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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. You've got a few different options:


    1. Practice. My computer doesn't run minigames exceptionally well, but I've been playing KeyQuest for quite a while and you're kind of able to figure out certain strategies you can still win minigames.


    2. Use power-ups to your advantage! It's difficult if someone has the minigame advantage, but not impossible to win. Especially, try to land on the square with which your token is aligned (Earth, Fire, Water, etc.).


    3. Arrange games with other players. There are people here and probably people on the neoboards who don't like minigames or whose computers don't run them very well, so the both of you can agree to let the games expire so nobody has an unfair advantage.


    4. Play two player games. Even if you lose, you'll still get all the neopoints you earned while playing, plus a silver key which earns you three prizes!




    Good luck! :)

  2. I know it's a little off-topic, but I just wanted to make a comment on the discussion around hormones/antibiotics and GMOs:


    None of the above have been found to be unsafe for human health. Some countries even have regulations in place where animals have to be off antibiotics for a certain amount of time before the animal is slaughtered or its milk can be sold; the main concern with antibiotics is bacterial resistance, which should be prevented if medications are used responsibly. Cows produce hormones no matter what and whatever is contained in the meat would be residual. Some hormones have been banned (e.g. bovine somatotrophin in dairy cattle in Canada), but due to risks posed to the animal's health - not humans.


    Most of (if not the only) GM foods you'll find in the marketplace will be plants (maybe fish, soon), but not meat or poultry. Again, it's not a health risk, but more of an environmental one if any.




    Not to say that people shouldn't be able to avoid these things if they so choose to (i.e. through labelling), but usually the main concern is human health, which I don't think is warranted. I'd prioritize eating local and knowing the conditions in which animals & plants are raised rather than fretting about labelling, as I don't think antibiotics or hormones are inherently cruel.



    n my area, we have produce at the farmer's market, but I don't believe there is any meat/poultry.

    If you really wanted meat, you could ask some of the produce vendors - where I'm from, some of them actually sell meat but just don't advertise it as much, or they'll probably be able to tell you where you can buy local meat.

  3. I like doing dailies, playing games, using the stock market, and playing Habi and Keyquest - just whatever I feel like on any particular day. :P I really need to work on getting my Habi to level 50, though!



    I think the only thing I don't really have the patience (or time) for is restocking, but I guess I haven't given it much of a try.

  4. Looks great! I LOVE the headdress and the earrings, plus they go great with the background and the Lenny itself. I also like the flame staffs and the " Bamboo Leaf Wrapped Fence Foreground" that was suggested. I don't think the shoes are too important, but the stockings on the ones you have do look cool. :)

  5. I have also been kind of rude on a couple of occasions, like when someone's been trying to scam me on the auctions. Oh, your Shiny Obsidian for my Golden Nerkmid? Yes please! ¬_¬ I'm not rude rude I just say something like "your account is X amount of years old, you know full well it's not worth that. Do not offer again or I will report you"

    Rudeness begets rudeness? :P I think blatant underoffering like that is even more rude than telling someone off for doing it! I know some people just don't know the value of things, but sometimes it's obvious when they're trying to scam you (especially if they're lowballing you and yet they have the same item in the TP for double the amount they're offering you).

  6. And then I also wanna get neorich enough to give fancy things away to people. And then I wanna do other things like paint my pets and start working on a book collection and gourmet club high-score. All really expensive things. I guess my true goal is just to be saving on neopets forever and always. XD

    I have just over 5 mil, but I'm like you - way too many goals to save for. :laughingsmiley: I want enough so that I can start to complete some of my goals, but I also want to be one of those generous neopians that helps other people out.

  7. Once I found an angry coconut and put it in the stamps when I would of jump at the chance of selling it. (90,000 NP)

    I've done the same! I never realized that you couldn't remove stamps from your album and I put the Brains vs Brawn stamp in there (a prize from the 2011 Games Master Challenge) - it's worth ~ 150 000 NP. That was recently too, I'd just never bothered too much about stamps before that. :laughingsmiley:

  8. Luckily, I've rarely come across rude players. One I had a reseller pester me for ever and ever for a lab map piece, but it was more annoying than rude. There's also rude people on KeyQuest from time to time. :( I once played with someone who was breaking the rules and I sent them a friendly neomail instead of reporting them, just in case they weren't aware of the rule, and they were like "until TNT does something about it, I'll keep doing it." Yikes. =/

  9. Personally, I don't believe that it's right, that's how I was raised, what my religion believes, and that type of thing. HOWEVER, I don't hate anyone that is gay, or lesbian, or whatever. I get that it's their choice, and that's that.

    What religion, if you don't mind my asking? There are probably many other things your religion "believes" that most people never give a second thought about. Besides, some people within the Abrahamic religions even think that the bible/quran doesn't condemn homosexuality at all (mainly due to alternate or mistranslations).



    Also, being gay isn't a choice. ;D



    And if the Salvation Army (Christian based) refuses to help homosexuals, I don't see why people should be offended because it's their belief/religion. You can't force someone to do something they don't want to ... and it's not like their refusal is illegal or anything.

    I'm one of those people that just don't want to be involved :/ ahem...

    The Salvation Army receives government funding (i.e. tax dollars) and as such shouldn't be allowed to discriminate. People have filed lawsuits against them for it (not homosexuality specifically, but on the basis of religion or lack thereof).



    I used to think the same way until my best friend came out as gay. I didn't know how I felt about it so I was apathetic, but I think sometimes it takes really getting to know someone and understand what they're going through - then it becomes much more important. :)

  10. I agree with above, little breaks really help. I even have an app on my computer called "time out" that I can set to fade my screen out for pre-scheduled breaks after a certain amount of time has elapsed.


    Also try to set goals and manage your time to keep the stress away. And I know it might sound kind of lame, but even "self help" books about being more effective or managing your time can actually help a lot, even if they don't teach you anything new in particular - they just inspire you to work harder, and taking a break to read can also be nice. :P

  11. Criminal Minds

    Woohoo! :D




    I'm not big into TV shows and usually just watch sports on TV. The only other series I'm truly obsessed with is Breaking Bad - the absolute best show I've ever seen, hands down! :O

  12. Love the new paintbrush! Seems ninja-esque, which is super awesome. I even just love the deep blue base colour, but adding the clothes on top is fantastic. Can't wait to see it on some more species. :) Certainly offsets the disappointment of the other release being invisible. :(

  13. If you were like me and saved all of yours from the Brains Vs. Brawns Games Master Challenge event this past November, you could save one of each for your battle pet and sell the rest for big money.

    OH! That's what they were from. I'm glad I equipped my pets with them and saved a few spares. I wasn't quite as smart as you, though - I think I still sold quite a few when they were cheaper.



    It's been crazy watching them inflate, even in the time since this topic has been posted!!

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