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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. I went to an eating disorder symposium a while back and a few ladies shared their stores - it was very interesting. I think one of the biggest surprises was that they didn't personally believe that all the media influence causes eating disorders (as some people believe); it simply may exacerbate a problem that already exists.



    I think a healthy lifestyle can work wonders on body image - if I don't exercise for a while I might start feeling down about myself, but then I go for a run for a few days in a row and I'm suddenly proud of my body again, even though I probably didn't change at all.



    I also noticed the muscle vs fat thing mentioned a few times throughout the topic and thought I'd clear it up: muscle is denser than fat (it doesn't "weigh more"), i.e., 10 lbs of muscle will look smaller than 10 lbs of fat. So two people at the same weight could look very different depending on their body composition. Weight is only one measure of health!


    Now here comes the bit that I find hard to admit. I do still want to lose weight. I don't like admitting this because I'm a 'healthy' size now and it makes me feel stupid saying it because I know deep, deep down that losing more weight won't really change anything apart from the way I look. But I want to look slimmer. I look around me and all the actresses and models and singers (well, most) and my friends and girls my age are generally really tiny and they look amazing.

    This is the most interesting phenomenon. My weight has never fluctuated drastically in my lifetime, but if someone says "hey, have you lost weight?", it's astonishing how gratifying it is, and makes you want to do it more. I know how you feel!

  2. I think the maractite pattern looks kind of odd just laid over top of all the other lines, but his toes are really cool. :D I don't mind either colour.



    I'm usually not a huge wig person but the female wig is cute!

  3. I have a balloon gallery, and I also put stamps into my album as I acquire them -- not hardcore collecting, though.



    I've been hoarding items lately, so I'm thinking about starting up another collection of some sort. Not sure what, yet!

  4. Any sport, reading, cooking, baking, embroidery, drawing... the list of things I love to do is endless!! I wish I had time for all my hobbies, and there's other things I want to learn, too. Maybe when I'm retired or something. :laughingsmiley:



    To be honest, I've never been a shower singer. I think I've done it maybe 3 or 4 times, but I'm not habitual about it. I need music in order to sing :)

    Haha you need a shower radio. I don't sing ever - in the shower or out - but I know quite a few people who get their jam on with the radio while they shower. :P

  5. I've never had any pets except for fish, and that was years and years ago! I'm thinking of getting another one soon because there's no other pets allowed where I live. I really hope to have a dog, cat, or tortoise when I move out though. :)


    My boyfriend has three guinea pigs, but I'm not sure I'm a fan. =/ They make cute noises, but all of my past rodent experiences involve being bitten. :shiftyeyes_anim:

  6. I also love the cartons of cigarettes in Thailand, they show black lungs that look disgusting. Of course, the packs inside have a man holding a baby while he's smoking...but at least the cartons show you what happens when you smoke.

    Do they not have that in the U.S.? :O Here in Canada, you have to have a picture and a warning, and I think they just changed it so it now has to cover 75% of the package instead of 50%. Smokers on my Facebook have been complaining about how disgusting the pictures are, so obviously it's working. :laughingsmiley:

  7. I know hrtbrk has already answered the question, but for the record, my mouse never turned into a 'hand' like it does when I move it over the clockwork negg. I just randomly clicked somewhere on the backpack and it came up with the scrolls. Just in case that happens to others, because it was kind of confusing at first for me, too. :laughingsmiley:

  8. Nice poems, JB! Rhyming is so difficult - I try to avoid having to use it, and when I do, I feel like I'm twisting my words. Yours flow very smoothly!


    Feel free to post writing, too, unless you want to create a separate thread - totally up to you!


    *impressed whistle*


    That was pretty awesome.


    Forget that, it was amazing! I really could actually "see" it, the only line that was a little odd to me was the one bout his eyes. Cool line, but not an accurate image conjured in my head! :P


    But fantastic. Simply fantastic.

    Thanks for the feedback! I recognize the line is a little off - I can't remember why I did it, I don't know if I just couldn't think of anything else, or if I was trying to play up the double meaning ( ;) ) in the poem, haha.

  9. I have a balloon-themed gallery. It's probably been done before, but even the first time I saw the little mallard balloon, I was like, "I MUST have all the balloons in Neopia!" :O I also have some ideas for themed side accounts, so if I ever stick to that I assume I'll create galleries to go with those themes. Dream big, I guess. ^_^



    I never thought of using it for pant devil protection; upgrading gallery size costs money and safety deposit boxes are practically unlimited! (Is there actually a limit for those things? lol)

  10. If everyone loves rain so much, why isn't Oregon more populated then? Oh..well we DO need our forests, so that's probably a good thing. And we're known for our lovely forests.

