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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. ok now I feel very very very stupider !!!!


    because I thought u have to guess where did every one go ... and I guessed all of them like this


    Rutu - Shenkuu (which was the FIRST guess I put in at the first 5 minutes of solving activated)


    and then I guessed the others .. like Ricky - Lost Desert etc etc and apparently they only wanted one guess of one person !!!! and it registered the last guess I put which was Vaughn !!!


    I really want to kick myself hard !!!! I HATE MYSELF SO BAD FOR BEING THISSSSSSS STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Aww. I did that too, at first. I would have had Rutu on the first day but I input my other guesses. Luckily I realized what was supposed to actually happen and put Rutu back in before the end of the puzzle. That sucks, but you'll just have to get the next one! :)

  2. - Pickled fruits, except pickled strawberries.

    Pickled fruit! I've never even heard of it (unless you count cucumbers as fruit, lol). You mean strawberries in brine? :O What other kind of fruits are pickled? Sounds interesting, but I'm not sure it'd be my thing. :P

  3. Hmm... where I'm from, everyone's opinion on rain is dictated by whether or not the farmers need rain. :P


    Like Mouseykins, I get snow 6 months of the year, so rain can be a relief sometimes (unless it causes flooding!). I have a job that requires me to be outdoors, though, so if work gets cancelled because of too much rain that's always annoying. :(



    I bet you'd miss the rain if you moved somewhere else, haha. As much as I complain about the weather here, I think I'd go crazy without snow!

  4. In other non-related news, I danced when I learned Rick Santoroum dropped out of the presidential race.

    I don't live in America, but I still think this is good news. :P


    I would but I fail at poetry so I dont think it should be me...

    If someone wants to make a thread (I'm too lazy too), I'd love to put some of my poems/stories in it.

    a prose/poetry thread would be amazing! it might encourage me to start writing again :-) I vote someone makes it!

    I made one here but hopefully others contribute to it; I usually prefer reading to writing. :*

  5. I hope this is the right place to put this!




    Everyone can share poetry here. :) It can be stuff you've written, or even just poems you enjoy (be sure to give credit!).



    I haven't had much time for poetry lately but I love reading it. I'll start by posting a little poem I wrote in high school - almost 4 years ago, yikes! We had to write a sonnet.



    The Snow Leopard


    Each action deliberate as the first,

    A beauty steps lightly, shrouded in grace.

    In power and splendour, he is immersed;

    Touched by the night, but still bright as day.

    And still, he sneaks, unnoticed by many:

    Perfect camouflage in coldest of places.

    "A danger," think those engulfed by envy,

    And "undeserving of familiar faces".

    I see something more, and he has seen me -

    His eyes as piercing as Cupid's arrows.

    I can't turn away: "danger" though he be,

    A soft side emerges through his sorrows.

    __To keep myself from his grasp, I have fought;

    __But danger his is, for I have been caught.

  6. Absolutely take it back and let them know! Even if it was accidental, if something like that goes through you never know what kind of unseen things they could be contaminating any of their products with. :ohno: That it's visually unappetizing to boot just kinda sucks haha, but at least everyone can be aware of the problem now. :)

  7. I've pounded pets as it's sometimes been necessary, but I've never re-adopted them. Usually they get adopted out pretty quickly because they are almost all painted. I hope that by pounding painted pets someone will get some joy out of them. I hate pounding, but at least I might make someone happy :)

    This. With the exception of avatars, I've pounded very few pets, and only after I've advertised for adoption on the Pound boards. Usually it's painted pets that I've let go, and when I check back on them they've been adopted within a day, so I couldn't take them back even if I wanted them. :P It's just nice they've found new homes.

  8. Wow, the colours look awesome! Aside from the belly bulge on the wraith, I love them both. I think they're getting better and better with these new colours -- the eventide on this one has a little more detail and looks like more than a simple gradient. :)

  9. On my last account two different TDNF members had given me a Maraquan Eyrie and a Strawberry Kiko <3 And on this account, another TDNF member gave me a Wraith Korbat - i love that pet to pieces lol :D


    I try to offset my guilt at receiving such generosity by zapping and adopting out - just recently I gave away a Robot Kougra.. I can never do enough though! Thanks generous neopians :D

    I love the customization on your Korbat, that background is perfect!!!



