Hello everyone! Long time no see
We have launched a project on neopets.com since June of 2023 regarding unpopular species and would like to present it to you guys!
Our project is focused on giving visibility to pet species that aren't that popular amongst users.
Although some people might disagree with the referenced species on our page, our main goal is to host pets that aren't among the TOP tier pets, especially when it comes to customization where Aishas, Blumaroos, Draiks, Ixis, Kacheeks, Peophins, Unis, Usuls and Xweetoks tend to be people's favorites.
On our page you can find:
➜ Directory with the currently hosted species
➜ Space dedicated to our current/previous FEATURED PET
➜ Monthly Customization Contest
➜ Gallery with the currently hosted species
If you'd like to visit us, check this page: https://www.neopets.com/~Kikool
If you have any questions related to anything or any suggestions to give, you can write them here or neomail me!