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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. I don't spin the wheels too often, but I think my favourite is monotony. I've had some decent luck with that one, it's cheap to spin, has more good prizes than bad (and the potential for some very good prizes), and it's easy to just let it go in the background. :)

  2. I wouldn't mind a plot, either - I don't think I've ever truly participated in one (at least, not since I was very young and would have had no idea what was going on hahaha)! I've never had much of an interest in the battledome so I'd really prefer if they did it in some way that there was an alternative to battling, but still an equal outcome for everyone.

  3. I only started hoarding because of the pack rat avvie, but now I'm addicted. :P Like others, I also keep things in the hope that they will inflate for a potential profit. I'm also starting to accumulate junk for the rubbish avatar. I try to drop some stuff in my shop every now and then, but I don't always have time for that!

  4. Strange they completely re-did the Fruit Machine but only slightly changed this.

    Sounds to me like the Fruit Machine got a major visual rehaul but not too many new prizes (besides NP increases), whereas Tombola and the Fishing Vortex actually got new prizes. I'm not 100% sure though!



    Speaking of which...


    Tiki Tack Tombola

    You put your hand into the Tombola and draw the following ticket...



    Oh dear, that's not a winning ticket :( ... but you win a Booby Prize!!!

    Never mind, why not try again tomorrow?


    Your Prize - Jug of Fresh Phearade


    It's new to me, anyway! :)

  5. Ugh, I clicked something and my whole reply got erased. :( Here goes again, in shorter/more rushed form, so sorry if it sounds impolite or anything - that's not my intent!



    I had a look through that website and it's laden with conspiracy theories. As for the article itself, I can't find anything similar from [what I would consider] a reputable source. It's very sensationalized, note the last line of the article: " ." I also find it troubling that they don't have a comment section anywhere on the site.


    They mention NASA numerous times in the article, but here is what NASA has to say:




    Do scientists expect a huge solar storm in 2013

    The sun goes through cycles of high and low activity that repeat approximately every 11 years. Solar minimum refers to the several Earth years when the number of sunspots is lowest; solar maximum occurs in the years when sunspots are most numerous. During solar maximum, activity on the sun and the possibility of space weather effects on our terrestrial environment is higher. The next solar maximum is expected in the 2013-2014 time frame. No current observations or data show any impending catastrophic solar event. In fact, scientists believe the intensity of the upcoming coming solar maximum will be similar to the previous maximum in 2002.


    We have never been so well prepared for the onset of the next solar cycle. NASA maintains a fleet of Heliophysics spacecraft to monitor the sun, geospace, and the space environment between the sun and the Earth.



    NASA cooperates with other U.S. agencies to enable new knowledge in studying the sun and its processes. To facilitate and enable this cooperation, NASA’s Heliophysics Division makes its vast research data sets and models publicly available online to industry, academia, and other civil and military space weather interests. Also provided are publicly available sites for citizen science and space situational awareness through various cell phone and e-tablet applications.





    If they were really so worried about doomsday and all of our electricity and power being wiped out, I don't think they'd be so concerned about the Curiosity and its Mars mission.



    Just my two cents!

  6. Orbliteration is my best game. Lol. I hate ghastly guzzer, petpetsnare, and flower frenzy.

    And the three you named plus the berry one are my best games. :P I have never lost a game of Ghastly Guzzler or the berry one in all the time I've spent playing KQ, and I've lost Orbliteration only once.

    I can win those games from time to time, but I think they're way to dependent on computer capability over actual skill, especially Guzzler & Orbliteration - my mouse spends so much time with the little "loading" timer I lose out on a ton of points. D:






    I usually don't win petpetpamper (the meowclops one).

    The only games I hate are Shenkuu Showers and the Meowclops one (no idea why everyone seems to love this one), but only because I don't always win those games. :P

    I've read that the alignment in PetPet Pamper is glitched and that aiming slightly to one side or the other of the mud actually gets more points (I can't remember which direction). Watch your score counter to see which areas rack up the most points!

  7. Haha, whenever someone says YOLO my friend yells YODO back, particularly when people are trying to excuse particularly unhealthy or dangerous behaviour - You Only Die Once, too. :P



    Unless you believe in reincarnation, or course. ;)

  8. Nice nails, cherryv! I like the galaxy ones and the American/NY ones in particular. :)




    I found a picture of nails that my sister and I did a while back. They're not spectacular but they looked kind of cool from more a distance. :P







  9. Quoted from a Guardian article.

    I would call that incitement to rape, myself. :/ Pretty disgusting.

    The comedy club owner suggests that things aren't as bad as they seem - rape was actually suggested by another member of the audience (as opposed to Tosh "being repetitive about it"), and that the lady actually stayed for the entire show (as opposed to "high-tailing it out of there"/"having to basically flee").



