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    GillyTook reacted to Mouseykins in Yay/Nay for close calls....   
    Drivers like that are one of the reasons I still don't have my drivers license.
    I'm glad you're ok and didn't get into an accident.
    We live in a rural area and one of the hiways we have to take to the city is busy and full of morons. It's a 2-lane with lots of commuter traffic. We're heading into the city and the speed limit is 100km/h. In the opposite lane is a big truck with several vehicles behind it. This red car decides to pull out around a car, obviously speeding and tries to pass the car and the big truck. We're coming up on this big truck and we have nowhere to go. The car has nowhere to go except to hit the brakes and pull in close behind the big truck. People like that must seriously have a death wish or something.
  2. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Yay/Nay for close calls....   
    You don't happen to live in FL, do you?  (edit, nope!  Just saw the location thing!) Because while I didn't have a near miss like that, I saw entirely too many people on the road who were driving like total jerks because they were trying to evacuate.  I work about 100 miles from home.  It usually takes me 2 1/2-3 hours to get home, but yesterday it took me 5 1/2.  Drivers weaving in and out, using breakdown lanes/off ramps to cut in front of other drivers, people turning into the road as their light turned, though they were blocking at least one lane behind them, and the only person I ended up honking at who decided to merge into the left lane when traffic started moving in the right, and opened up a huge gap before she could get all the way over.  I wasn't pleased. 
    Closest call I got was some guy who waited until the last second to hit his brakes (I don't know why, since it was clear I was stopped as was a line of traffic waiting to go left at a light) because he apparently assumed traffic was clear?  But even the light ahead of us was red, so I have no idea why he thought he could just keep moving.  The guy behind HIM, though, was tailgaiting while hauling a utility trailer.  Looked up when I heard screeching to see him pulling partly into a turn lane and nearly jackknifing his trailer to try to stop in time.  I'm fairly certain that after that long drive when I was about 2 1/2 minutes of driving (after the light) from home, I'd have turned into the Hulk and destroyed something.  And, of course, because someone else hauling a trailer didn't want to wait, he drove up and stopped in the left hand lane so he could cut all the traffic that had been waiting already. 
    Glad you got your car stopped in time!
  3. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Aquamentis12 in Yay/Nay for close calls....   
    Yeah, bad drivers are a major pet-peeve of mine. Bad enough when drivers weave in and out of lanes, or turn without using their turn signals. This old lady, didn't even do that. I noticed her movement, and took my foot off the gas, if I hadn't, then I don't think I could've stopped in time when she DID pull out into the street, blocking all traffic on that side.
    I mean, the turn signals are SO easy, and they let people know if you want to change lanes, or turn off. So they know if they need to slow down to accommodate you or whatever. It's polite, it's the law, and it saves lives.  Plus, you're less likely to get horn-blasted if you let them know you're about to make a certain move that involves turning or changing lanes.

    Agreed, bad weather is one thing, but today was only a little overcast. If you can't drive in clear weather, then you shouldn't be on the road. I mean, it's a privilege, not a right. Though it IS necessary for MOST people to do errands or go to work. But it's still only a privilege.
    Heh, sorry for venting again. I'm tired of bad drivers. They've been increasing more and more around here, even though tourist season is now over here.
  4. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Singledwish123 in Another mobile game?   
    Guess I'm not doing it.  Thank you!
  5. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Singledwish123 in Another mobile game?   
    The faerie one does NOT have any Neopets perks and feels like the standard match-3 game just poorly rethemed.
  6. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to berriganify in Another mobile game?   
    Faerieland whatever-it's-called must be tanking pretty bad, because there's a new survey out asking about mobile games again. 🙄 I was way off in my estimate, I figured it would be at least January before they tried pitching another one.
    I just did the survey, at least this time they didn't try and dress it up with 2 vague questions about the actual site, it's strictly about mobiles games. Looks like some sort of village-builder with a slot machine gimmick. Might be worth taking the survey as a protest, although I'm guessing that they've already committed to making the game.
  7. Like
    GillyTook reacted to berriganify in Happy Poogle Day!   
    dear god, that outfit is.... something, alright.
  8. Like
    GillyTook reacted to shauns_fiancee in TNT employee deleted every singe NC in my SDB   
    OP hasn't commented, the story doesn't make sense, maybe it's a scam?
  9. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Nielo in TNT employee deleted every singe NC in my SDB   
    I'm a little confused - what exactly happened here? I know TNT is slow in answering tickets, and things like incorrect bans are quite common, but this is the first I've heard of a TNT employee deleting items - NC item, no less - from a user.
    Did this happen in response to something (as in, was she handling a ticket you sent in)? How do you know it was Delilah that deleted your items? (Did she tell you she deleted them?)
  10. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Aranel in Happy Techo Day!   
    Is it weird that I really like the eye tiles because they remind me of a lot of gecko eyes?  Like this gargoyle, for example.  
    I like the concept of the mosaic ones, but I think they'd be better as like decorations than pets, if that makes sense?  
