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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. Can she not speak english or did she just refuse to speak english? That sucks either way - I think it's reasonable to expect someone to be able to speak at least one of your country's official languages if they're going to be working in said country!


    That's sad. But what's worse is that those Quebecois expect you to speak french and they pretend they don't understand english even when they are fluent in english.

    I've heard of that, but I've also heard that they'll usually "play nice" if you at least put in the effort. If you just assume they'll speak english to you, there might be some rude people who pretend not to speak english - but if you attempt French and show them that you fail at the language, they won't prolong your embarrassment. :P

  2. I've been trying to find a background that would go well with the Destruct-o-match foreground and that one looks great.

    I don't mean to interrupt, but if you want something a little cheaper, the Giant Omelette Background is a little cheaper and also looks really good (but I might just be biased because it's what I'm using :P )!


    I actually flip my keyboard when I play XD Makes it a little easier. Just looks weird when the coworkers see me :X

    Haha I had to do it at school where they have keyboards. I got some privacy and luckily it's easy to complete really quickly. I almost thought today was going to be the end of my AAA streak! D:

  3. Something has happened! babyray.gif

    Oh no! Boochi fires his ray gun and turns Selrine into a Baby Lutari!!!




    Nooooo, shoot, I had her as Desert. Now I'll have to decide if I want to start Lab Raying again or buy a Paint Brush

    Aww, that sucks! I had never even heard of Boochi until one of my pets got hit a while back. It seems to be a more common event than I realized! Baby lutaris are pretty cute, though. :)





    I also found 100 neopoints on the floor today. ^_^

  4. And that makes me think of a people that was in The Outsiders, Nothing Gold Can Stay, by Robert Frost


    Nature's first green is gold,

    Her hardest hue to hold.

    Her early leaf's a flower;

    But only so an hour.

    Then leaf subsides to leaf,

    So Eden sank to grief,

    So dawn goes down to day

    Nothing gold can stay.

    Stay gold, Ponyboy. ^_^ Haha I'll never forget that book.

  5. I thought love was love?

    Why shouldn't zoosexuals be allowed to marry?

    It's not like it's hurting anyone.

    And while, yes, animals might not be able to consent through words.

    They can through their actions.

    Animals are unable to give consent, whether their actions suggest it or not. It's the same reason there's an age of consent for sexual activity and it's why we look down on pedophiles. Children or young teenagers can say they're consenting, but we consider them not to be because they're not fully mentally or emotionally developed yet.


    Yes, homosexuality has been observed in animals.

    However, most of these pairs break it off, when a suitable mate of the opposite gender is found.

    Look at Roy and Silo.

    There are some animals that show preference members of the same sex, even when given a choice. I think it's irrelevant, though -- my point was that people often view homosexuality as "unnatural", when it isn't. Marriage and all its complexities is unique to humans, anyway. I don't understand why denying two men or two women the right to marry is such a big deal? :eh:


    Besides, I'm starting to think antidepressants are placebo's.

    They've never worked for me.

    Antidepressants aren't placebos, but they're not 100% effective.

  6. Haha I think this is how neopets keeps everyone hooked - there's so much stuff you could set goals for, you could have goals to last a lifetime. :laughingsmiley: I don't have too many goals, but the ones I do have are expensive!

  7. Here's my take on Hunger Games. It's the next Twilight. I have no desire to read it. :sticks her face in a Tom Clancy book:.

    Haha Hunger Games a lot better than Twilight. They're not amazing, and I doubt they would have got as much hype had Twilight not previously existed, but it's definitely better material for young adults (especially girls) to be reading.


    Lol, whenever I see the "all that is glitters is not gold" line, all I can think is, 'Yes. Sometimes it's the poorly written vampires that glitter, not just the gold.'

    Hmm... that line makes me think of a poem written by Tolkien. Lord of the Rings are the best books of all. :D


    All that is gold does not glitter,

    Not all those who wander are lost;

    The old that is strong does not wither,

    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

    A light from the shadows shall spring;

    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,

    The crownless again shall be king.

  8. And as I 've said before, I'm against gay marriage because I think its wrong.

    It may not be that good of a reason.

    But my opinions not going to change.

    First: I do have a Neopets account

    Second: Do you also call out all of the pro-lgbt who don't use facts or do you only call out people whom are anti-lgbt?

    & Third: (I'll admit this is a fault of mine, too.) You should realize that some people on the forums could suffer from depression and/or be suicidal. Even comments that aren't generally mean, or hurtful could push them over the limit.. Although, I' will thank you for making me realize that I'm nothing but a ignorant, disgusting pansy who should be shot. <3

    You've yet to present a valid case for why gay marriage should be illegal, which is what this debate is about. There is compelling [scientific] evidence that being gay is not a choice. Did you know homosexuality has even been observed in animals? I honestly can't think of a single reason why someone would oppose gay marriage if they're not religious - it's not hurting anyone (in fact, I'd wager that trying to "cure" people of homosexuality is much more harmful than legalizing gay marriage).


