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Kute last won the day on March 28 2019

Kute had the most liked content!


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    Southern California
  • Interests
    Mostly obsessed with L&L these days.

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  1. hello all I hope someone could help here. I have this flash drive I use in my car to listen to music. Not sure if its the actual flash drive, or if its the car... but it will not play m4a files. Only mp3 and wma. Anyhow I am loading music onto it. I have this album I recently purchased off and downloaded from itunes and it only comes in m4a version. I looked online on how to convert m4a to mp3, but when I follow the steps provided i see this.... it says these settings do not apply to songs downloaded from the iTunes store... So is there anything I can do to get them to MP3? ! Any programs I can download? I can't find any help for this.
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