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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. and most of the time they aren't newbies at all .. just people trying to freeload from others then send the items or NP to their mains

    This. I was actually going to say that the message the OP posted doesn't sound like a newbie, but someone trying to trick others.



    Anyway, it's totally up to the individual what they do with their neopoints, so I'd say that no one is ever too harsh/greedy/whatever if they don't donate neopoints to askers, no matter how new they are!

  2. :3

    It's super pretty! I'd love to do a road trip across the country one day, but the praries would freak me out a little. :( Nothing wrong with them or anything, but I would miss my mountains. It's like they're hugging me. ^_^

    LOL, I'm from the prairies and I feel the exact opposite. Not being able to see for miles makes me claustrophobic. :laughingsmiley:


    They don't have the traditional beauty that mountains seem to possess, but it's nevertheless a very nice place. ^_^ Would recommend!




    p.s. Happy Canada Day!

  3. I believe it is against the rules to collude with other players and inflate items.

    I think I've read this somewhere too, and I think it may work both ways. I can't find if it's stated anywhere, but it seems to me that ganging up with other people in an attempt to either inflate or deflate an item is against the rules.



    However, a single person alone can't affect the economy that much, so you can sell your stuff for whatever you want!

  4. What's the jerk to normal person ratio in key quest? I'm interested in trying it out, but every time I'm looking at the page, I feel so intimidated. I worry that someone is going to be a jerk to me for not knowing how to play well. I don't suppose it's possible to switch the chat off?

    Usually the only "jerky" think people do in KQ is quit games if they're losing, making both of you miss out on prizes. I usually play 3 or 4 player games so that's less likely to happen. The chat is all pre-loaded phrases and people rarely use it, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. With practice you'll get the hang of it, and if you ask around, I'm sure there are many nice people who would love to play you, or maybe even some other new players looking for a KQ buddy. :)

  5. This guy's still in the spirit of the Altador Cup, even after it is over, holding the ceremonial torch for the 8th AC! It looks like he is a fan of Mystery Island! (I, for one, support KI.)



    Despite looking like a Mystery Island fan, he also looks very summer-y! Island pets would be perfect for summer customizations. :) What background is that? It's beautiful!

  6. You can't always get the meaning across that you want with something classy or discreet. Sometimes being classy and discreet is the opposite of what you want. It's fine not to like the look of peoples' tattoos. It's fine to think that the art is bad, or just not something you would ever do. But it's important to respect peoples' reasons for getting them.


    Whenever I think about my tattoo, I realise that most people would find it ugly. It's not supposed to be a great work of art though. It is what it is, and I like it for what it is. It's exactly what I asked for, which is what's important to me.

    I kind of feel the same way as was clarified below - I absolutely respect someone's right to get a tattoo, and would never tell someone that they'll regret it or make any other rude comments.


    Don't get me wrong, some people have very good reasons for getting tattoos and sometimes tattoos are very beautiful. However, I think it's also reasonable to say that they've become a bit of a "fad" and some people force meanings into their tattoos or don't think them through.

  7. I get the 4th off from work, and it's my birthday, so I'm having some family and friends over for a BBQ! Then we might catch some firewoks later on. ^_^

    Happy birthday! I hope the weather cooperates for you; it would be nice to have a fun summer birthday. ^_^


    Mine isn't until December, so I was always the youngest out of all my friends. I'm turning 21 this year though, which seems pretty old to me lol, and in a few years it might actually feel good to be the youngest. :P


    Okay guys I recently had an epileptic seizure. This was my first seizure in a very long time. So if I'm not online often it's because I am still recovering.

    Yikes, sorry to hear that! I wish you a very speedy recovery!

  8. I was hoping the promotion would be over today, but I saw it's still happening. -_- I wish it would just end, I miss cashing in my gold keys. :P

    I didn't even realize there was a promotion! :O I just checked out the summer 2012 prizes and they actually look pretty decent, especially compared to some past promotions. I suppose it can still get a little repetitive, especially if it's been going on for a while.

  9. I kind of hate how certain things dealing with body modification are accepted in our society and others aren't as accepted. To me, dying your hair or putting on makeup is kind of like body modification. You're changing yourself to look like to what you think is better for you. And I'm all for that. I think getting a tattoo or a piercing is pretty much the same thing. It's just permanent. I don't understand why one is more socially acceptable. If we think it looks good on us then that's all that should matter. I feel like at this point girls getting hissi enhancements or a nose job is more acceptable a lot of the time than someone getting a ton of tattoos/piercings. I think it should all be accepted since when we do these things we're not affecting anyone else. (Sorry for the small rant.)

    You kind of answered your own question as to why it's less socially acceptable - it's permanent. :P And also glaringly obvious if it's not in a place where it's easily covered up. Other standout-ish things like overdone makeup or brightly coloured hair are often looked at the same way.



    In general, I don't like tattoos.


