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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. Don't you love it when the winner of a game says "good game"? I'M SURE YOU THINK IT WAS!

    Haha I always send the "good game" message no matter if I win or lose. They were probably just trying to be polite! :laughingsmiley:



    I discovered key quest a couple of weeks back and played constantly. It was 3 or 4 days in that I discovered deserters of the game.


    8 out of my last 10 games have ended with people deserting and my last game was literally while I was rolling for the a definitive win.


    I so wish TNT would start holding people accountable for deserting by banning them from the game for a while and if they continue to desert games, enforce a permanent ban.


    Argh! So frustrating!

    You could always try playing 3 or 4 player games, or finding partners to play with beforehand so you know they won't quit on you. It's very frustrating, indeed!

  2. Hey guys!


    I was curious as to whether there are any rules regarding the 'image' one sends in as a Random Contest entry. Aside from the art-related ones, most of the entries are usually a few photos on a solid background with some simple text - is it supposed to be like that, or can we do something a little crazier (e.g. using WordArt from MS word, or using a more advanced photo program)? Or is it just due to image size constraints?

  3. As a private organization, the boy scouts has every right to promote Christian ideals. However, the problem lies in that they often receive funds from public institutions (e.g. from schools, indirectly via access to government resources, etc.). If they're benefitting from tax dollars in any way shape or form, then they cannot discriminate based on orientation.




    I agree with Karina though; it would be nice if they would willingly change their policies instead of being forced into it. I just wish someone would realize how silly it is to exclude gays even if they are Christian - otherwise why wouldn't they also ban members who, for example, have been through a divorce, or have tattoos? :rolleyes_anim:



    I do hope those guys sending back their badges helps the organization change its mind.

  4. Lol what a cute prize. Strange since my friend has been looking for something like that in real life.

    LOL! I think it's some kind of fad. My sister has two black plastic moustache items - one as a necklace, and one attached to a pair of sunglasses. She can wear the necklace pretty much identical to the way the neopets wear this copper one. :laughingsmiley:



    I kind of wish the chain didn't show up though. Otherwise, I think it would look super cute on robot pets!

  5. I go back to school shopping next week. Hopefully everything with ship to my house >.<

    Oh gosh I'm gonna have to do that soon too! I can't believe it's almost August already. I loooooove shopping for school supplies. ^_^

  6. how? do you keep a list and refer to it when someone joins a game? seems like too much hassle

    I don't have a list but I guess they're just memorable instances since I'm rarely quit on. I can't even think of any usernames off the top of my head although I'd recognize them if I saw them. I can also usually remember people I've played against even when they haven't quit on me, especially if they're good players. Just a good memory in general, I guess. :P

  7. Manipulation is a tricky thing. I wouldn't say that person was abusive, they were obviously in intense emotional distress when they said that and to mention rape just because someone said they want to kill themselves isn't really cricket. This sort of behavior is really common with Borderline, and we don't do it because we're immature or to get attention, we do it because we have no idea how to express our emotions healthily because we were never taught. I've said that to my current partner and to the outside world that may look like what you said, but at that point that would have been the case, I wasn't just saying it. Obviously people are different, but it just sounds to me like this person didn't know how to handle being left, and you never know, he might have been serious. I'm glad he's got some help and is okay now.


    Edit: Rachel you should watch that video I sent, there's loads of stuff about manipulation in there. If you want to check it out Passiflora it's called "Back from the Edge" and it's on youtube.

    While I might not use the term abusive, it's still definitely coercion and I can't help but find it unfair to the party on the "receiving" end of the threat.


    You're absolutely right that some people may not know how to express their emotions, and that could definitely have been the case. Like I said, I don't want to undermine the seriousness of suicide or mental illness (that's why my friend told someone instead of simply dismissing it), but I think it's also safe to say that there are also cases where people simply threaten suicide with ulterior motives and little intention of actually following through. This guy was obviously distressed, but has never been diagnosed with BPD or any other mental illness, and exhibited no other current or past history of depression, self harm, suicidal tendencies, or other related signs/symptoms.



    That case aside, my main point is that there are reasons why people believe suicide is largely "selfish", however mislead that usually is.




    I'll also have to watch that video. :) Thanks!

  8. I think the goodness of iced coffee depends on how you drink normal coffee - I drink my coffee black, so most iced coffee is sickeningly sweet to me. :P It's still very refreshing in the summer, though.

  9. If you're sure it's the same person, it's definitely cheating. Even if there's no specific rule pertaining to KeyQuest, it's still earning neopoints on two different accounts.


    Sometimes in 3 or 4 player games it seems like people give others the advantage by not playing minigames or never using their power-ups or whatever (it makes strategizing difficult), but there's not much you can do about that. But once I played a 3 player game and my two opponents had identical usernames save for a few numbers and one was definitely helping the other. Reported! =/

  10. I don't like macaroni (except KD) much - I prefer Shell Noodles. <3

    KD has shell noodles, right? The "three cheese" version? :) I loooooove KD Spirals. And also homemade macaroni. Almost any pasta, really. :D

  11. I actually really like the 7 word rule. I think if you're saying something that is less than that, you really aren't adding much to the conversation at all. Another forum I belong to doesn't have a rule like that and we're constantly getting posts that are just like "Cool." or "Awesome." And it gets annoying when there are so many people doing that and you just have to keep scrolling through posts that aren't really adding anything.