    Also loving the thief outfit.  It's really cool.  Nearly makes me want a techo now.  
  11. Sad
    GillyTook reacted to Sciurus carolinensis in Well, it finally happened.   
    I had managed to avoid Covid until now. My dad tested positive on Sunday, then one by one over the past few days the rest of us got it. I just tested positive this morning. I'm fully vaccinated, so chances are it won't be too bad. Just got a runny nose now. Being inside is not going to be fun, I love taking walks and there's a pokemon go event soon. But it could be a lot worse. 
  12. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in Happy Techo Day!   
    @berriganify I guess I did word that awkwardly, huh?  More like they seem like they should be like neopets merch to hang on your wall or put on a shelf, or part of a walkway vs. a pet that you'd customise.  If that makes it clearer?
    No idea if it was the inspiration, but it was the first thing I thought of when I saw it!
  13. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in Happy Techo Day!   
    Is it weird that I really like the eye tiles because they remind me of a lot of gecko eyes?  Like this gargoyle, for example.  
    I like the concept of the mosaic ones, but I think they'd be better as like decorations than pets, if that makes sense?  
    Also loving the thief outfit.  It's really cool.  Nearly makes me want a techo now.  
  14. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Just found a Baby Poogle Morphing MP in my SDB!   
    So... ummm... yep, welcome the new baby to the herd!

    Chikaera kind of reminds me of the Pokemon Chikorita and yeah, the Poogle ain't green... but there is a slight similarity I guess!

    Also reminds me of when I did parent/teacher conferences with my brother - he was always in trouble. Always. And I just knew that he was sat there singing/chanting 'Go to hell, Shakera' in his head as I tried to persuade school/college that he deserved a second bleeding chance... or a third... or a fifth. It really didn't help that he started growing out facial hair and I still looked like a minor child, despite being older than him!!
  15. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Naamah D. in Hating your pet's name   
    That's why I "nickname" my pets. I shorten their names so they sound more appealing.
  16. Like
    GillyTook reacted to cleomiele in When/if you've ever pounded a pet, did you feel bad?   
    It's kind of hard to NOT feel guilty, even if you're only adopting one for an avatar, since they make you click the button when it says things like, "Leave me to die?" or "NOOOO!" x_x
  17. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Money Tree Win!   
    My first two items were mediocre - Slime Window and Usuki Hippie Boy (worth more than the usual two point items I grab, but still.)
    And then I refreshed at the right moment as an Eo Codestone came on the screen. And then again. And again. And again. Total netted?

    I ought to spend more time at the money tree. I hoard codestones, rather than sell them - don't know if I want to keep training a secondary pet who is close to Mystery Island training. But whether I use or sell - 90k odd for about two minutes clicking ain't bad going!
  18. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Why do people do it?   
    I was Pound surfing for a well named pet to start zapping - before I found a page of well named pets stuck in the pound (http://www.neopets.com/~Kylinth if anyone is interested) - and I can't help but be baffled at the number of abandoned pets with appalling names. Why bother creating a pet with an utterly poor name only to abandon it?? I have pets with poor names, but they have sentimental value to me so I wouldn't be trying to trade them anyway. 
    Some examples currently sitting in the Pound:
  19. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in Happy Draik Day!   
    I'm giggling at the devilish draik since my draik is a vampire slayer.  Hehehehe.  That'd be an interesting combo if I had a second one 😂  It's a SUPER cool design, though! 
  20. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in Adoption Splurge   
    Lutaris are definitely otters.  Lutra lutra is the Eurasian otter's latin name, so it's probably a play off of that. 
    I hadn't actually thought of the getting his name checked.  Yeah, it does seem like a good way to get a pet to poof.  Shame, really.  Also that people report pet names on whims.  I've reported all of one.  I found it in the pound, and it was a lot more overt than the above mentioned Chombussy. 
    I think it's funny what pets are popular or not, too!  I've never really been a fan of shoyrus.  They're okay, but nothing special, yet they're the most popular pet apparently.  I'm not a huge krawk fan, though I've got one since I found a pirate one in the pound.  **snipe!**  I've thought about giving her away to someone else, but I've also thought about not.  A few, like tuskaninis or moehogs, I think are kinda cute, but I wouldn't own one.  And some like jubjubs or kikos or chias?  No thank you.  Not ever.
    Randomly, though, I adopted an aisha because while I was playing on dress to impress I saw a custom of one that I thought was cute as could be, though I'd never really liked their looks before. 
    Also, looking at lost and pound, it seems like there are tons less painted pets than normal.  Wonder if the extra slots means a lot of people went on adoption sprees, or if it is just that people are abandoning less of them.  Shame that so many have names that guarantee they'll sit there forever.  Seems there are hundreds that were just Species+Random number as their name. 
  21. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Adoption Splurge   
    I wouldn't create more than the allowed number of sides. That leads to banning. You are allowed four sides though for a maximum of five accounts. And you can buy pet slots in the NC Mall to a max of 20 on a Premium account and 16 on a non Premium account. I'm at 15 on my main, 4 on my first side, 6 on my baby side, 5 on my mutant side and 2 randoms on my final side.
