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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. The exact same thing happened to me, too - it was only for one pet, and I tried everything I could think of to fix it and it never worked. I was also told by TNT to update browser/update flash/clear cache when I clearly stated in the ticket that I'd already tried that. :rolleyes_anim:



    The problem just went away eventually, but it was really frustrating not being able to customize my pet for weeks. I'm sorry I can't be of any real help! :(




    Here is a topic with some suggested fixes. Nothing ever worked for me - like I said, the problem eventually cleared up on it's own, but it may prove helpful to you!

  2. I don't eat fast food too often and when I do it's usually something like Subway, Extreme Pita, Booster Juice, or a sushi place. The "greasier" fast foods just don't do it for me. :(


    I actually haven't eaten at any of those in a long time. The only fast food restuaruant I've been to recently was Wendy's -- it's a Canadian company, I believe. Really yummy fries.

    I believe it's actually American, but they once merged with Tim Horton's (and are now separate again, I think?) - you'll often find them combined together under the same roof, which is probably why people think of it as Canadian.

  3. I like that these rare items are being made available- but only if they are a rare prize. Having items that cost more than 100 million NP just seems silly to me when Neopets is such a controllable market. New members are at such a disadvantage now, so I like that there is a chance that anyone can get a PDE or other rare item- just from luck.

    So yeah. I hope that Hasees don't become a common prize from the Mysterious Negg- they can remain rare, but keep some entering the economy. I like to think of it like the Faerie Caves and Test Your Strength. Both release Paint Brushes (Faerie and Halloween, respectively), but they are super rare prizes, so the cost of the item doesn't fall so drastically -- though, I imagine the Faerie PB did when it was a plot prize, like the 8-Bit Potion.

    Definitely agree. While things like the draik eggs and krawk potions have deflated a lot, they're still fairly expensive in that for many people, it takes a lot of time to save up for one. I don't mind them deflating items a little, but it's nice when they're still kept relatively rare.



    I generally don't hoard super expensive items (only cheap ones that I hope will inflate :P ), so it doesn't worry me too much.



    That said, things like avatar items act as NP sinks (which I think helps the economy?), so I can't see them to deflate something like MSPP or the Grarrl Club.

    Edit: On second thought, considering these items are generally only lended I suppose it would make more sense to deflate them to a price where they're still outrageously expensive, but at least attainable. Oh dear! I'm still not sure I could see it happening, though.

  4. Congratulations and good luck! :)



    My family moved when I graduated and so I actually spent my first year of university living at home in a city where I didn't know a single person! Uni is a really good opportunity for a "fresh start." It's pretty easy to get involved as there's probably a club for anything you could imagine - if you're interested in music, I'm sure there are tons of different ensembles you could join for fun, which is also a great way to make friends. :) I personally made my best friends because we ended up as an assigned lab group and found that we had almost all of our classes together, so we saw each other every day - simple as that.



    Study habits are the hardest, since profs don't hound you to get things done. "Manage your time" and "don't procrastinate" are easier said than done. :laughingsmiley:

  5. How could you NOT hear of Legend of Korra!? :O It's as prevalent on the net as MLP! And everyone you know loves the show, right? Yeah...I'm shocked. LOL! But - true, LoK does not have as much memes as it does fanart and a die-hard fanbase.

    LOL I don't know! I also don't spend as much time online or frequent as many sites as I used to, so that could also be part of it. No one that I know personally has ever mentioned either one, so I really don't know what anyone thinks of either show. :laughingsmiley: I actually don't even think I've ever seen references to either show up in my Facebook feed or anything, too.



    So, neither are too popular to me, but from my limited experience MLP is the winner. :P I think that show would also be more up my alley personally, anyway.

  6. how do i take a screenie? i have a mac laptop :/

    command + shift + 4 should give you a little 'target' where you can screen capture the area you highlight. Mine just save to my desktop, but I'm not sure if that's a custom setting or not.




    Looks like we are going to need a thread dedicated to Mysterious Negg help. :laughingsmiley:

  7. UGH SPIDERS. I'd hate to live in a place where they get any bigger or more prolific than they do here. I can handle almost any creature except spiders. If there's one in our house I usually get someone else to take care of it, lol.



