they are planning on "to just do away with the stuff that's still flash based", but they did mention games that aren't popular/played a lot, may not make the conversion. And, I think converting to Flash is taking longer than they expected. (Reason for no Daily Dare or Games Master Challenge, this year). They have been working behind the scenes, but also mentioned changes they have made, which can only be seen by changing to the "mobile" site version. (Yes, I still stay on the "Classic" site, for now.) There have been numerous Neopian Times Editorials, in the past few years, about converting/moving away from Flash. I'm expecting some parts of Neopets to not work, after the New Year, but sure they will keep converting and releasing the updates, throughout 2021. (Well, hopeful, anyway).
    I'm not a fan of the "mobile" site version, either, but, if it keeps Neopets on the 'Net, I guess I'll have to get used to it. At least it will be accessible from a desktop/laptop, phone or tablet.
    I'm more concerned about the games. Not sure which games may not make the "cut", and, what I got from the Neopian Times Editorial (or it could have been from a Q&A Neopets had "offsite"), that they aren't going to let us know the "list" of not popular/played games, for now, so we can't try to make them "popular" again.
    I have been trying "ruffle" - https://ruffle.rs/, a Flash emulator, with Firefox, and may use that, at the end of year/next year, if some parts of Neopets are still Flash based/stop working. I can view some parts of Neopets with it, like the Map of Neopia, but the games - not so much. It is still a "work in progress", but glad it is there.
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