    Name culling - TNT have a nasty habit of deleting pets with 'non-allowed' names. Some pets are grandfathered and permitted to stay, others you just have to hope they stay under the radar. But kill for example isn't allowed, so I'm a tad wary of massacre! I'll hold it for a month or two before morphing and go with Bori as that will only set me back 80k to morph, and 600k for the PB if it does go poof. Better than a couple of million for the Cybunny morphing potion and then the PB!
    Essentially, violence, swearing, vulgarity, and any references to politics/current events (and random words that don't go through the filter like cucumber because of the second syllable...). So my pet Coronaville was deleted in 2020 - my fault, it was a new pet and I was trying to be funny as I came back due to lockdown. But SneezlesForNeezles was fine as it's Neopian illnesses. References to Trump have definitely been deleted. There was a big thing a while back about a pet that had the name 'Chombussy' which the second bit is apparently queer slang for a males anatomical area that is equivalent to the female anatomical area slang that rhymes with bussy. I'm not sure how strict TDN is on slang vulgarity, hence the long way round in describing it. 
    Also check out Second Time Around for stuck pets with decent names: https://www.neopets.com/~Kylinth
  22. Like
    GillyTook reacted to berriganify in Adoption Splurge   
    There's something so ominous about a baby pet called Lovelymassacre. What's he's done? What's he going to do?? Personally for that name I'd go for the cybunny, just because 'killer rabbits' is kind of a Thing, already lol. I do hope he doesn't get deleted though! That's been my biggest fear with one of my pets (Gloomstalker), even though I made her well past the filters being introduced so hopefully if the name was allowed through, that means it's ok! And "Stalk" can refer to just a type of movement, anyway (that's the context it's used in here!), not just stalking a person, so hopefully?? Also Chombussy, that's amazing. I completely understand why it was deleted, but still.
    Sunsands would actually work well for a woodland Kau with that outfit, actually!
    Also, @Secre if you do want to use the name Treeshar for your hallo/woodland bori, I am pleased to tell you that it would actually be the perfect fit! Shar is the name of a goddess in D&D, the goddess of darkness and loss, most revered by those under the domains of death and trickery!
  23. Like
    GillyTook reacted to berriganify in Happy Kyrii Day!   
    Ohhh, whoops! Yeah, that's my bad! I'm autistic so stuff can go over my head sometimes. And it does indeed appear to be a violin: Katya Kyrii Violin and Bow.
  24. Like
    GillyTook reacted to berriganify in Pet Creating Spree   
    So over the past week I basically caved and used all the free NC I had from the pet slot promo to buy a pet slot on each of my accounts, and created five new pets within about as many days.
    It all started when I was searching for names for my future royal vandagyres. I settled on them pretty quickly: Svonclaw and Byorwing. I'm not surprised these names were untaken, they're names I made up for the story I'm writing for my dragon age character, the god and goddess of the duty/the sun and faith/the moon respectively. But they're tangentially Viking-themed, and I'm quite proud of the worldbuilding and lore I developed for that story, so I'm quite pleased that they were both free! (Imagine if one was free and not the other? Devastating!)
    But from there it just kind of snowballed. I was in name-searching MODE, and I managed to snag two more fandom names: Nezikchened (from runescape) and Kabethari (from dragon age). I plan to morph them into a Darigan Buzz and Desert Kyrii respectively (I really should do island for Kabethari to be true to canon, but I just don't like the island colour! ) but I kind of want to wait and do one of those painting parties that are popular on the pound chat, once I get a name for the pirate buzz I also want!
    I'm actually still sitting on another two untaken names, but I have no room left and they're not quite as nice as those two. Maybe if we ever get new slots lol
    And then finally, the silliest of all my new pets: I traded for a pet named Mariggold a few years ago, to make a royalgirl mynci. Well, I just realised the other night that Mharigold was untaken, and... so I created her, because that double 'g' has always bothered me. I just wish I'd found out about it before I painted her, now I gotta buy another royal pb 🤦‍♀️But 1.7M is worth it to me in order to not have that spelling glaring at me every time I look at her. It's sooo silly, but I just... ugh. I can't not have the perfect names. (Although, iirc Secre did pretty much the same thing with her pet Voldermorts, didn't she? Except she was smart enough to do it BEFORE she painted lol!) At any rate, Mariggold will find a new owner, who hopefully appreciates her more than I did!
    So yeah, Five new pets in under a week. I guess I went a bit overboard lol. Has anyone else ever done this? I just couldn't resist! Despite the fact that I haven't even finished painting the pets I already had! The only problem is that when I get the urge to create pets again, I'll have no slots left! Then what?
  25. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in Happy Kyrii Day!   
    It's not a violin, it's a viola!  🤪
    Me being an angsty violist who knows we'll never get anything aside, it's a really cute outfit.  Almost makes me want to change Shiro_Iro's theme from swordskyrii to a musician.  ALMOST.
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