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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. I think the whole racism and sexism thing is really a "tomato/tomahto" type issue, because it still all boils down to discrimination. I'd be very willing to bet that you could find scholarly articles for both sides of the coin (sexism = women only, sexism against men).



    Society thinking it's ok for women to hit men.

    Just to be clear: the fix for this should be "it's not ok for anybody to hit anybody else", not "society should think it's okay for men to hit women, too." I'm fairly sure you'd choose the former over the latter, but I've also met people who don't make that distinction. :P



    on a side note, in hopes to end pseudo-feminism, i suggest this link: http://likeawraith.t...ost/26239621394 the more you know!

    I'm not sure I understand the point of that link. Most of hit has more to do with racism than feminism and can't be pinned solely on white women. I get that women of colour have obviously undergone a far greater struggle than white females, and I think it's important to learn from our history, but what does most of that have to do with contemporary women's issues? For example, reproductive rights are a problem, and the vast majority of women affected by it right now weren't even alive during the Puerto Rican trials for the pill. Horrendous things have been done to people, especially in the medical and research fields, but our laws and regulations regarding that are getting better and better because we learn from it. We can't go back in time and change it, though, so that post just seems uptight IMO.

  2. I'm very sorry you have to go through all of this, and I hope things get better for you soon!



    I've never been a very good advice-giver, and I can't say I can really relate to your situation. :( However, I did notice a few people mention counselling/therapy, and I think it would be really great to have another support system in place besides your friend. Since you're a college student, you might want to ask your school if they offer any counselling services; many colleges and universities provide that for free.

  3. As far as I know, it's okay! No one else can get in on the prize now, so it should be fine.

    Wow, that must have taken SO MUCH work, omg. .___.

    Okay dokey. Yeah, here goes... :laughingsmiley:


    Original conundrum:

    Gave up - tried assigning some values to letters/letter combinations, but never ended up submitting an answer.


    Clue #1: Mysterious =

    This gave the hint that it was a cipher. The letters in the puzzle are filled into columns under the word mysterious and arranged in alphabetical order. There's a thing that the Germans used in WWI called a ADFGVX cipher (but there are also ADFGX ciphers, which is what I was thinking because the puzzle had 5 letters of it - maybe they just used ABCDE instead of ADFGX) - there wasn't enough information in the conundrum to crack that, and no matter what I did I just ended up with gibberish. It also said that the message was sent via morse code, but I didn't know how that fit in, so I gave up again.


    Clue #2: Assigned morse code A/B = dot/dash

    YESSSS. After doing the transposition, I assigned the dots & dashes, but there was still all those C, D, E's to deal with and it still looked like gibberish.

    I filled in my columns working downwards. I looked on wikipedia and found out that when there are multiple of a letter (two 's' in mysterious), you have to do those letters going across.


    It actually still came out gibberish, but things that looked like they might be words started to appear. The morse code 'letters' (combinations of A & b) were broken up by the C's, a D seemed to signal the end of the word. There was something that looked like "Tyrannia" but wasn't spelled right and was broken up by an E. So I dropped the E's completely, which created a couple new/different combinations of A & B, and finally it all worked out when it was translated! Voila!


    In retrospect, there's probably solvers online that could have done half the work, but it was fun to do it by hand. :)

  4. I visited the quest page (http://www.neopets.com/quests.phtml) to see if they would still be giving out quests, and I did have a quest from the Crafting Faerie waiting for me. This could be one of three scenarios:

    1. The daily quests are back, and I just happened to get the Crafting Faerie today.

    2. The daily quests aren't back, but as part of the Festival, you can get a Crafting Faerie quest.

    3. The daily quests aren't back, and there's a feature on the site where you can get a Crafting Faerie quest whenever, and I just didn't know about it.

    4. The daily quests aren't back, and I had an uncompleted quest from the Crafting Faerie.


    I'm inclined to think it's not 4, because I (somehow) got another Crafting Faerie quest by messing around with it, and it came without the "You Have A New Quest!" RE. I don't know which out of the other 3, though. I can find out more tomorrow, but I hope it's 1.

    I checked the same page and it's just normal for me (stuff about rebuilding their home, you're not on any quests right now, etc.). I think there's some kind of NC Promotional thing involving Delina that's available to everyone, but totally separate from the festival.