    No one said you're an ignorant, disgusting pansy who should be shot; this is a debate chat and some people have opinions that differ from yours. As everyone else has stated, depression and suicide are serious issues and seeking help is never a bad idea. :) Telling us that essentially anything we say can be taken the wrong way appears to me like a threat to stop disagreeing with you. We are here to exercise our minds, not close them! ^_^

  9. I'm a botanist :D

    My fave job was working in a herbarium.

    That's awesome! During the summer I work for horticulture in my city and also work part-time at a gardent centre. I'm obsessed with plants!


    I'm a chef, or at least trying to earn the title :P I have formal training in both culinary and pastry fields but I currently work as a pastry chef in a dessert bar :) So I'm continuously babbling about food. >_> If I could be payed to play video games, I'd totally take it though.

    This is also awesome! I love cooking, baking, anything to do with food. Do you prefer pastry stuff over culinary?


    I'm going to school to become a high school teacher. I know, it's a weird career to aspire to be — when I say that's what I want, people ask me if I'm just giving up or don't think I'm good enough to do what I actually want to do. But it makes sense... I've always been into the school setting, and when I was younger, I used to play teacher with my sister, and I spent a lot of high school tutoring other people.

    I don't understand why people say things like that about teachers. They're so important! I've heard that female math teachers are actually quite highly sought after, but I don't know much about that.




    I'm majoring in nutrition and will be a dietitian in a few years. :)

  10. I'm having to train myself to drink at least 1% milk again.

    Why 1%? :O


    Why are you training to drink milk? Soya milk is just as good for you ^_^ Plus no risk of ingesting any growth hormones.

    Growth hormones are banned in a lot of places (due to concerns for animal health, not human health)! Most milk substitutes are still healthy though. A lot of people tell me that almond milk tastes really good, but I'm a dairy fanatic. ^_^

  11. i prefer cheesecake :) not sure if that falls under pie? haha

    Haha I think it's kind of it's own separate thing. How unique! ^_^ I looooove cheesecake.


    I also love both cake and pie, but I think cake wins out. Especially cupcakes - they're so fun to decorate.

  12. currently hoarding the items from those bugs in the games room, not buying any, just keeping everything i get, including those small unidentified skulls.

    Me too! I don't know if any of those items will ever really be useful, but I just can't get rid of them. :laughingsmiley: I'm also hoarding all my daily dare prizes.


    Other than that, I pretty much just sell or discard/donate everything and hoard neopoints. Ooh, and codestones. I could make so much just by selling all my codestones, but I have a harder time getting rid of them compared to something like neggs or dubloons.

  13. Go ahead and insult me. <3

    And I will have a quick read through what others have written, but it won't make me change my mind.



    Although, its thank's to you bleeding hearts that my neopets account was frozen! Apparently TNT doesn't appreciate usernames such as "youwerentbornthatway" :sad01_anim:


    Apparently they've also been brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality isn't a choice.

    I feel like you're just trying to troll us, but I'll give you a serious response anyway.


    There is absolutely no reason that someone would ever choose to be gay. I have a friend who is gay who literally broke down and cried at the thought of having to tell his parents, wishing he was "normal" instead. There is evidence and theories that suggest homosexuality isn't a choice.


    Did you choose to be straight?

  14. I'm pretty sure I've landed on my alignment right out of the gate and gotten a super powerup and charm from it. It must be super rare to be hexed by your own alignment, or maybe it's just a glitch on that board. I don't see Springtime used too often!

  15. I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years, so I guess it's getting pretty serious - the most serious I've ever felt about someone, anyway. :) We live in different cities right now because of school, but we make it work. When I'm out of school we'll probably be able to move in together. Yay ^_^

  16. Habi really bored me, guess it's just not my pace. I play KQ and I can make 1.2 mil within a couple days, my only problem is saving and not spending it all at once.


    I play games sometimes too if I'm having a bad KQ day or need some extra NP here or there.

    1.2 mil in a couple days?! :O Is that mostly from the KQ prizes?

  17. I played keyquest for a while, but people kept quiting. I even had a person quit when THEY were winning! I just don't get it. wouldn't you rather have a silver key in a minute then have nothing?!!?

    Definitely agree! I usually play 4 player games because the mini games give out more points, and there's usually still 1 or 2 people left playing by the end.



    Most of my points come from dailies, a few games, KeyQuest, and the stock market. I'm not very goot at restocking and when I went on vacation all the P3s in my Habitarium died, so now my population is constantly stuck at 3 of each type and the professor just replaces them when they die. I know people make tons of money with it, but I'm finding that getting things going and levelling up is painfully slow. :(

  18. Man that took me forever. Having them get stuck in the corner or just go right through the seesaw (even when it is lined up properly!) is so frustrating.


    I think my previous high score was less than 200, so like nURLo said, it can be done! :P I started off using my trackpad and ended up having to plug in an actual mouse before I could beat it, though.

  19. 6 Bags of Broken Neopoints from the Money Tree today.

    I used to donate those things all the time because I thought they were worthless (never even bothered to check the shop wiz), and I just found out like last week that you could repair them or sell them for >1000 np. :laughingsmiley: I've gotten a few from the money tree recently, too. :)

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