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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. Hmm... not as many winners on display as usual, but it looks like some of them took a lot of effort - especially the first two!



    personally , if I knew how , I would have created an amazing instrument ..

    I think this is the problem. It was a cool contest idea, but maybe people found the idea of an actual working instrument to be a little intimidating. It's also that time of year when many people are busy with school; I know how to make functional ocarinas and whistles out of clay, but don't have the time to create something like that right now.

  2. My favourites are mostly either faeries or plushies. It's hard to even narrow it down, but here's my top 5:





    I don't think I have enough ambition to trade up to get one, though. Besides, all of my most "valuable" pets were adopted from other members, and I don't want to part with them in order to trade for something else!

  3. I see you're already doing dailies and grabbing from the Money Tree to collect items for the rubbish/packrat avvies, which was going to be my suggestion! :) It took me quite a while to get packrat, but with patience you can get 1000 items without having to buy very much at all!


    If you're willing to wait, also keep in mind that there will be some site events like the Games Master Challenge and Advent Calendar the next few months - you can hoard prizes from those and that unique item count will skyrocket!

  4. Is this anything like those My Little Pony toys that they sell in stores? I'm confused. I've never heard of them as a television show before. :P

    It's all the same brand - from the early '80ies right up to current day! I've never seen the TV show, but I definitely have some old ponies packed away somewhere that I played with back when I was really young. :O

  5. Yeah I've been getting the items together for a little while ^^ Substituted the Cherry Blossom Foreground as hardly anyone seems to be trading it at the moment :/


    I finally just gave in and did it :P My tablet wasn't working so I couldn't enter the BC in time and I was getting impatient xP


    This is Miff!!



    Beautiful! I just looked at him on your account and it's extra-awesome with all the little animations from the customization. :) Congratulations; stories of kind neopians always warm my heart. ^_^

  6. I also don't enjoy online applications. It's so much easier to just make a resume!


    I wonder if you took a resume to the business if they'd just take it anyway, even though they have online applications? Maybe it'd show initiative. :) I got both my jobs by taking a resume directly to the business, but they had advertised as 'email or drop off', there was no actual online form.

  7. Absolutely I believe in evolution - I'm honestly not sure why it's such a huge debate. As others have shown, you can be religious and reconcile evolution & God. :) Even the Catholic Church as a whole believes in theistic evolution, not young earth creation.


    As Quallso touched on, evolution is a scientific theory. That doesn't mean it can't be falsified or expanded upon, but it's currently the most reliable way we can explain the evidence available. It's on the same level as any other scientific theory, including things like relativity (and gravity), cell theory, germ theory, atomic theory, etc.



    I am part Christian so I believe that god created us. But I can also believe that he used evolution. Though I have a theory: Maybe primates/monkeys and apes evolved from us?

    Humans and monkeys are both primates - like karmacow said, we share a common ancestor that no longer exists.

  8. Awesome topic! I'm also a huge science nerd, but I'm more interested in biochemistry. Tiny molecules instead of huge space bodies. :P Space is still incredibly interesting, though!



    The bit about mining off asteroids is incredible, and it's great that people are willing to make such a long-term investment. I'm curious about people actually living and working in space (e.g. as miners) - how far have we come in dealing with the deleterious effects that space has on the body? I heard Roberta Bondar (first female Canadian astronaut) speak at a conference this year, and it sounds like going to space is really rough on a number of organ systems.

  9. Looks like editing wins out here. I would really, really like to be done with it so I can send it in. I realized, though, that a lot of my free time is spent away from my computer, so it's harder to edit. So I think I'm going to try to do a hybrid: set an editing goal for myself for every day, while also spending some time writing in my notebook while I'm on the train. Maybe I'll storyboard on the train/bus and then use December as my own nowrimo.

    I think this is the best idea. :) I was also going to suggest finishing up the first one before starting the second, but maybe beginning to write the sequel will also help you improve the first novel.




    I'll maybe write 50 000 words worth of scientific papers this month, but I definitely don't have time to write a novel for fun. :laughingsmiley:

  10. What's the project? They don't really do much other than store genetic information (as you said). They're literally just pieces of DNA.



    Other things that might be related/of interest:

    - they divide so that new cells have a copy of the genome (mitosis/meiosis)

    - looks different depending on what the cell is doing (chromatin - uncondensed vs condensed)

    - they take on different forms in prokaryotes and eukaryotes (e.g. bacteria vs humans)

    - chromosome abnormalities - extra copies, deletions, etc. (e.g. Down Syndrome)

  11. It has been really interesting to read through this topic. Everyone is so brave to share, and it seems very therapeutic! :)



    I'm pretty lucky - I don't have any known/diagnosed medical or psychological illnesses, and I don't think there's anything present but undiagnosed. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, sad, or anxious when school gets really busy, especially since I'm in a different city away from my family and boyfriend, but I think everybody feels like that sometimes. I have the most wonderful parents in the world, though. I used to feel a lot of pressure from them to do well and succeed and it would really stress me out, but they've been there for all the ups and downs so I don't worry as much anymore. I can't really think of anything noteworthy. I'm just boring, lol. :P


    Though, it's not helpful that my friends mock me for my lack of drinking. We went to a gig a month or so ago, and I went to the bar and got a cup of tea. The bartender, being polite, asked me if I was the designated driver for the evening while he was getting it. My friends thought this was absolutey hilarious, and they proceeded to make a facebook update announcing it. One of my friends, S, also keeps telling me that when another friend, M, gets engaged, we're going to Las Vegas, and I am so going to have to drink while I'm there, OMG.

