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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. I wouldn't say the NC mall deserves hate or anything, and I don't mind seeing it paired with events. It's just kind of annoying when you get a crafting faerie quest for the day during that event in February, and it was unfortunate that the little side plot to the GMC this year with Roo Island was essentially NC-only.



    Other than that, I don't know if I really have any 'unpopular' opinions. I'm not always a huge fan of customization; I like backgrounds and simple things but sometimes the clothes, especially on four-legged pets, looks really weird, or it just gets too "busy."

  2. Hmm not sure about the shoy wings either. Could they possibly be thistles? At first I thought of christmas too... LOL... But it really looks like thistles to me...

    Hm, you might be right! Especially since he has little thorns on his tail and feet. I'm surprised they're restricted to those areas, though!

  3. I like both the colours, and the wings on the woodland are really creative, but I think they look a little out-of-place! The outline of the body is too dark compared to the wings, I think.


    The blue cloak is also spectacular. :D

  4. But I've never really been too good at the "training," especially the dream journal. I'm usually cursing the alarm clock in the morning rather than thinking about my dreams.

    I think this is how it is for me. :laughingsmiley: I like the idea of lucid dreaming, but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do it.



    Often, I'm not even in my own dreams - it will be like a story or a movie.

  5. Serving: I think servers should make more than $2 an hour everywhere! :shiftyeyes_anim:

    Oh my! I've heard that servers weren't paid well in the States, but that's crazy! D: Everyone here is required to be paid at least minimum wage, so you can actually make pretty decent money as a server if you make tips on top of that.

  6. Awe, I think I kind of understand how you feel. I get angry/upset when someone attempts to correct me, too. I even try to say; "They're just internet people who don't know you, what's said doesn't matter", but it still ends up mattering to me anyway. Sometimes, when if/I fight with someone hear, I feel anxious - so it effects my reality.


    I'm sorry to see you go. I will just say this: It doesn't matter if you're in College/University playing Neopets. I mean, I've graduated from College and I still play. You don't have to share the information with anyone and even if you do, why would your friends care?


    Anyway, I wish you all of the best and do hope you consider coming back.


    I think it's really cool that you know so much about yourself and you're trying to deal with your issues. I should use you as my own inspiration.

    Great response, I agree with this 100%. :)



    I'm in university and the only reason I do neopets and the like is because it's a sort of de-stresser - but if you find it to be the opposite that's completely understandable. Best of luck to you in the future!

  7. If you like gruesome deaths, you'll be disappointed. My friend said they needed more gruesome deaths. I thought it was fine :P

    Haha I thought there could have been more action and they could have showed a little more of the death scenes, too. It would have been really powerful considering the overall theme of the book/movie. But I suppose it wasn't deemed appropriate for the target audience. What they did have already made me cringe! :O


    It's the name of the main character in The Hunger Games.

    After seeing the movie, whenever I see that name I read it in Effie's voice. :laughingsmiley:

  8. This is the first DD I've fully participated in and I went 18/18 AAA, so it was a positive experience! None of the games gave me too much trouble (although I wouldn't say that they were necessarily as "easy" as others may have found them), but I'm a busy student - I wouldn't have been able to spend hours each day trying to beat the scores, so I'm glad they weren't too hard.


    I usually loved the wearable prizes. Definitely excited for next year!

  9. JJ and Hotch (Criminal Minds),Or Hotch and Reid, JJ and Emily, though not as much as JJ/Hotch.

    Interesting. :D I don't usually get into this kind of stuff but I always thought Morgan and Prentiss would make a good pair! And I think Reid just needs someone, no matter who it is. :P

  10. Thanks everyone! ^_^


    Congrats on an awesome neo-day! Though most of thedailies are said to be random, it seems that occasionally you'll have a really prifitable day that kinda makes up for all the days of getting nothing/junk. Are you planning on using the MP, or selling it?

    Haha this has definitely been my most profitable day so far.


    I don't think I'll ever use the MP as I don't have much of an interest in Krawks (although the Tyrannian ones were way cool before the conversion), so I'll probably sell it. Like I said, I'm just not sure whether to do it right away or not, since they've deflated so much!

  11. Wow. I wasn't even planning on spending any time on neopets today aside from finishing Daily Dare, but am I ever glad I decided to at least do dailies. I found some neopoints on the floor in a RE, won prizes on almost every single daily, including a Pirate Krawk Morphing Potion from the Forgotten Shore (OMG!). I never win awesome anything so this is a real treat. :D


    I'm not sure whether or not to sell it or hoard it for a while; if the shore keeps giving them out I'm assuming they'll only deflate more???



    I also got a beautiful robot kougra thanks to lovedwallflower. My first robot pet, awesome! ^_^

  12. I think I've only ever watched three or four hockey games; one was the Canada vs. USA Vancouver 2010 Olympic finals, and the other two or three games were live games where I didn't have to pay, I went with friends, and food was provided. :P

    Ooh, that one was a nail-biter. :D


    I love watching sports - even golf and curling. It's exciting and relaxing, all at the same time!

  13. Phew. I was really hoping that today was something that wasn't too hard - it's the first Daily Dare I've ever fully participated in and I really wanted to see if I could go all AAA. :D My high score was just over 1000 (without cheats), so this wasn't bad. :)

  14. I do Food Club and Dice-A-Roo (only when I'm on an avatar kick). If Scratchcards count I also do those- but I'm not really sure if you can count those :3

    Scratch cards/lotteries are considered a form of gambling in "real life", so I'd count them. :P



    I don't really gamble with much on neopets, except on the wheels (and I'll probably stop spinning most of them after I have the avatar!).

  15. Well right now I'm still in highschool, but I am going to apply for jobs after spring break is over lol and one day i hope to be a physicist or something along the lines of math and science. ^_^

    High five! :D Science is definitely the best.


    I was always the one munching on a chocolate bar in my culinary classes :P I actually enjoy working with chocolate/sugar a lot, making candies and confections. One day I want my own sweet shop, but it's definitely helpful especially in this job market and a restaurant setting, that I'm able to fillet a fish just as well as I can make a chocolate tart :) Mmm...chocolate tart...

    Mmm. Owning your own sweet shop would be awesome; I love going into little locally owned chocolatiers or candy shops, they're adorable. ^_^ I can see how both skills would come in handy, though! Did you have to take separate schooling for both, or do they teach you everything in one program?

  16. Yes, stay in the middle and don't forget the code "strawberryvanillachocolate" to get an extra life. Stay calm and you will get it again.

    I actually couldn't get that code to work, and had to beat it with the normal amount of lives! Is there a certain time/screen when you have to type it?



    Good luck April, if you've done it before I'm sure you'll be able to do it again! :)

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