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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. Prizes may be nice, but I think it'd be cooler if it were a mini plot that DIDN'T involve NC. Aren't you all tired of NC being involved in every single site event? It makes Neo look like nothing more than a money making scheme. :( And this is coming from an NC addict.

    Agreed. I like NC stuff and I think what they come out with and how they involve it in site events can be pretty creative, but I'm a student - I could buy a 13-page pack to participate in the King Roo event, or I could feed myself for a week. Uh, no contest. :laughingsmiley: I once won 150 NC from the Expellibox, but unless I get an exceptionally lucky streak, no NC mini plots for me. :(

  2. Depends on the game. If it's something I don't play often, I'll usually keep the sound on. But if it's something more "mindless" to me (like Roodoku, Kou-Jong, Bouncy Supreme, etc.), I'll play my own music. I'm just not a big fan of silence!

  3. Yes! I finally got it! The second time I played I was like 50 points away >_>

    OMG me too! :laughingsmiley: I think one of my scores was maybe like 20 points away from AAA's score, so frustrating. I got it the next time though. :)


    Booga ugga is rocking the angry meepit eyes ;) I need 3 of each prize today, one for my gallery, one for my sdb and one to read/wear/use! Hoping the angry meepit eyes will reduce in price a bit soon... <3 *does a happy muppet meepit dance*

    If they don't deflate in a few days and you're still looking, I'd give you mine for a super reduced price or something! I don't think I'll ever use them, but I haven't quite decided yet. They are pretty cute, teehee.

  4. Most of you act like smokers are these vile demons from hell that follow you around and blow their smoke straight into your face. I'm not really sure how it is in other countries but here when a non-smoker sees a smoker light up they don't go standing right next to them.

    Haha I don't think that's the case, but I guess it just goes to show how much smoking truly bothers some people. I work outdoors in public parks all summer long, and people smoke all the time in areas like that. They're outside and not smoking right next to me, but I can still smell it and it still irritates my throat and lungs and makes my eyes water.


    I don't mean to generalize, but in my experience, smokers tend to be a tad inconsiderate at times (just when it comes to smoking -- they could be wonderful people in every other aspect!). They often see smoking as a right, while I see it as a privilege, or at something that doesn't trump others' rights to good health. Never mind my own health, at work I rarely see anyone use a bin/ashtray - it's tossed on the ground where it pollutes flowerbeds, ponds, or places where children play, or into a trash can where it's a fire hazard and the smell of burning plastic irritates everyone even more. Cigarette butts are one of the most common forms of litter (between a quarter and a third of all litter, I believe).


    The laws here are no smoking in public buildings or within 3 metres of a door/window/air duct, and I hope they keep implementing stricter laws. Don't get me wrong, I know and love many people who smoke, but I feel like it's such a useless habit. :(

  5. I don't visit the money tree often because I'm usually too impatient, but today I managed to nab a piece of the Secret Laboratory Map!





    I don't think I've ever really gotten an item from there worth more than a couple hundred NP (until now)!

  6. I loved the Gelert before, but I think the change just made me love it even more. Same with the Kougra and Uni.

    Agreed! I didn't mind the kougra too much before, but I remember wayyy back when they had a kind of 'front-facing' pose and really large feet - definitely a huge improvement compared to that LOL.


    I also think the uni looked a little stocky and awkward before, at least in some colours.


  7. Expensive goals:

    • acquire balloons for gallery
    • acquire fruit/vegetable chias for side account


    Other goals:

    • get more involved with contests
    • make use of avatar lending program


    I'd really like to do some art-related stuff, but it may have to wait until summer - school keeps me so busy!

  8. I find it interesting that he's your first ever male pet. Personally I prefer male pets! But maybe that's just because I'm pretty anti-female in real life. And by that I don't mean I'm against women, I am one, it's just that I really don't like anything girly and I'm definitely more into masculine things so my attraction has always been to male pets! Plus I'm not a fan of the eyelashes they have with a lot of the new female pets!

    Totally agree - all of my pets are male!