    They are fascinating though, and really interesting to watch (outdoors only and at a safe distance from me). :P

  8. I don't think I've ever pounded a pet that I created myself, but I think I would feel really guilty if I did. All the others I adopted temporarily knowing full well I would pound them again (e.g. for an avatar) - I still feel kind of bad, but not as bad as I would feel if I created a brand new pet with a poor name or something that was going to be doomed to the pound forever. :(

  9. Coltzan got both a new look and new prizes. *stands by previous comment* ;D

    Fair enough; Coltzan hadn't been updated yet when I made my guess though. :laughingsmiley:





    Got what I think is another new prize today... the book, "Rainbow Fountain Secrets."




    You Win 124 Neopoints


    plus the following items...


  10. I don't listen to the radio much anymore so I still enjoy a lot of the 'overplayed' ones, including Call Me Maybe. :P I used to work somewhere where the radio was on 24/7 so the most annoying songs to me are the ones that were popular a few years ago, but still crop up from time to time.



    Payphone by Maroon 5 (which has been played so much I think it should be banned from radio forever)

    Titanium by Sia and David Guetta

    Give Your Heart a Break by Demi Lovato

    We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift

    Definitely agree with Payphone. The T Swift song is still new, and I don't think I'll get tired of it, but I definitely fear that many others are getting sick of it already. :(

  11. I'm pretty sure I have quite a few pieces stockpiled, but it sounds like it all worked out for the OP. :) It's the cheapest map out there and most of the pieces sell for <100 NP, but I think there are a couple that go for 200-300 NP. However, even the 'expensive' pieces turn up at the Money Tree pretty frequently.

  12. To be honest, I've never seen either show and never heard of Legend of Korra until I joined this forum. :P From an outsider's perspective, I'd say that MLP is more popular just because it's so much more prevalent wherever you go on the internet. But that's mainly memes; I guess it doesn't really say too much about the shows themselves.

  13. Wow, what a beautiful and organized thread cafe!



    I'd be curious to see what you can do with a robot pet (I'd consider them to be one of the most difficult to draw! :P ). It would be cool to get an inked lineart, but if you would prefer to do a sketch I'm okay with that, too. ^_^


    *takes form from Goldpika*


    ◄Username: passiflora (TDN), scaredycrow (Neo)

    ◄Request: Benjamiinnn the Robot Kougra; inked

    ◄References: petpage

    ◄Additional Info: I suppose he's a pretty classy/proper guy. I don't care if there's clothes or a background or not; totally your preference! :)

  14. I agree with you - income tax is probably the best way to go, especially with brackets for higher income levels. It's unfortunate that almost a third of people's income is "taken away", so to speak, but I guess it comes back in a lot of ways through services that the government offers. I wish everyone could pay less taxes, but I'm also a big fan of education, health care, and other social programs, so I guess we can't have it both ways. :P


    p.s. Any opinion on property tax? I don't know much about it, but I'm under the impression that a lot of it stays local and is beneficial, e.g. for building or improving roads or other public spaces.


    p.p.s. When it comes to government spending and taxes, I've noticed that some people are quick to bring up the fact that churches enjoy tax exempt status, and that if this weren't the case, the government would be billions and billions of dollars richer every year. Again, I'm not really an expert on any of this stuff, but I thought I'd toss in a point that might be a little more controversial. :O

  15. I will have to wake up at 6:00. I loved waking up at 10ish.

    Ugh I have to get up at 5 in the morning if I want to catch the bus.... and I was enjoying so much waking up long past 9

    Ohhhh that sucks. :laughingsmiley: You get used to it quickly, I guess. I'm the opposite - I get up at 5:30 for work every day so being able to sleep in until 7:00 will be a dream once school starts, LOL.



    It seems like schools are starting earlier now. I saw a grade school kid walking to school this morning at 6:30 am.


    When I was in grade school, it started at 9:15. Middle school was around 8. HS was 7, but I had a first period study hall that I got exempt from, so I didn't have to be in until 7:45 for second period.

    Yikes! I started school at 9:00, all the way from K through 12. I couldn't imagine starting much earlier, because lots of sports teams had morning practices that started at 7:00.

  16. So far we've had upgrades for



    Coltzan's Shrine

    Fruit Machine


    Grumpy King

    Grumpy King got updated too? :O




    I think the Omelette, Wise Old King, Turmaculus, Deserted Tomb, and TDMBGPOP are most in need of upgrades. Maybe they could also increase the odds of winning at the Symol Hole haha, I've never once won a prize from there before.

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