    The Faerie Quest event usually happens in February. TBH I don't even know what the faerie festival is - maybe just a day to release faerie-related items, and encourage themed artwork/poems? :O

  5. Oh wow! Serious kudos are coming your way! :O How did you eventually figure it out?

    Can we discuss the answer once it's been posted? :O



    I kind of have an interest in secret codes and deciphering things and stuff so that definitely helped haha. It's a type of columnar transposition cipher, but it's got extra bits of stuff in there too, with the morse code and whatnot. If I'm allowed to make a more detailed post about the answer, I definitely will. :)

  6. Today I got a neomail from a kind neopets player who screenied one of my Flotsams that I also adopted from another lovely TDNer.


    Nice! I looooove that background! ^_^




    My achievement didn't technically happen today, but it was recognized today. :) The Lenny Conundrum has been the same for the past 4 weeks or so, and it's finally been cracked - I was one of only 7 who answered correctly, so the payout was huge! It took like 5 sheets of paper over the course of those four weeks for me to work out the answer. :laughingsmiley:


    The only other times I've gotten it, it's only been a couple thousand neopoints awarded.

  7. I've never had an iPhone (and my iPod touch is only 2nd or 3rd generation!), but I can see what attracts people. However, from what I've heard, it hasn't changed too much - probably a huge upgrade if you have an older version or have a different phone and want to switch to an iPhone, but I don't know if I'd upgrade from a 4s if I had one.



    I have an HTC Incredible and I love it to bits. It doesn't sync with my computer (a mac), but other than that I can't imagine it's all too different from owning an iPhone, except that it was free on a 3-year contract. :) It also has 4 buttons across the bottom of the screen instead of apple's one round one, which I think makes navigation easier.

  8. <font color="#33BBEE">Text here</font> Is this right? I would really like to make my signature look prettyyyyyyy. Haha. Thanks for any answers.


    Also - Is there a way for me to input different smileys from another website into my forum posts? I've seen this done in other forums, so was just curious.


    I believe the forums use what's called "BB Code", so the only thing you'd have to change is from < > to [ ]. You've got a working signature now though so I'm guessing you figured it out. :)


    The forum has a number of smileys if you click the smiley guy when creating a post, but I suppose you could link an image [img*]URL[/img] from another site if you found something you liked better, and they allowed that.

  9. Laasya is a really unique name. I like it. ^_^




    Morgan is a pirate draik who is only 574 days old. I feel like that name would have been used up pretty quickly in the early days, so it must have been purged and someone snatched up the name when it became available!

  10. Oh man, band was always so much fun. It was never really my top priority but I'm glad I took it. I played clarinet and then bass clarinet, and when I started jazz band I decided to learn the trombone. Huge switch. :laughingsmiley:

  11. I've figured my adulthood to be when I can look back at my mischevious adolescent behavior and go 'What was I thinking?' I think it proves I've reached a state of maturity to where I can learn more from mistakes and whatnot.

    I think that's a great way of putting it. :D I can look back and see that I had a lot of fun being an adolescent, but I'd never want to go back.



    I suppose the defining moment is different for everyone, though - I never truly felt like an adult until I moved out of my parent's house. I actually enjoy the responsibility and it makes me appreciate going home. Because of it, I'm closer to my family than I ever was before. :) It's funny to hear my younger sisters complain about the same things I did when I was their age, but in retrospect it wasn't a big deal at all. :laughingsmiley:

  12. today i got this Gold Gem Negg from the mysterious negg puzzle and i think it's dazzling



    I just got one of these from the mysterious negg and came here to post it, too! :laughingsmiley: I've never seen it before and it's very pretty. It has inspired me to look up some other beautiful neggs:



  13. I support it 100%. I think if we (Canadians) were forced to vote, the current government would be different and we wouldn't have this giant [insert curse word of choice] in Parliament. It would be ground breaking, and a revolution.


    Personally, I don't understand how it's such a burden do vote. Read a newspaper article. Watch the news for 10 minutes. View the party's website - they'll list their top priorities. See which one you identify with the most and go cast your ballot. It takes maybe 15 minutes out of your day and you don't have to think about it again for four years.


