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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. Wowwwww... the striped is amazing! I love when TNT does something kind of "off base" with the normal colour pattern (striped meerca, camouflage krawk, spotted lupe/gelert, etc.). Maybe one of my new dreamies. :) I wonder if it will cause the price of the striped paint brush to fluctuate at all.

  2. Ahh driver's tests. I was super nervous for mine too, and once you actually get your license it's so much easier to relax and enjoy driving. I think I actually because a better driver once all that stress was out of the way.


    Here, 10 points off on the test is a fail - I turned right when they said to turn left and got 5 points off for it :* , plus 4 more for minor things. I was soo close to failing but got it on my first try, and since then I've had a perfect driving record; no accidents or anything.



    Good luck! :)

  3. I've been getting the same problem. The other day I was getting the grey circle/exclamation mark, but only for my newly adopted pet (it still worked for my other pets, games, other websites, etc.).


    Now, I don't get the grey circle anymore but the loading screen keeps freezing for that one pet - it says "Loading neopet data" but the blue bar and hourglass stop spinning and it stays like that forever.


    I followed almost all the suggested fixes in this topic and on the linked sites and sent a ticket into TNT but nothing has worked. I was very clear in my ticket that I had the most recent version of Chrome and Flash and that it was only one pet that I was having problems with, but they just suggested updating my browser/flash player and taking some items out of my closet (the limit is 650 apparently, but I still only have less than 100 in there).


    I don't want to have to use a new browser just to customize my pet but it seems like that's the only thing left I can try. Ughhhhh. :(

  4. Wasn't sure if this should go here or in customization, so, sorry if it's in the wrong place!




    I recently adopted a new pet and I can't seem to customize her. When I go to the customization page it either freezes while loading, or just shows as a grey circle with an exclamation mark. This doesn't happen for any of my other three pets -- is it just because this pet is new, or what's the problem? :(


    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Neomysterion) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    This is a duplicate thread, there's already a topic for this matter right here: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/34644-having-problems-with-the-customization-page-help/

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Neomysterion if you have any questions regarding this action.

  5. Exploring the neopian world would definitely be cool. It'd also be awesome even if just all the pets and petpets became real. I'd also like to see some of the clothes/wearables IRL too!


    Restocking would be quite awkward when there's like 30 people staring at a shelf on a pharmacy waiting for the new items to be shipped in

    LOL, and if anyone stays and stares too long they get kicked out temporarily. :laughingsmiley: There's some parts of Neopia that wouldn't work too well if they were real.

  6. Forgetting to collect my bank interest before I put nps in or take them out

    Ughh I always do that... :laughingsmiley:



    Much like everyone else I also hate KQ quitters and unpriced TP items.



    But I know that pets won't eat anything with the same amount of letters as their name, and once you change your language they'll eat it.

    I don't know if it's the same for books though.

    It's the same for books! :)

  7. Really, you didn't learn about them in school? In all the schools around where I grew up there were prints of their works and we had lessons on them. The government apparently ordered prints for every elementary school in the 80s or 90s to instill a sense of nationalism in us... I don't think it worked :P

    I'm really not sure if we did or not - if we did, I just don't remember. I do remember watching a video on Emily Carr, though. :)

  8. And then I'll be jealous of you because I'll be back in school and working 2 or 3 jobs lol.

    Eek! I work 3 jobs now in the summer, but it means that I don't have to work at all during the school year. Do you have a full course load, too?


    I'm thinking somewhere like Shoprite or the library or something.

    Those are really the only places that would even consider hiring 14-year-olds, but even then, it's kind of a long shot.

    I worked at a convenience store/gas station/ice cream shop once and we had a 14 year old working there. :) There were a few things she wasn't allowed to do because of labour laws, but they still hired her. When you're young, it really helps if you have an "in" of some sort - like knowing the owners or having someone else who knows them put in a good word for you.

  9. Only one land? Definitely Krawk Island for their Pirate Dailies (slim chance of scoring a valuable prize), still trying to get a Pirate Paint Brush or a Pirate Draik Egg from them.

    For dailies, mine would be Krawk Island as well. :)



    It's still hard to choose just one, though. I also like most of the lands that are newer/revamped and have nice artwork or animation, like Roo Island, Faerieland, and Moltara.

  10. I don't know too much about Tom Thompson but I think I saw one of his paintings, "The Jack Pine", at the National Gallery in Ottawa. I'm Canadian but we learned very little about the Group of Seven in school (in fact, I can't remember if we learned anything about them at all) - everything I know stemmed from my own research because of my personal interest in art. My favourite of the group is Lawren Harris. :)

  11. I'm not really a restocker, but TDN has a guide to help people get started. Some shops are easier than others, and I think there's also a number of guides online that rank shops based on how difficult it is to restock there, and what items to watch out for! :)

  12. I cannot get enough of the Olympics. Eeeeeee I'm so excited! As a Canadian, I usually prefer the winter olympics (Vancouver 2010 was amazing), but there are also some events that I love watching in the summer games, too.

  13. I had no idea there were so many lip chewers in the world. :laughingsmiley: I don't chew my lips specifically but chew more on the inside of my lips. It's not really even a nervous tick, I just do it all the time, no matter what mood I'm in.



    I also have "internet habits" -- sometimes I'll be going to look something up, and instead type in the url of a site I visit frequently or something. It's like going into the kitchen and staring into the fridge when you're actually looking for something else. :P

  14. As I said, American summers are miserable. And is it just me or do they keep getting worse every year? A long time ago, I was so ignorant at how horrid summers in the rest of the country were (ours are lovely, not deadly). My eyes have been opened to how bad summer is for the rest of America since last year,

    I think it's gradually getting worse - I don't know about other places, but here it's been a lot hotter than normal in the past few years (and also a lot wetter!). Besides, the heat has been record breaking in some places this year!



    It's not as hot as some places where I live, but it's regularly been getting up above 30 C, and we don't have air conditioning. D: I also work outdoors in steel-toed boots and jeans, sometimes for 14 hours/day, so it takes its toll pretty quickly. I just want to go to the beach!

  15. How do you know what your rating is (what color smilie you show up as in the room for joining games)?

    I think you'd have to get someone else to do it for you, as you can't see your own name in the user list. But as long as you don't quit games often, it should be green, so don't worry too much!

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