    Agreed. I've also been on other forums where there's no rules like that and the thing that annoys me more than scrolling through one-word posts is clicking a topic to read new replies and there's only one new post with "lol". Ugh. :P




    It does seem silly to get a warning for a 6 word post, but they need to set a limit somewhere and I'd rather have it that way than arbitrary rules about what constitutes a constructive post.

  12. Great idea!




    Mine is cluttered, but I think it describes me well:

    • Zafaras strike me as adventurous and athletic
    • Biscuit because I looooove baking
    • Brown hair
    • Apple = health nut
    • Clothing/background is mainly a reflection of wear I live, but I also like to dress warm and go outside :)
    • I also love gardening!

  13. And why on earth would someone commit suicide for attention? they'd be dead. That makes no sense.

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think the number of people who successfully commit suicide is rather small relative to the number who attempt suicide, and even those who are successful often attempt a number of times before they're successful. Perhaps a more PC term would be a "cry for help" rather than "attention seeking."



    On a separate note, my friend's boyfriend threatened to commit suicide when she broke up with him - he was understandably hurt, but I don't think he ever actually would have went through with it. But it was "we stay together, or I'll kill myself"; almost like a threat. Due to the serious nature of suicide, she told his parents, and the kid got help and they're not together anymore. I won't undermine the seriousness of mental illness or suicide, but there are people out there who erode that. I can't think of any other way to put it than it's extremely immature to coerce people into anything under threat of suicide, and I think it's what gives people the perceptions of "attention seeking" and "selfish." Those are the cases where rumours explode, whereas tragedies and mental illness tend to be more hush-hush, in my experience (unfortunately).

  14. @Passiflora I can't agree with that article. You start a game, you're going to finish it, unless the game is bugging out or something real life related is preventing you from playing. If you're going to quit for any other reason, do it in the beginning of the game, otherwise you're just wasting other people's time. No one would ever win anything if everyone would "quit strategically".


    I didn't report this person, but I refuse to play with them again. So if I see them in the waiting room, I'm not joining. I only take drastic measures like this when I'm sure someone is quitting because they're about to lose.

    Oh I agree absolutely - besides, silver keys can still give out okay prizes or you can save them for a day when you can't play 10 times. It's stilly to quit, I'd just never seen an actual confirmed rule. Luckily brightmanchild has helped with that! :)


    I definitely try to avoid players who I know have quit on me, too.

  15. Actually, lately, I've been seeing things on the internet saying "MARIJUANA CURES CANCER, BUT THE GOVERNMENT IS SUPPRESSING IT." I've never heard that it causes cancer, just emphysema from the smoke. (And pot brownies cause obesity *nods sagely*) Marijuana does not cure cancer as far as I know, but it's highly possible that it would be a good treatment that could kill tumors. After all, it HAS been proven to decrease inflammation, similar to chemotherapy--and given the choice between marijuana and chemotherapy...

    Going off tangent in 3... 2... 1... :P


    There are oodles of claims that say "x cures cancer, but x doesn't want us to know", which I want to throw out there should never be taken too seriously. Firstly, it's unlikely that there ever be a cure for cancer - it's a group of diseases. Secondly, these claims are usually only backed up by anecdotal claims or one or two nitpicked scientific studies. Just because something looks nice in a lab doesn't mean it will translate well into real life.


    Take marijuana for example: Say THC was found to suppress tumour growth in vitro, or maybe even in vivo in some sort of small animal. This is one isolated component and so couldn't be applied directly to marijuana use itself, as it contains a number of other compounds. It's exceptionally difficult to study the effect of the plant itself because it isn't easy to attribute a specific cause due to a specific compound, like in clinical trials for most other drugs. Not to mention that the method of administration would also make a huge difference, as it is most commonly smoked (which is also most likely the most harmful way to do it).


    That said, I think the medical debate should remain separate from legalization for the broader general public. We don't approve drugs for medical uses so that they can be used to get high or so that whoever wants them can be a chronic user - they're developed and approved for a defined use .




    Now, sorry for the rant. :P I'm not opposed to legalizing marijuana, but I don't actively advocate for it. If it were to be legalized, I'd just hope it was well-controlled. I'm generally in favour of more restrictions on tabacco use, and I'd hope that all the same laws would apply to pot as well.

  16. Is there any point in reporting people who quit on you? I checked the ticket categories and nothing seems to fit the situation. My opponent just quit on me as I was about to walk into the keyhole. Seriously, who does that? If it's not deliberate, it's one hell of a coincidence. I've felt the temptation to quit games when I'm having the most rotten luck, but never did, because no one is entitled to win and it's all up to the luck faeries.

    "OH if I can't win, no one gets anything!!" I'm so annoyed.

    It's probably too difficult to prove someone is intentionally quitting unless they were reported for it frequently. :(


    Is it actually against the rules to quit games? I don't think I've ever actually seen TNT post a stance on quitting (it is, however, against the rules to skip a turn to gain an advantage, which should definitely be reported!). There's even an article in the Neopian Times that justifies quitting.




    LOL that's pretty much my exact reaction. :laughingsmiley:

  17. A watch only means that the weather conditions are right for the possibility of a tornado - be thankful it's not a warning (imminent)! Where I live we've probably had at least a dozen tornado watches this year and nothing has ever really happened. Usually it just storms pretty badly, or if a tornado touches down it's been outside of the city. Just keep an eye open for weather updates, be safe, and try not to worry! :)

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