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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. I love dreams, scary or not. Mine are usually really strange so it's fun to tell other people about them. I should really start keeping a dream diary.



    Most often my dreams involve people I talked to before I went to bed or relate to something I did that day, but the coolest ones are where, in my dream, I pop in a movie or something and the rest of my dream is literally a made-up movie/TV episode that plays in my head. I've had CSI, horror movies, etc... :P

  2. I used to watch that show religiously (both the American and Canadian versions), but I don't watch much TV at all anymore. Maybe I'll have to kickstart my addiction again. :) I was never a dancer but I think I enjoy the show so much because I'm jealous of people who can dance. :laughingsmiley:

  3. I kind of agree with everyone here, in a way. :P We should most definitely do our part to minimize the suffering of animals, but as others have noted, sometimes those videos are either outdated or skewed - not all plants are so horrific, but of course they're only going to show the worst of the worst in the videos.


    Meat is expensive so I don't eat much of it when I'm away for university, but I don't have anything against it morally. However, I would highly recommend to anyone to try and find a local alternative where you can. Some small farms still slaughter their own meat, and may even sell it to you directly at a not-half-bad price. Not only will it ease your conscience, it also helps out local farmers (and encouraging others to buy meat the same way keeps this kind of market alive), plus it's better for the environment. Win-win-win. :)


    They actually showed on the news a few weeks ago about how most restaurants are actually using parts of beef that look like beef stew, then using meat glue to glue it all together and have it look like a steak. The parts that they glue together are cheap pieces of meat, so it's even more profit in their pocket.

    I haven't heard of that happen specifically, but food service establishments using cheaper cuts of beef to provide something that is supposed to be more "high quality" isn't surprising. I went to a demonstration once for a type of combi-oven and it's actually amazing what they can do with food in those things, even if the starting ingredients aren't super fancy!

  4. Who thinks that they should have a drop down scripted message for this on keyquest. There are lots of times when I have played with someone and I think it would be a good idea to have a drop down message such I think I played you before. They have hello again but that only works if you play the person a game start a new game and play them again, or recently play them. I am talking about if you played someone before like a week or month ago and remember their username.

    I wish you could simply chat with people on KQ - the drop-down messages are far too tedious and I usually only use them to be polite (hello, good game, etc.). If there's someone you recognize, you could always send them a neomail afterwards to thank them for playing, making a note that you remember them. :)



    I just got a bronze key(I know, I know) and I was like 'Ughh'. But anyay, it gave me this new stamp that I've never got before!

    Oh and just after the game after that, I got 2 of the same as the game before plus an extra Abigail. Well, it was fun and I almost lost but luck decided to stay with me and I won awesomely! :woot:

    I actually don't mind getting a bronze or even lead key from time to time because you're right, they give out items (like stamps) that gold and silver don't! Congratulations!

  5. Like a few others, my favourite is Moltara (I have an earth-aligned token, though :P ). I'm not a fan of that one that's a series of squares with a bajillion portals, and Sweet 1 doesn't have enough powerups on the "fast" routes. I'm not really that picky, though - I'll play any board. :)

  6. I'm using about 1/6 the shampoo I used to use.


    LOL, I cut almost 10" off my hair when I graduated and using less shampoo was the hardest thing to adjust to. I always used way too much. :laughingsmiley:


    Short hair got boring too quickly for me and I'm growing mine out again. It can look awesome and really work for some people though, so congratulations! :)

  7. How would it be abused? There could always be a quota, like a max. of ten likes/day!



    I wish it worked too; sometimes I click it on posts I really like even though I know it won't do anything. :laughingsmiley:

  8. I don't buy NC at all, so the only NC clothing I ever use are the freebies that come out every once in a while! That said, I haven't done a heck of a lot of customizing, period.


    User lookups don't seem to be loading right now, but I wish I could look at yours! I always like seeing NP-only customizations. :)

  9. I don't think it's related to installing the ad-on.




    Well for one thing I'm a premium member so I shouldn't be getting lag from ads. But I have an adblocker anyway. And some areas of the site (userlookups being one) are taking forever to load and I'm not on chrome.