    I've read the actual Tumblr post and TBH, both accounts (from the blogger & from Jamie Masada) seem overly melodramatic, and I doubt either of them tell the whole story. I don't think what Tosh said was funny either way; he probably shouldn't have said it and people are free to criticize him if they want, but I still don't think he deserved the amount of negative attention he got.


    I didn't mean I should've stayed away because he was an athiest. I meant that the name sounded ridiculous and 'holier-than-thou'-ish. If that makes sense? I should probably shut up.

    Oh okay. Just making sure! I've met people who assume he's a bad person just because he's an atheist, and on the flip side I've also met people who think he's Da Bomb just because he's an atheist. Thanks for clearing it up - I guess we can all agree that he's not a very nice person, at least. :laughingsmiley:

  10. Yeah, I know the watering spots too, but it's indeed hard to explain. I don't even always hit the second one every time. :P And sometimes if I do it flawlessly, the other player still beats me (computer speed, like idriya suggested?). It's still one of my favourite mini-games though, next to PetPet Pond. :)




    I can't stand Orbliteration, Ghastly Guzzler, and PetPetPet Snare - those seem to lag the worst for me.

  11. Wow. I would hate for my stocks to be sold automatically. :/ That's half the point of the stock market, I think. You're supposed to make an investment over a long period of time. :/

    Agreed. If they were sold automatically I probably wouldn't do it!



    It would be interesting if Neopets operated more like a real stock market instead of being a random system, but I think it used to be and people abused it. So, I guess it's fine the way it is. :)

  12. The thing about abortion being legal is that, the way I see it at least, if we start making allowances of cases in wich life is not guaranteed by the constitution or the law the entire juridic system may and will be subjected to a renovation every time a part big enough of the society feels in need to validate some action.

    Laws should be subject to renovation. That doesn't mean that they'll be renovated every time they're discussed, but sometimes it's for the better. Keep in mind that making abortion illegal won't make it go away - it'll just make it more dangerous.


    Although I think abortion is a spicky subject, being in law school has taught me that allowing such thing as abortion so broadly will be a problem. For example, abortion as a term is a veeeery big one. In case of rape I believe it can be excused, but that reason alone can be twisted and missused to validate a mere contraception procedure. As seen in the Clinton period the amount of cases in wich the abortion card can be played may be easily expanded until already born nine-month babies will see their right to live completely in the hands of their parents.

    Why would we make that leap? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not as simple as "broadly allowing abortion." In many countries, there are laws that stipulate in what trimester one can get an abortion, how one obtains an abortion, parental consent for minors, etc. There is much to be considered when making or altering a law, and there's no reason to believe that we would suddenly make the jump to newborn infants just because abortion is legal.


    Also, when people say that it's the mom's right to choose upon their own body, I completely agree, but the baby's body is a completely different human being, with its own DNA, heartbeat, brainwaves and later its own consciousness.

    Constitutionally, the right to live does and should take precedence over any other right.

    Then miscarriage could arguably be considered manslaughter?



    What if a mother miscarries due to drug or alcohol abuse, an uncontrolled illness, or an infection?

    What if she didn't know she was pregnant at the time?

    What about contraceptive devices that may act by preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg?

    What about in-vitro fertilization, when multiple embryos are created but only one survives?




    Like Karina said, if you're worried about abortion leading to infanticide, then you should also worry about it sliding too far in the other direction and limiting other reproductive rights.



    If our system can't even guarantee THAT right (wich is the first and most important one) completely and with no exceptions, I don't really see the point of having rights anyway.

    I find that to be a pretty radical view - legalizing abortion doesn't suddenly make all our other rights pointless, especially when a hot topic of debate is whether a fetus/embryo should be considered a person at all, or at what point it could be considered a person.

  13. Yes! There is a youtuber called TheAmazingAthiest (which, really, from the name I should've known to avoid) who has made quite a few videos about how he doesn't take feminism seriously because of some of the radical beliefs of a few of us that he picks out and doesn't like. There was a video where he was talking about how women on a talk show (so brilliantly called The Talk) were discussing a situation where a woman castrated her husband simply because he wanted a divorce. They were laughing and joking about it, which I found wrong and inappropriate and annoying, but as far as I know not once have any of those woman ever said that they were feminists. Yet he immediately went on about "that's why I can't take feminism seriously and blah blah blah". He also ignored the fact that one of the women did indeed bring up the fact that it was horrible that they were laughing about it and Sharon Osborn was the one that hand-waved it and continued yukking it up. So many people view feminists as horrible, overzealous, man-hating, loud, angry lesbians. That view is actually why I took a while to decide whether or not I wanted to classify myself as one. It's irritating and ridiculous because we are not all like that group of scary, angry feminist ladies in Law and Order: SVU, but people still find any reason that they can to discredit us. Whether it's out of fear, or unwillingness to question their beliefs and their daily lives, I don't know. But it's always sad and frustrating to me.