    I know there's lots of generous people out there and while I don't feel rich enough to contribute like some people have, I look for opportunities. Hopefully someday I can gift people something major like a dream pet or something! ^_^


    I've also been the recipient of some generous neopians. One even gave me a robot kougra. :D ;)

  10. Skipping a turn to avoid the effects of a powerup is cheating, right? Including to avoid being redirected by a dung? I just had a player skip a turn so they could win, so frustrating! I sent them a nice message in case they didn't know, and they responded with "

    Get over it, until they boot people out of the game for doing so then I'll stop."


    They also said they froze, but that was the only time they ever went inactive and they returned RIGHT when their turn skipped. Considering what they said before, I don't believe they froze. :rolleyes_anim:




    What are the chances that breaking rules in KQ actually gets you frozen? Numerous times I've lost games I could have won if I'd just skipped my turn. I'd feel rotten for doing it, but everyone else does it so often. :(

  11. I'm not against abortion, but I don't think I could ever do it myself. I'm now in a position where if I was to get pregnant, I don't think it would be irresponsible to follow through.


    As much as most people would probably like to wish it wasn't simply used for convenience or as an 'alternate form of birth control', but I don't think there's any realistic way to control that. We also have to remember that even if someone chooses adoption because they're not allowed or pressured out of an abortion, they still have to go through pregnancy. Raising a kid is a big commitment, but even pregnancy itself is a huge responsibility. There's even mounting evidence that what you do when you're pregnant has long-term effects on the health of the fetus (including risk for obesity, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease) -- a healthy population depends partly on healthy mothers.



    I skimmed the thread but not sure I saw it discussed much; out of curiosity, does anyone feel strongly about the cutoff point as to when abortions should be legal/illegal? The "limit of viability" is considered ~24 weeks, and I'm not sure what the "legal limit" is when it comes to abortions in which the mother's life is not in danger.

  12. As for poorly behaved toddlers, it is ultimately a question of parenting skills. As a parent, you have the responsibility to discipline your children so that they know how to behave in a public situation. To allow them to disrupt everyone with their tantrums and irritating behaviour is really a statement on your control over your kids. Children are young, yes, and thus, they should not be held fully accountable for their actions. On the other hand, the parents are intelligent and sentient adults and should bear full responsibility. Sadly, this happens not just on airlines, but I can imagine how tortuous it would be to have to sit through all that noise in an enclosed space. I fully agree with the way the airline handled the matter; these people should learn.

    I don't think I've ever seen a tantrum on a flight, but I've never been on one without a crying infant. It's amazing how many people travel with babies! Sometimes my ears hurt when I'm flying and I take steps to equalize the pressure, like swallowing and chewing gum, so I can only imagine what it would be like for a tiny person who has no way to deal with that discomfort and has no way to communicate precisely what's wrong. I agree that parents should have a little more control when it come to toddlers -- but because it's a safety risk (as those articles explained), not because it's annoying.




    As for the obesity issue, if someone is truly large enough that someone cannot sit comfortably in the seat next to them, I don't think the airlines have a choice. However, I'm not sure how it would be regulated during ticket sales -- do people just have to know and ask for two? Maybe they could have a few bigger seats on board that cost a little more since they take up more space (but not as expensive as first class). I've seen some discussion on the size of airline seats, but it seems to me like it would be easier to squeeze more seats in or safe space if you give people less legroom, rather than trying to squish in an extra seat across?

  13. Aww, that's a little uncalled for. They could have at least asked for an explanation rather than accusing you of quitting. Like everyone else said, you shouldn't have to worry. :)


    KeyQuest glitches frequently; I usually take note of who I am playing against so I can drop them a line if the game unexpectedly quits on me!

  14. Hmm... it takes a lot of practice, and you start to get used to which squares to land on and which powerups to use when (e.g. using a lint ball when someone is only a square or two away from a key). Sometimes it seems like the game favours one person over another, but I guess that's the luck of the draw. :( Even if you finish those types of games, you still get all the NP you earned and a silver key!



    Today I played a 3 player game and both players used their powerups on me pretty much every time they picked one up, but when one of them was in a position to win, the other person didn't use any of their powerups at all to stop them (they easily could have)! So frustrating. :ohno:

  15. Yes! I had a pickle of a time. The Neobards suggested clicking all the links at the Rainbow Pool's page (like Paint Brushes, Petpet Puddle etc) and/or view here: http://www.neopets.com/art/index.phtml


    The rainbow pool/art page links directly on Neopia Central are different than the ones I liked to as they are missing the index.phtml in the link. It's going to cause problems for a lot of people :(

    Omg! Yes, those two links were exactly where my two neggs were hiding. :laughingsmiley: Thank you so much!

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