    Similarly, I think they should go over this in school - and I don't mean 5th grade social studies where you learn what each party is.. you should learn about the current politicians, their current views and help set you up to vote.


    If young voters are not voting, and continue this "trend" because they are too lazy (we all know that's the truth - if you don't think so, you are lying to yourself) to get involved, we're going to be in a lot of trouble.


    People should be proud to vote and that they have a chance to support how they wish their country/province/state/town to be run.

    I also believe voting and being a somewhat informed voter is the easiest thing in the world, but I still don't think that mandatory voting would cure the apathy of others. Canada's voting system can be a little discouraging - a few of my friends don't vote because our votes make absolutely 0 difference. I voted just to say I did, but I live in a very conservative area and the ridings are set up in a way that mix rural and urban, which further increases the conservative influence in the riding. Even if all the non-voters who support the Liberals or NDP voted, we'd still end up with a conservative. I guess it's fair in that 'majority rules', but it would be a lot nicer if there was a more representative way of doing things.


    I've also heard people put forth the idea that voting age should be lowered to 16 - even though it's a small population that won't make that much of a difference, it's a huge incentive to teach it in high school and get kids involved from the start. I learned a lot about voting and Canadian politics in high school, and we did 'student votes', but I didn't really care about it much at the time because I couldn't actually vote.



    Sorry for the novel - I guess I kind of brought up two separately debatable issues, but I just think there's better ways to cure voter apathy. :)

  14. I'd rather be hit by boochi than be turned invisible, but I try to keep my cheapest pets active. One of my pets is a basic colour (red), so I wouldn't be devastated if he was changed.



    I suppose the only real way to prevent it is to choose a species that can't turn baby/invisible, although I'm not sure that exists. I know some pets haven't been released in 'invisible', but I don't know about baby. I guess there's also no guarantee that they won't release that colour on the next pet day. :P

  15. This season I'll be following the final season of Flashpoint.

    When I was in Toronto this summer I stumbled across the filming of Flashpoint! It looks like a pretty sweet show.




    Personally, I don't follow too many TV shows. The only one I watch religiously is Breaking Bad (and that won't start again until next summer! :( ). I may watch Once Upon A Time and Criminal Minds, but I'm also considering getting hooked on a new series altogether via netflix - maybe Community or something. :)

  16. I started high school in grade 6, so all the transitions through the higher grades went really smoothly. I bet it would be much different moving to a bigger school in grade 9 or 10, though!



    I hope everyone's school year is off to a good start, to whom it applies. ^_^

  17. It's definitely very addicting! I've always loved playing many different types of solitaire with normal cards on my living room floor, but it's even better when everything is already set up for you and you can earn neopoints from it. :laughingsmiley:



    I don't know if there's any strategy - I've played a lot of games and still only have the silver trophy. The only real "strategy" I use is if I'm stuck choosing between two cards, I click the one that uncovers two new cards rather than one, if possible.

  18. I'm always very wary of buying from shops that have a huge number of codestones stocked, it just feels unsafe for some reason.

    This. I've never put too much thought into the Neopian economy, but I've always avoided shops with huge amounts of items for cheap just because it seems sketchy. :P




    I think I'm actually pickier on Neopets than I am in real life; as a student I don't have much money and try to be as frugal as possible, which might mean giving my money to chain stores.

  19. It's amazing how many people remember, to the finest detail, exactly where they were and what they were doing all over the world.

    It is indeed, and I don't think anyone will ever forget. My old english teacher, who is in her 60ies, can recall exactly what she was doing on the day that JFK was assassinated (which was almost 50 years ago).




    I was in grade 5 in 2001, and it was my turn to bring a "current event" on September 11. I had totally forgotten to do it the night before, so in a rush we turned on the TV for some news so I could fill out my sheet to bring to class - there was coverage of the attacks on almost every channel, and I believe it was right after the second plane had been hit. At the time, I didn't realize it was such a big deal and didn't completely understand what was going on. When I got to school, everyone was talking about it and my teacher discussed it with the class before I got to share, and I was so upset that my current event was "ruined", lol. It wasn't until later that I really started to comprehend the gravity of the situation. It's incredible that it happened 11 years ago, feels like way less than that.

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