    I don't like the permanence of tattoos. I think, "Yes, you want that now, but WILL you want it in five years? Ten years? Forty years?" I don't like that tattoos stretch. One day, it's pretty, and then you get older, and not so good now.


    I don't like it when tattoos are overdone. When someone is so covered with them you can't tell where their patterned shirt ends and skin begins. When someone needles so much into their body that should they go in to have blood drawn, the phlebotomist cannot find a vein. It doesn't look good; I have never seen it look good when there are too many tattoos.


    I don't like that they *can* cause infections. This one isn't nearly as big a deal, though, because a lot of things can cause infection, and a good tattoo parlor will do it safely.


    For the most part, I don't like the way they look.


    Whatever. My personal preference. And other people have different personal preferences. So it's stupid to tell others that they made a mistake, etc. etc. etc. It's stupid to judge people on it.

    Agreed 100%, I'm not a big fan of tattoos (although I have seen the odd one that worked out really well). However, it's the individual's choice.




    The author of the posted article was a little harsh, but I also think some people need to really pause and think before getting a tattoo. My Facebook news feed seems to be constantly blowing up with people showing off their new tattoos, and often they're still pretty young when they're getting them. Even if they had a good reason or some sort of deeper meaning behind it, I'd say the vast majority of tattoos I see posted are very ugly. Too big, too blocky, awkward angle, poorly drawn, etc. Part of may be the particular artist, but sometimes I think it would just be nicer if people asked for something more classy or discreet.

  10. Those pac man nails are cute! I love looking at pictures of nail art. I'm not very steady-handed, but sometimes I get my sisters to do some cool designs on my nails because they're into that kind of thing. The coolest was a fireworks design at new years; I wish I would have taken a picture!

  11. The topic of discussion coming back to food all the time is one of those TDN Laws. It's inevitable.


    I'm working on the 4th, though since it's a Wednesday, it's one of my half days, so I'll be off by 1pm. I don't have any plans though, probably just staying home, and maybe catching some fireworks, if there are any. But I kinda doubt there will, due to all the fires. They canceled them last year.

    Do you guys normally get any sort of long weekend or holiday for the 4th of July, or time-and-a-half if you work? Up here, Canada Day falls on a Sunday this year, but I still get Monday off because of it. :)

  12. Oh man, that's crazy! The AC was interrupted by holidays and computer breakdowns for me so I didn't get very many points, but even if my schedule was normal and I spent every spare minute I had playing games, there's still no way I'd be able to reach top prize or double all star or whatever. I understand that they need incentives but I feel like it's literally unobtainable, which is kind of discouraging. :(

  13. Our family bought a new barbecue as kind of a combined Mother's/Father's Day gift a while back. I'll probably also make him supper and maybe play a game of crib or something. Games are more fun than gifts. :P

  14. I don't think that we need to worry about any kind of drug induced zombie apocalypse. As it is a drug, it will wear off in a certain amount of time, and it's not like it can be passed from person to person through attacks. It's horrific, but not the end of the world.

    This exactly. Some of my coworkers seem to legitimately believe that a zombie apocalypse is upon us, but there's no way something like that would actually happen, especially due to drugs. A full-blown zombie takeover like we see in the movies usually relies on something that's contagious. I can't think of how anything infectious could cause everyone infected to have some kind of goal-oriented behaviour like eating flesh.


    At any rate, my boyfriend is pretty good in Zombies mode in Call of Duty, so even if it did happen, I'm not too worried. :P

  15. Mmmm.... cereal. It's a common breakfast item for me, but sometimes I like having it for supper too.


    My top favourites have to be Honey Nut Cheerios and Mini Wheats (brown sugar frosted). But I'm also a big fan of mixing cereal - something crunchy like Kashi or All Bran with something that gets a little soggier like Oatmeal Crisp. I also like to add fruit to cereal to bland cereal to give it a little more flavour! :)



    p.s. Did you guy know Neopets used to have a cereal? :O



  16. Though I'm pretty mad that I'm still in school while all the other American children have been out for two weeks or more. I don't get to be released until June 13 (though of course it depends on the class registered)! LATE! That's what I think Oregon is.

    LOL, I think you're lucky! Here in Canada, I always remembered starting in September and ending around June 13, but every year the start date slowly crept earlier and earlier until we were starting in late August, and the end date crept later and later until we were getting out closer to the end of June. Early and late! :P


    I think across the country everyone has a pretty standard amount of school days that are supposed to occur during the school year, so even though the year is stretching out, there's just more holidays (teacher development days, longer christmas break, etc.) - it all evens out in the end!

  17. WHAT I was the ONLY person to vote Larnikin. ;__; poor larnikins.


    But honestly, larnikins lay the most worker eggs, and since I only have 3-4 nesters and 38-40 workers usually, I made my habi all-larnikin and it's much easier keeping up with the eggs :)

    I voted Larnikin too. ^_^ I really like all 3, though. I think a while ago I would have said Mootix, but there was one point where I only had Larnikins in my Habi and the little guys really grew on me.

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