    I don't necessarily have a special real-world connection to any of my pets, but I do love llamas... :wub_anim:


  9. I'm actually going to school to become a dietitian! :O


    I'm still new, but where I am there's a big focus on the shift to "client-centred care", where you aren't just simply told what to do but are instead guided/counselled through a process that you think works for you (we're finally starting to realize that simply telling people what to do isn't the most effective way to create behaviour change). I'd hope you'll find your experience unique and helpful, although I don't know what all dietitians are like.



    I think you should do your research online first. As long as you're living a healthy lifestyle and able to maintain your weight yourself then I don't think there is any need for you to go. However if you really want to learn how to make some healthy balanced meals and healthy lifestyle choices then it might be a good idea and I would recommend it. But keep in mind, most of what you'll hear from a dietician you can find on the internet as well!

    Almost anything any professional tells you nowadays can be found online, but there is also a lot of inaccurate information out there, too. I think one of the roles of a professional is to help people differentiate between truth and non-truth - whether they're in health care, law, real estate, or whatever. It's great to be informed, but we are still very useful! ^_^

  10. I can't think of too many off the top of my head except I like Justin Bieber. I'm not a crazy fangirl or anything, but it's hard not to appear that way sometimes when the "cool" thing to do is hate him, lol.


    Being fully vegan without vitamins is unhealthy.

    It's possible, just difficult. A B12 supplement is recommended for anyone who is fully vegan, though. Some foods are fortified with it now, but I still think it'd be tough, and "health" these days is more focused on optimizing rather than avoiding deficiency.


    I think statements like these are more 'fact' than 'opinion', although it is heavily debated. :O



    Neopets isn't just for children.

    Teehee I think that's a popular opinion around these parts. :laughingsmiley:


    Just becuase I like to cook, bake, and prance around the house in a cute apron does not make me anti-feminist. Being a feminist means I have the choice to choose to do these things.

    This this this this this.


    I don't like the hunger games. Seriously, WHAT is with all the fuss.

    Hahaha I think it's just because it's so much vastly better than Twilight, it's getting more attention than it otherwise normally would have.

  11. So basically, your argument against polygamy is that people will marry as sort of a "hey look at all the wives I have!"/status kind if thing as opposed to actual love.


    I'd just like to point out that lots of people still get married for status as opposed to love. Celebrity marriages much? Although it's, admittedly, becoming less common, marriage is/should be a consensual thing. If someone's not happy being treated like a status symbol, they can/should be able to back out at anytime.

    I'm leaning more towards religious/political rather than celebrity. Polygamy to me seems like something that is traditionally not as consensual (although that could very well change), but I agree with the rest of what you've said - people should be able to back out.


    So we've covered status polygamy, loving sexual relationship polygamy. Are you familiar with the idea of being, say, homoromantic but heterosexual? That is, you only get romantic feelings (love, if you like) for people of the same gender, but sexual attraction for the opposite gender. Very confusing if you don't know that it's a thing that's a thing, but let's not go there. Your choice, as a person, is to marry someone you love or someone you actually are sexually attracted to. If all parties are ok with it, why not do both?


    This comes back to my underlining thoughts about most of everything - if it's consensual, if everyone's ok with it, it should be ok.


    I don't see how managing the system would be terribly difficult. It'd just be that persons A and B and C were married, as opposed to persons A and B.

    I agree with Karina above - it doesn't necessarily have to be illegal, but IMO there are a lot more factors to consider compared to gay marriage.


    I don't think it's impossible for a loving, consensual, polygamous marriage to exist; I was mainly just trying to address neoskulltula's concern that allowing gay marriage would change marriage on a fundamental level (it won't, at least not as much as polygamy would), and that thinking gay marriage is okay = thinking polygamy is okay. I believe they're separate issues, and I think polygamy is a more complex one.

  12. I think names would be important to me if there weren't so many taken - it's difficult to think of creative ones so I don't care as much. :P


    My uni, Naexaerra, is based on a horse from some of Tolkien's works. It was literally the only middle-earth horse-related name that was available.

    My gnorbu, EmpreorKuzco... self explanatory? Teehee!

    I also have two tonus that I got from the pound. I don't particularly like their names, but I'm not picky.





    I like the nickname "Mungo", though - nothing wrong with that! ^_^

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