    Ugh. Just give it up.

    I know many others have commented on this already, but I have to agree - this is one of my biggest pet peeves! I drink from time to time, but it really irks me when people stigmatize others for not doing it. It was the same way for me with smoking & other drugs - I've never tried anything besides alcohol, and people bug me about it all the time.


    Is fibromyalgia a recognised illness now? I remember that it wasn't for a long time and not all doctors believed that it was its own disease. I feel so bad for you, because you have to endure this. It's especially bad when you have to deal with both physical and emotional pain.

    It's a recognized syndrome, and it's very unfortunate that people refuse to believe it's real. :( However, I do think it's understandable for doctors to fear things that have a less objective diagnosis. Of course it doesn't mean they should sweep it under the rug, and I hope they make referrals if they're unsure so people can be diagnosed by experts (like in Qullaso's case). :)


    & Yes, I actually had no idea that I came off as "bubbly and friendly"? :eh:

    I'd just like to confirm this! You've always struck me as positive, friendly, and inquisitive. I would never have guessed that you had so much going on - thank you so much for sharing, and I hope things start to look up for you! <3


    Last year, I was diagnosed with chronic pernicious anemia. A few months ago, my doctor lost months of blood tests. Even though people with chronic pernicious anemia often will have normal blood tests, he decided I was fine this whole time on the basis of the three tests he still had. I still have a variety of symptoms, and he still has me taking a random combination of prescription medications to reduce symptoms. For some reason, I don't need to take vitamin supplements, but I still need an antidepressant, something for motion sickness, and something else for the neuropathic pain. I thought I might not be having to take any of those medications after a few more months of normal vitamin levels. I don't go back to the doctor until the end of next month, but I'm already miserable. I look like I haven't slept in months, and I wake up everyday feeling like my skin is crawling. I'm exhausted, and I literally can't feel much of anything below my knees as I type this. There are tons of other symptoms that pretty much annoy me all day. I've been seriously considering calling him in the middle of the night the next time I wake up trembling badly so that I can go to the hospital and maybe get some real help.

    I'm truly shocked by this! One would think that the main treatment for pernicious anemia would be a B12 supplement - treat the cause, not the symptoms!. Oral or sublingual B12 tablets are relatively cheap and you don't need a prescription for them (they're commonly used by vegans, older adults, etc.). However, it would definitely be worthwhile to talk to your doctor about it some more or seek a second opinion. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that! :(

  12. I know for sure that the effects are permanent. :) I'm not sure about the prices, but I'd guess that it depends on the pet/color (I think the pirate krawk morphing potions/magical plushies run about the same).



    I believe there's a way bigger variety of morphing potions than there is magical plushies, though!

  13. Nice! That's way better than I could have imagined. :O I never used the battledome before, but this actually looks pretty exciting. I definitely hope the prizes stay - it's a great idea, especially since people put so many NP into training their pets.



    Does anyone think this will affect the battledome avatars, especially now that there are varying levels of difficulty? =/

  14. Yay! I got the stone mask but definitely hoping to get them all. :)


    Yay, I love the masks!

    I read that we're supposed to get a mask a day? But, when I handed in the quest it said to come back saturday /:

    Did you complete the 'quest'? If you did, whatever mask you chose should be on your active pet!

  15. How frustrating. I got the right answer too, but also forgot to list the seconds. I'm assuming that if they let everyone with 12:14 win, the prize would have been substantially smaller. It's annoying when they have tricky stipulations for answers like that, though. :(



    I don't think they send you an neomail for incorrect answers - I enter the LC almost every week and only get mail if I guess correctly.

  16. I have a few pets UFT but I shall just list their names because they are just literally nice names I have nabbed from the purge:

    1. Bogey
    2. Moping
    3. Seleucus
    4. Methane
    5. Funx
    6. Squirme
    7. Khrushchev
    8. Muphrid

    Will add more if I get more, please contact me http://www.neopets.c...?user=arkwright <- THERE if you want to offer on any. I`m not seeking much, except for 8 / 4 which I am attached to.

    Methane is such an awesome name! Would make a super fantastic swamp gas pet. I don't have anything to trade, but way to go on nabbing those names. :) I'm sure you'll get offers soon enough!

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