    His beliefs about women have nothing to do with him being an atheist. ;) That guy is generally regarded as a huge jerk even within the atheist community - I think at one point he started to propel the whole "men's rights/anti feminism" thing forward, but it seems like people are (hopefully) starting to recognize how obnoxious he is. But yes, it's indeed annoying when people are so against feminism; usually I think it's because they just don't understand it. :(



    The Hunger Games does a pretty good job of NOT doing that--or at least, the character DOES act that way a bit but only for the benefit of cameras and sponsors, and she hates it. But the best feminist character I know of was actually created by a man. Yes, this is true! Thursday Next, the heroine created by Jasper Fforde, is the best feminist character I know of. She is strong; she is a war hero; she is intelligent and well-read. Does she have a love interest? Yes, but the plot of the books does not focus on that UNTIL SHE HAS TO RESCUE HIM. Yup, she rescues him. It's pretty awesome.

    I thought the Hunger Games still had more angst and romantic blather than necessary, but I guess it was trying to appeal to a younger crowd. It still dissolved into "Team Peeta vs Team Gale" the same way Twilight did with "Team Edward vs Team Jacob", although I suppose Katniss is still a 10937519871852x better role model than Bella will ever be. Bella either went comatose or became reckless whenever she didn't get her way (i.e. her love life wasn't panning out the way she wanted it to), and it was so infuriating. Ugh. :(


    I'll have to check out those books, they sound interesting. And refreshing. :laughingsmiley:



    If there had been more feminist men when Daniel Tosh was encouraging men to rape that woman

    When did he ever encourage anyone to rape somebody?

  14. I don't agree with the airline's policy because I don't really see a risk present, but even if they did have it, there's much more discreet ways to go about it. For example, parents could have the ability to check a box that says the ticket is for an unaccompanied minor when buying the ticket, and then special seats could be arranged.


    Enfranchised people are able to have the privilege of an easier life in many respects- as I have mentioned, most men never worry when they're walking down the street if they're going to get raped today.

    On the same note, couldn't you make an argument along the lines of men having to worry about being ostracized if they're abused?


    It's also being a comedian that can tell a heckler that it would be hilarious if she was gang-raped, and not have any concequences. If a female comedian were to tell a male heckler that it would be sooooo funny if some people came in and beat him almost to death, people would be furious.

    Not if she was already notorious for that sort of crude humour. I hate to give leeway to someone just because of who they are, but what was the heckler expecting? It's Daniel Tosh. If she didn't like his humour I don't know why she was at the show in the first place. He did end up apologizing, and I've also read that the whole situation didn't actually happen quite as the lady described.


    You can see this with violence against women as well. As far as I'm aware, police can't do a thing about emotional abuse to someone's girlfriend or wife. Often, rape inside of relationships- unless it is extremely violent- isn't taken seriously at all.

    Stalkers too- they're rarely taken seriously. From what I remember, you can't get a restraining order until there has been a threat of violence. So, you just have to deal with some creepy guy watching you from outside your house and following you around until he HURTS you. How messed up is that?

    I think all of these would likely be applied to violence/rape/stalking against men too, so it's a two-way street.




    Don't get me wrong, I'm mainly playing devil's advocate here - I agree that sexism against women is more far-reaching. I'm just reluctant to say any more than that because 1) I don't want to undermine the discrimination that males do experience, and 2) there's a growing hostility towards feminism that I worry about encouraging. In particular, it's absolutely the most annoying thing in the world when men think that feminism is no longer relevant or that it advocates for female supremacy rather than equality, and then go on to make ridiculous arguments about double standards they think are unfair (e.g. "Women can hit men, why can't men hit women?!?!!").


    Wow, I will definitely check those out. Though, as soon as I clicked on the link for Rage against the Man-chine, I saw an article title that made me chuckle. Reminded me of a blog I like called The Pervocracy. It talks about feminism and consent culture and it mocks Cosmopolitan magazine which is a good enough reason alone to read it. :P

    LOL, Cosmo. Sometimes my boyfriend and I read it together, laugh, and then don't follow any of the advice/suggestions it contains. How naughty.


    I'll have to check out that blog. :laughingsmiley:

  15. Aww, I'm sorry that happened to you. It's good to hear that you still had some people to spend your day with, though. :) I think that coworkers can sometimes be reluctant to go to other coworkers' events because they're afraid they won't know anyone or something, but their lack of communication is really a shame.



    Here is a sparkly


    for you.



  16. People actually get NC from that? All I ever get is diseased so I quit trying after eight months of nothing good :(

    I won 150 NC from it once. Usually the prizes aren't very good (or even negative, as you said), but I think it's worth the chance!



    I don't have the lab map, so my favourite is probably the Forgotten Shore, although I'm currently in a week long dry spell. :(

  17. I think that Pepsi tastes sweeter

    Agreed - I think pepsi is sweeter and coke is tangier, so it really depends on what I'm craving.



    I like both, but I care more about how it's served. All soft drinks taste better out of a glass than a can or a bottle. ;)

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