    I guess rain is pretty universal. :P And even though I like the rain, I'd still prefer a nice sunny day!


    I used to have a friend that lived in Oregon, and he took the most beautiful pictures of all the lovely landscapes there. It seems like a nice place! :)

  11. Like most people, I love the Fyora Castle Background! The wings and wigs are also really cute. I don't participate in NC stuff, but if I could, I'd probably actually end up enlarging the Ferocious Negg Hot Air Balloon for my gallery.


    The Fyora and Space Faerie plushies are just scary looking. The negg bite earrings are kind of disturbing. Who would want neggs trying to eat their ears?

    LOL, reminds me of mario earrings! :laughingsmiley:

  12. When the hubby and I moved, we got rid of a lot of toiletries and had to buy completely new things. I went looking for a disposable razor. Turns out, the men's ones were only a third of the price of the women's. So I ended up using some of the hubby's disposable razors instead. They are waaaay better quality. So why do they rip women off on this? And it doesn't matter, because it's the exact same product!


    Also, I use Old Spice deodorant. Also cheaper than women's deodorant, doesn't leave white powder behind, and smells waaaay better. But I brought it to a rehearsal one night to use, and someone needed to borrow deodorant. I offered mine. She--along with the entire dressing room--acted like a woman using men's deodorant was the most disgusting thing they'd ever heard. She tried to back up her disgust with "scientific" knowledge of how the pH factor is balanced differently for men and women, but that is so inaccurate that it's ridiculous. Eventually, she used it, but with her nose wrinkled, and she didn't thank me. She just made fun of me for using men's deodorant. Woman, I saved money AND smell better than you.

    Wow, I never even realized the price factor -- I just use men's deodorant because it smells better. :laughingsmiley: I play(ed) a lot of sports, and lots of girls I know use men's products. It's silly they'd make fun of you! I've heard (?) that men's vs women's might be formulated differently, but hey, if you find one that works for you, why not? :)




    I don't think I've experienced any blatant sexism in quite some time, which is nice.

  13. Oooh, I just painted my Kougra ghost (yesterday), so this outfit might be a good investment... Are the species specific outfits they release generally Neopoints or Neocash?

    They should be neopoints. They're usually pretty expensive when they're first released, however.



    I hope they're neopoints, anyway, the eye make up looks really cool! :D

  14. Everything in moderation, of course. :) Any diet that encourages "all or nothing" thinking (i.e., treats or certain foods aren't allowed at all) are hard to stick to, are stressful, and can rebound badly or make you feel even worse when there wasn't anything to worry about to begin with!



    "Moderation" depends on serving size as well as whatever else you eat. You can give into cravings, find substitutes (like the ones Saxen suggested), or if you have a yummy pie or cinnamon bun or something, eat half and save the rest for the next day -- you eat less and you get to enjoy it for longer. ^_^

  15. I've won the first piece from KeyQuest (but right now, the spring promotion is making it difficult to get rare items). Unfortunately, I just sold it last week! I know I'm saving all my keys until the promotion is over, so if others are doing that too, maybe they'll deflate a little when that happens.


    You could keep trying the trading post, and maybe if you explain your situation they'll be more likely to sell for a reduced price. That's not a guarantee, but when I was selling mine I was definitely considering selling it cheaper to people who seem like they genuinely wanted it as opposed to resellers who have the same map piece in trades already and are undercutting my price drastically compared to what they have on their wishlist.


    It really depends on what other people are willing to pay, too! If people can't find buyers, you'll find a better deal. :)

  16. KQ reports are tricky, because you're going to be the one who has to provide the proof of this. You're going to have to take detailed screenshots of this happening, so if you recognize a username who always does this, then it's easier for you to get proof to send a report about them. Merely saying "So and so is cheating in KeyQuest" won't get you far because without the proof it's just your word against them. But yeah, it is reportable if you have enough screenshots to show for it :)

    I've heard that you need screenshots, but unfortunately I wasn't quick-thinking enough for that. :( I took Lydia's advice and reported it anyway, as they practically admitted to cheating in the neomail they sent me. Even if nothing happens, at least they'll be more aware of the problem. :)

  17. I've never paid much attention to ads, but I'd assume they may be able to target your age, location, and other demographics - I'm not sure how well it would work on Neopets, but I know ads on Facebook and other forums do that (certain ads also seem to appear on these sites based on certain keywords on the pages). I usually just get ads for a game/location/event on the neopets site itself, but sometimes I get ones for "singles", some sort of "shopping", or Nestle baby food. Those seem pretty specific to my demographic, so... :P


    I'd still report any inappropriate ones, though - they could still be getting through to younger members.

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