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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. I am sad there isnt a page or way to confirm what i chose for each person..... unless there is and i am blind. My OCD wants to check things over and over :D

    The only guess you need to make is who took the clockwork negg where. I was a little confused at first and kept submitting multiple pairs of names/places based on what we knew -- but there is only one final answer!

  2. I think you're also unable to see items of a certain rarity in shops until x number of months, and there are a few other locations you cannot see until you're a certain "age", and there's also some restrictions on adopting and transferring pets, too. I'm sure there's a list somewhere, but I couldn't find one sorry!


    I don't like his music and I don't like him based on what he said about abortion/rape. He said something along the lines of it sucks that people get raped but everything happens for a reason...

    Oh my gosh I completely agree. Many people just blindly hated him. Personally, I didn't like him as an artist and I didn't like his screaming fan demographic, but that abortion/rape comment makes me think he's actually a horrible person or just very stupid.

    I've heard that he was actually misquoted -- he actually said something like "I don't know why that would be a reason", and "I'm not in a position to judge."



    I honestly don't think that kid even knows what he's singing about. Probably the same story as with Britney 13 o.O years ago. Gosh I'm getting old.

    I always fear that if his fame diminishes he'll end up like the Britney fiasco a few years ago. :O




    Anyhoodles, I'm a JB fan I suppose. Nothing crazy, but I think the people who make it a mission to hate him can be just as irritating as his superfans. He released a new song a few weeks ago and he sounds like a man now. Drool.

  4. Straightening it would be your best bet (if you don't have a straightener, I've seen people straighten their hair with curling irons). You could also dry it straight using a brush and a blow-dryer. I guess it depends on your hair - mine dries wavyish but if I sleep on it, it straightens out a little, so I sometimes do that stuff the night before!

  5. Chocolate is nice, but I prefer vanilla.

    I don't understand vegetarians/vegans...

    I think people who abuse perfume should have it confiscated (when you fill an entire room with your perfume just by walking in, you know you've sprayed on too much)

    I like broccoli

    I have loved milk, plain or with sugar, since I was a kid.

    Haha, totally agree with all of these. :P


    A girl with me in high school told me that her mother read the quran and didn't see anything that meant you had to cover your hair, so neither she nor her mother wear hijab. I really don't care if they don't, but I think its...illogical of them. Do they think (the majority of) the rest of the female muslim population like wearing long sleeves etc in the summer? Did someone just read a word wrong and everyone went along with it? The rule is there, whether or not you choose to follow it is up to you, just don't tell me that millions of women around the world are enduring prejudice for no reason because they don't know how to read.

    I've heard some people say it's open to interpretation, others think it says pretty explicitly to cover your hair/neck. Regardless, I just have trouble seeing why one has to dress that way to be considered modest - are we really all so sex-driven that we really cannot control ourselves unless we cover everything up? Why were we created that way, then? It just seems like a dangerous concept to me, because then things like this can happen.


    So I guess my unpopular opinion is that religion is outdated. Perhaps holy books were nice guidelines when they were written, but humans are now capable of distinguishing morality without the use of those books. I don't mean to turn this into a debate thread; this topic is just very interesting to me and something I've thought a lot about. :*

  6. Considering TNT doesn't like auto-refreshers, I'm assuming it's against the rules (this seems similar). I don't know if they'd catch you, but I also wouldn't think it's worth the risk.


    Punchbag Bob isn't that hard; I beat him with the most basic of pets and weapons, just going for 5 minute intervals while taking breaks from homework or something. If you had some decent weapons, I'm sure it wouldn't take too long at all to do it manually!

  7. That's insane! Are they all for different console/system-type-thingermajigs? I don't know much about gaming at all, the only games I've ever really 'owned' are the ones I had for the computer when I was very, very young! :*

  8. I've wondered too, but I'm 99% sure it's safe. I have an item on the trading post and even though it's in my inventory, it doesn't show up in quick stock and when I click on it it says "This item is active in the trading post and cannot be removed until the transaction is completed."


    What if it got changed during the auction process? It would be rather silly if it could be zapped or stolen while you're actively trying to sell it!





    I type slow. :*

  9. I really thought that thinking gay marriage was wrong was an uncommon opinion.


    I never realized so many people thought it. There was a huge debate at a party I was at. I also found out one of my best friends thinks it's wrong. He basically says it's wrong because the government says it's wrong.


    I live in Canada, and isn't gay marriage legal here? O.O

    If it's not, then it should be. I'm pretty sure it is. I don't know what he's going on about.



    It's definitely becoming more uncommon. :)


    Anyway, I'm pretty sure that if you asked Harper for his opinion, he'd tell you that he didn't agree with gay marriage. It's typical of conservatives to be against it; the conservative MP who won my riding was fairly vocal about his views against gay marriage and planned parenthood (separate issues but ugh, what a sleazeball). However, I think the government recognizes that revisiting the issue is a waste of time - there are way more important things to worry about!

  10. Today I received the Discovered Treasure Chest. I played it with my neopet and was dismayed to find Pirate Potato Crisps. I think it was better for me if I sold it.

    I got a Treasure Chest recently and found a Pirate Hook Candy Cane. I'm sure it's usually worth it to simply just sell the chest, but I don't want to risk selling one with something valuable inside! :D

  11. 1. What do you collect? Balloons

    2. What is the CRITERIA for your gallery? Anything balloon-ish!

    3. Do you accept donations? Of course!

    4. Do you have an up-to-date list of things you're looking for? No, I'm still discovering what I need, but essentially anything that isn't in my gallery.

    5. Do you mind more than one donation? I don't mind, but I probably won't put duplicates in my gallery. Would send them back with a thank-you or pass them along!

    6. Do you want to donate to others? Absolutely! I'm going for pack-rat right now, but I'm sure that when I'm finished I may have a thing or two that somebody needs. :)





    Thank you lydia_trebond and lady kakata!

  12. I'd be curious to know if there are any guides on how to "salvage" a habitarium. Lots of guides have really good tips, but I'm stuck in a cycle where I only have 3 p3's and the professor just replaces them when they die because I'm finding it too difficult to repopulate it myself. Anything that will help neglected habitariums above level 7? :P

  13. I'm happy because I'm almost done school for the year and I'm super excited for summer. Also, I'm visiting my family this weekend for Easter. Perhaps I shall even make cake for the occasion. ^_^



    I'm still smiling because I got accepted to University! Even though that was a week, ago, lol! I'm still very happy about that! And keep reading my acceptance letter to be sure I read it right. XD It's not a hugely known University, but, I had people for years tell me I'd never get into any. But my parents had faith in me, and I'm very excited about this. :)

    That's awesome, congratulations! What are you taking?

  14. Vegetables.


    Seriously, enough. said. I hate them.

    But there are so many different vegetables! And they're so versatile! ^_^





    I don't think there's anything I'd absolutely refuse to eat, except licorice. Some things I'll eat but I don't enjoy, and it's usually a texture issue rather than taste (mushrooms, liver, etc.). I love almost all food though!!!

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