    I've noticed the same thing -- certain pages (user lookups, expellibox) just aren't loading. Maybe they'd load if they left them, but if they're not up within like 10 seconds I just get impatient and don't bother trying to load the page, lol. Might be an issue with the site itself?

  10. I like KQ but keep getting sucky prizes, best so far is a 18k Negg.


    Where is my PB!

    I think paintbrushes are only given out with gold keys! Is that what you're redeeming?



    Lots of people say they make tons of NP off KQ prizes, but even with gold keys I often just get 4 junk items. After the spring promotion I had like 20 gold keys to redeem, and I only got two cheap paintbrushes and then just basic codestones and neggs. You'll get a more expensive prize eventually! :)

  11. HAHA, one of my recent poems, i write a lot of them.

    this one isn't my best i guess, it didn't took me long to write.

    i hope somebody sees the link between the couplets :)

    The 'link' was the first thing I noticed! :D Very cool!




    @ JB - you're only in grade 8?! :O I'm extra impressed! There's no way I could have written poems like that at that age haha.



    I love everyone's poems! ^_^

  12. I don't mind getting them because they're actually worth a little bit compared to some of the dailies that are straight up junk, but I've mostly been hoarding them anyway. I feel like I get those pieces way more often now that when the daily first started, or maybe I was just impatient, because I overpaid drastically for that map. :laughingsmiley:

  13. Maybe the Swan Princess? I'm going to keep thinking about this today. Now you've my brain working. :-)


    Edit: Okay just read your last post. I don't think The Swan Princess would work for that. lol

    Haha I thought of The Swan Princess too. (The animated movie?) I used to love it! ^_^



    I can't think of anything else, though. Tough question! :laughingsmiley:

  14. Haven't seen The Omen and Insidious was alright...this ONE jump scare got me good though x'D


    If anyone can recommend any other good scary movies, do share! I'm still trying to watch more that I haven't seen :3

    I thought Insidious was ridiculous LOL. Lots of horror movies can make me jump, but it doesn't have any kind of lasting effect. :(


    But I haven't seen the super creepy, violent ones, like the Saw movies or ones like that.

    I'm kind of grossed out like that too - I think I'm more able to handle blood IRL than in movies, though. :laughingsmiley: But to me, gory stuff is just gross, not scary -- so I didn't particularly enjoy the Saw movies, but not because I thought they were frightening. I just don't think it has any entertainment value. :P

  15. It just kind of depends, I guess! If it's completely random I usually won't. I sometimes get a lot from people I've played one game against on KeyQuest, which is okay. Like scoptophobia, I don't post on the neoboards much or anything so I don't get too many.



    Sometimes I feel guilty rejecting requests, but I also go through my list every few months or so and remove some of the people I've never spoken to, so I don't know why I feel so bad the first time around. :laughingsmiley:

  16. Also, @ scoptophobia, I love them, but on closer inspection one of them says 'fine', and I'm pretty sure someone would soon take that to mean 'ugly' compared to 'perfect' and 'ravishing' :( Sad, I know, but I genuinely think it would happen.

    I read it as like, dayyyuuuum gurrrl you fine, not in the more "plain/okay" kind of way we sometimes use it. :laughingsmiley:




    I thought the Barbie comment was interesting, because I'm almost 100% certain I never aspired to look like her. I loved Barbies, but I thought it was cooler that she was a vet, or a doctor, or a gymnast, or a firefighter. If the rest of the package wasn't there, I would have been too frustrated by her easily-tangled hair and hard-to-dress rigid body to even consider her to be a role model. :P

  17. I have never made a big mistake, BUT I didn't realize until doing the altador plot that you could fix things that were broken... I had just been donating bags of broken neopoints for years haha

    Yes! I totally forgot about this - I used to donate bags of broken neopoints too haha. I'd see them at the money tree occasionally and just assumed they were worthless. I wonder if I've ever done that with any other items. :laughingsmiley:

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